Chereads / Rune World / Chapter 4 - Interview

Chapter 4 - Interview

Of all the places he could think of ending the day, being detained in a holding cell for stopping a group of bandits was not the highest out come on his list. Still it could have been worse, he thought while playing with the tattered end of his sleeve, I could be dead. Examining his surroundings his cell was composed with two walls to his left and right, a third at his back that also acted as the buildings main wall, the cell entrance was made of evenly spaced metal bars with a metal bar door. Looking through the bars he could see that his cell was at the end of a long hallway, which was dimly lit with the fire from two or three ceiling braziers.

Leaning back on the bolted bed board, he thanked the gods, the guards had let him keep his clothes and armor. The fur lining of his armor while warm also provided enough cushion should he need to rest in it. Staring at the ceiling he wondered how Layla and Maybel were doing, they had been carted off to a back room by two of the guards for questioning as he was being taken out.

Letting his mind begin its tireless wandering Hawkfrost closed his eyes and slowly began relaxing each part of his body, in a method taught to him to be able to sleep nearly anywhere. First he started by loosening the tension in his jaw, then his shoulders,working his way done the entirety of his body, until sleep welcomed him.

When he awoke it was to the sound of a loud metal clanging coming from his door and the voice of a guard ushering him awake. He was then shackled and brought to a room with a table and two chairs placed on opposite sides of it.

"Sit down, Captain will be with you soon", the guard ordered then left the room locking the door behind him.

Doing as he was told, he examined the shackles around his wrists and tried to adjust them so the metal didn't bite into his skin. Open finding a nice position for the shackles the a lock clicked on the other side of the door and the Gaurd captain from the night before walked into the room looking very tired.

"Hello there, I'm uncertain if I introduced myself last night, I'm Roland Mars, Captain of the city gaurd", the officer began holding out a hand.

"Pleasure to meet you", Hawkfrost greeted standing up to shake his hand.

"First off I would like to thank you for being cooperative during this incident. Most people in your position would not be so gracious", the captain said while taking the seat opposite to him.

"It's no problem, besides all I did was take out a few bandits", he answered with a nod, while taking his seat.

"I wish that were the case, unfortunately it's a bit more complicated than that", Roland replied while rubbing his eyes with a hand.

"what do you mean", he asked.

"You see that groups leader was the head of an network of other criminals in the city we've been trying to take down for months. The problem was that if we did the one of the other respective members in the organization would try to take his place and we'd be right back where we started", Roland explained, "So with him now in custody we had to hustle last night and arrest as many of the group as we could. Unfortunately this will leave a power vacuum in Lindin for a bit, but with the help of the adventures guild that should be nullified in the coming weeks."

"So that's why I was arrested?" Hawkfrost asked a bit incredulously.

"Not at all, you were being kept safe until the matter was dealt with and also to iron out a few details of the story", Roland answered as another gaurd walked into the room with a peice of parchment, a quill, and an ink well.

"What kind of details?" he asked as he saw Roland beginning writing.

"Just the usual, you know: date, time, person, place, events." Roland answered, looking up from the parchment at him.

"Ok", he answered hoping that the questions didn't get to personal.

"First off, name", Roland asked.

"Hawkfrost", he answered.

"no second name?" Roland responded looking up from the parchment.

"Never had one", he answered.

"Alright, age?" Roland said resuming his questioning.

"22", he answered.

"Place of birth?"


"Mountain people? Explains the name. Reason for coming to Lindin?"

"Looking to start a new life."

"Something wrong with the old one", Roland asked.

"Village was to small and confining for me, I prefer to be mobile", Hawkfrost answered hoping that Roland would believe him and move past the question.

"understandable, you'll find plenty of opportunities here, although if you want my opinion, with your combat experience I would suggest the adventures guild. They are always accepting new people, no matter what walk of life they come from. That is so long as they are willing to work for the betterment of people", Roland responded as Hawkfrost watched him write a few more things down.

"Now we both know what happened at the inn so I wont ask you to repeat the story, however I would like a motive for your actions," he heard Roland ask as he saw him start a rough sketch of his face in the corner of tha page.

"He threatened to harm the owner and her staff so I stood up for their defense", he answered.

"Rather noble of you", he heard Roland comment.

"I just can't stand assholes", Hawkfrost answered.

"Understood, well that wraps up my questions for you. A gaurd will come by shortly to let you go, and thank you for your time," Roland said standing up from the table, "Oh, and Hawkfrost?"


"Try not to get into to much trouble."