4/1/2019 monday ---no browsing ended up writing
Vee againsts the world-Brianna villanueva-vee ir bree for short
This story is fictional and not based on a true story
Genre: romance
Era : 2019-millennial romance
The anticipation awaited our so called heroine Vee as her love that she ghosted,she has recontacted
Again.but it was only to end things but in a good note. So that there wouldn't be any bad feelings,but it ended up that they will see each other again .Vee does not know how to feel
Has Vee moved on?.Or does she still love alvin the way she used to.
But Vee knew that Alvin was using her
Sometimes she felt it could be different.but she needed to open her eyes
Love is dumb.even the smartest of people act differently or dont think when they are in love.
She couldn't love Alvin the way she used to
Alvin has someone.He's is a 7 year relationship
And does Vee wanna be that homewrecker seriously?
But why cant Vee quit him
Falling in love with someone is dumb
It just happens to you suddenly when you hang out alot
It just happens.
Vee was still confused was there still love or was it just pure boredom or maybe Vee was just lonely.
Vee honestly was fed up with men all together for a period of time.but Vee was straight
So she can't say she done with men.She just didn't meet the right man.
I think because Vee has bad taste in men.Vee is dumb don't be Vee.
Vee sometimes felt she should be a lesbian maybe it could be easier.
Her family told her that she can do better.but sometimes she doesn't know what she wants
I think every girl does.but she Why isnt love like the rom coms we watch
And have a slight happy ending ",not all things are like the movies"-Alvin
Pg 1
It took Vee 3 months to get over Alvin.She cried got drunk all the time.but still couldn't exchange Alvin.
Oh she tried she ended up crying.
Vee was a little "B"..hahahah 1 to 2 months she was on the break up feels.
Month 3 came.she was over it.
She thought of Alvin less.
She was using her time more wisely traveling working
Going out with friends having a LIFE...
Doing new things. But she couldn't end things with Alvin
She would keep thinking the what ifs..
Because Vee knew even if it was wrong.
She knew it was only this time.
She had the wrong mindset when they started that's all
Vee was single and thought
Anyway it's eventually gonna end
But she made it a point that She set no more expectations from him.she loved him
And knew they are just using each other.She wanted Alvin to pick her
Just like the movie"sleeping with other people"
But Vee was just living in a fantasy
She was just infatuated by Alvin.
But she accepted that now.She doesn't take offense that Alvin has a gf
Or has other hoes she be like its ok...His life his body but he should use protection though.Vee is one of those disturbed safety control freaks But Alvin is clean~that's important
If he like to cheat
He a "S" ADDICT ..yeah he is a hoe ...Alvin is a hoe.
I'd like to say he's a playa
But he's a chossy playa
I think all men are PIGS literally
But not all.but then you see the goodie two shoes guy
And "b"ches think "what a dork" but like I said
Not all men are evil.It's all in what what we perceive.
There are preferences .
As long as he's protected. ,And also EWE~~
I watched that movie recently
Sleeping with other people good movie~ pg 2
Sometimes you don't need to sleep with someone to fall in love.
I think sleeping with someone honestly ruins the relationship
The worse type is when you invest yourself emotionally that's when LOVE hits.
Apparently like every rom com
Everyone has different depiction of romance
I dunno why but it seemed that the past had it better when it came to falling
And being in love than now.
Now it's difficult to know
You second guess
Love is now digital.
1.35 AM Tue
She knew that Alvin will never take her seriously.So she thought just go with the flow
Vee thought she had options ..
Honestly Vee had two options.and
Alvin was just a fling or just someone to waste time with
But at least it was worth it .
She thought two can play that game.
And even if Alvin was lying she just shoved it off
Vee was not stupid
She knew there were others
"FF" it if I was gonna waste my time it should be worth my time.
Vee didnt wanna waste her time on guys she did not like
Vee tried the dating game
Still confused her.free movies food though.but the guy was gross.ewe~
It was really a waste of time .She tried the dating game
It was a big EWE on her part ,they never slept together
But she knew the guy wanted to
But she was like ewe
Pg 3
Vee has not contacted Alvin in the last 3 months.suddenly Vee texted Alvin.out of the blue.
Vee loved Alvin.problem was Alvin was already taken.but some girls like living on the edge.
Chapter 3
Vee was an odd girl. She doesn't say it but she does believe in romance. Vee thought
That there would be that connection.honestly it only happens a few times in your lifetime.
Sometimes we rely too much in the internet.
But that's not real love it's just a booty call.some say that they found the love of their lives
On the internet but that's a millennial connection ,
Not all things are found in the internet.
Some people find love also at work,in a bar but these things usually also don't work out.
Vee was lately dating this guy
He was single,but well played. He was a playa
But it was okay because he wasn't taken.
Vee's mom would tell her often it's better to be with a honest single man than a taken man that lies.
