In our modern world , we all wanted Money, power and reputed position in our workplace and in society.
So we all people are rushing towards very hectic and "hush-rush one of life in which each and every person is busy for earning "or to lead a very comfortable life, in which following same type of routine and forgotten to stay happy.
For that we have to *think first* that what we are missing and it is that be have too determined on our judgement whatever we make or decided to do ,it is correct and we know the results or consequences of it and we are ready to face it.
Wheather it's a correct one or wrong one , one and formost thing is (I m happy ) and that all be have faith, trust on yourself that" Yes I Can do".
*BE DETERMINED ON WHAT YOU DO* just strict Completely on that and "SEE WHOLE WORLD IS IN YOUR FEET".
Sangeetha ki Sandhya.