This single man was Tall had these greenish blue eyes,and he was tall 6'2
Fit.cute eyes.light hair
Nathan was dreamy
Vee never liked dating actually after ALvin she thought she'd lay low and not date.
Somehow she had a leave from work.
She went out with a girlfriend of hers for coffee.
Y know that feeling your not even asking for it.then wait for it
There are these exception guys.
God he was cute.and your friend be joking look look ..he looking at you.and you be like
No..he's so out of my league..
Then he approaches you.
And then asks you a corny pick up line But it depends on who's delivering it..you smile nod giggle like a little school girl.then you exchange contact info then the dating commences.
Vee learned a lot thru Nathan.Nathan was out going.Nathan gave Vee a big culture shock
Because he was so outgoing,also so open minded.
Since he was single it was okay to hold hands in public.he was even open minded enough to
Make out in public.
Nothing like Alvin where she had to pretend
That they're just friends and would have a big gap as they walk
ALvin was asian,just like Vee.
Nathan was single and dated a lot of girls ,and he had this silly accent,but hot though
Foreign men have this sexyness.
But it's not long term. But Vee knew that Nathan was nuts for her.
I dunno why but nathan was consistent.
Even if Vee had low expectation
Because Vee had something that other girls don't have
She's a good girl with a bit of bad balanced out.
Option A.
Nathan liked soccer, He played also he does refereeing
Or football what the europeans call it.He enjoyed playing it so he was active in sports.
He was into music too odd a guy enjoys love music
It was weird to Vee,he wasn't married.may be he was gay?
Nathan told Vee
"Y'know babe you need to meet a lot of people when you feel that one sticks you categorize by top 5
Then which one you like more you go for ''
He had this funny accent
But I think sticks cause a lot of women go crazy for him.
But i Know for a fact he sticks to Vee.he's a playa but he's consistent with Vee
Even his brother told Vee that He's not the type of person to care about any girl,but he did.
Vee and Nathan would have this joke He would say babe,your in my top 5
Vee would say yeah you too your there
Vee was your baby girl, If Vee would fall she would fall hard,but nowadays, Vee just wanted not to keep hurting
So Vee kept it light,Vee started to realize that she was tired of Alvins childishness ness
Vee needed a vacation from these guys that made stupid promises
Same drama
She'd rather be a friend than be stuck in this drama again
Chapter 4
Vee thought that Alvin was ready to see her she got ready,then he messaged "sorry babe im under the weather can we do this friday?
This was Monday before the friday that she declined to see him
It was a power trip with them
It isn't cute anymore
Vee knew it was a sign to say goodbye to Alvin
Alvin wasn't worth it
If he really valued vee's time
He would not reschedule
So he we are..to be continued
Vee wasn't pissed she was just accepting the fact that maybe there was not a what if
Maybe she was living in the past and she needed to embrace the future
Maybe ALvin was just a phase Vee needed to grow away
Love isn't like that
Vee thought
I'd rather wait a long period of time for someone who valued my time
Than someone who just wanted to control me.
So Vee prayed for the best for her bestfriend Alvin to find his way
Because It was not supposed to be them
Because Alvin has not changed,
Alvin Was selfish
And Vee needed to outgrow that.
Growing up is hard especially for men
But Men are good tech wise or like work wise
But men have crappy soft skills
Vee never was one of those b#$@ches
But she needed to be one because sometimes
People don't take you too seriously if your too nice
Or honestly take advantage of you
Maybe that was the problem with Alvin
He took Vee for granted,and she was tired of his bull
Vee knew that growing up was not as exciting as it looks but that's the best adventure that
We can start.when you grow you forgive.when you grow you choose to understand
Instead of getting angry.
Sometimes being angry is a short cry for help.but its misinterpreted
I guess we need to learn from kids
If a child is upset,you give them a time out
Then tell them "honey you need to think about your actions "
Honestly everyone has a different upbringing
We can't blame our parents how we turned out
It's on you if you can't fix yourself….
Everyone has different situation,but even if times may get difficult you try and look at the bright side.I dunno why
But when you trick yourself in believing "it's gonna be okay i swear to god"
It helps my mom used to be like that
She died though ..so now will just listen to my second mother
Who i swear to god is the strictest person ever but she made me who I am now and I'm so grateful she scared sh#$34tless to be a better person
With a bit of good and and a bit of sexy ahahah
I mean bad but in the right positioning
Shout out to them b#$#@ches that take no s#$#@t from no one
You the real mvp~
But in the end of the day we need to embrace everyone's difference
Be kind and find your worth
And in the end of the day
We need to say to haters "we good you'll f##@ck yourself first before i do "
Much love to yo'll~peace
And Alvin baby thank you for f@#2ng with my life
It made me realize i really wanna not f#2$k with you
Thank you baby~
You made it made worth my while to find my worth
And you aint it~
Chapter 5
Work vs Vee
Honestly work is kinda like school but you don't get a golden star you get a paycheck
And when you have a crappy attendance you get a deduction
When your in school you can always say "mommy i don't feel so good can i not go"
And we don't admit it we though but sometimes it's nice to have your parents to have your back,
We ask ourselves at a young age "god i wanna grow up and be a fun adult "
But being an adult is not fun.there is a lot of peer pressure out there and we never talk about it
Because having feelings would call you weak.
But it's how you deal with it.
Vee had strong trust issues with other people,she may be friendly but she honestly
just likes to observe the surroundings.lame at is sounds everyone can depict you by word
Sometimes it's really up to you to believe in them or not
I choose to think that we need to give people the benefit of the doubt,
My dad usually would say that " everyone is a bad guy in someone else's story "
But i think not everyone is bad,just misunderstood.
Have you ever thought of the saying
The more you hate the more you love..
Also I'm in a point in my life that it doesn't matter what people think of you or say about you
As long as the important people in our life still believes in you that matters more .
"Honestly it's better to mind your than put your nose in other people's business"
That's what my superior would say...
Everyone is a part of our lives testing us or either letting choose its either to be angry at them
Or try to understand them.
But as much as possible be civil
Also don't take things personally
Not everyone honestly cares 20-70 rule
20 % does care 70 enjoy the misery
It's all constructive positioning with people.
I've seen and heard a lot of things from people about other people
Why do you think I call them other people .
You know what was the most hurtful you trust someone that you thought would have your back after you forgave them multiple times.Then they have the balls to destroy you
Make up these outrageous stories about you .to make them look good
No that's a "villain disguised as a hero "
And you all the while trusted them was vulnerable,gave them apart of you that you would have wanted private but you ended up revealing all about yourself.because of that one friend that destroyed the trust the bond.some people like playing
With you even friendships get ff ed up sometimes
But that hurts more
"Your so called friend " but now honestly you just forgive and understand
Even if others don't want to you need to be an adult
We are not young forever
We can be healthier though
Look young but think matured that's good.
Vee thought she should get better friends.
Then Vee asked herself why do attract these assh$##$les
Maybe because she used to be one,and sometimes you feel sorry for them.
But not assh%$$%les and dicks are like this
Some were just strong
And we just labelled them incorrectly.
It is true better to mind your own business
Some dicks or a hole's can change its all in the environment
And always check yourself .
You need a strong leader not to be told what to do
But to be molded to be a better person ..
Some people rant about their leaders but they forgot
That they're leaders are people too.
Nathan would often tell Vee" be more bi$#5cher babe~ kiss kiss emoji ' hahahahahaha
Then Vee remembered she can be but she just choose not to be.
Because if it doesn't matter where you came from honestly
It's how you bring yourself.
When you start dicking around
It reflects on your parents.
And if your a dick your parents were dicks.
But sometimes you can't always act like a victim
And make some sob story even if it was true,you can't keep living in the past.
Real maturity starts by being anxious for the future
Because you are afraid to ff up your future
And your more careful with your words your actions towards everyone
Now thats real maturity there
Because your parents cannot define you
No matter how screwed up they are
You need to forgive your parents
They had you at a young age,and did you really ask them how hard was it to raise you ?
The only way for you to learn is have kids of your own
Now everyone is afraid of kids
But when you do have them you'll change as a person
You will be stronger and better.
Because people who make excuses are weak.
Because they run away from consequences.You don't know the person your dealing with sounds lame but you gotta trust your gut with people.
You can't live in the past.because everyone has a chance to prove you wrong ...
that's why Vee envied kids they always see the good in everyone.
Sometimes the past will bite you in the ass.so you just need to access yourself first
Sometimes people say Vee was "gullible"
As one of her work mates said
But you need to give what you recieve ,and choose to do the right thing.
Its called karma. I thought this belief was not real but it is
Vee experienced this first hand.
But it's real.so that's why you should be careful in every person you meet .be kind
Be civil be respectful,be humble.
You don't know what they've been thru.
But don't be too merciful. you'll be taken advantage of.
That's why Vee had trust issues .you can't always be "gullible"
You also need to be assertive sometimes and follow your gutt"
Also still be kind to everyone,we ain't perfect.
Sometimes you need to burn yourself first
So in the end of the day if people did judge you it came from you first.
And it's okay to be bad your only human
No one is perfect.
Just be according to the world.
And there are times your tired it's the most easiest excuse.because
Tired is accepted than your real bieng.
There are also good people "you just know"
There are people we can confide in
And will always feel they just know and y know them
You really need to connect with the ones that make sense.
The best type of person to be around with is a honest person without a filter
Cause these people have integrity
There are times the most hurtful advice that speaks volumes of truth
Are the best types of advises.
We surround ourselves with different people
Like I said it's better to understand than judge
You really don't know how long you'll be here in this earth so be kind
And always treat everyone equally
But not everyday we can be positive,but if we're pissed we honestly need to calm ourselves down and choose to understand like I said than be angry
It will reflect back on you
honestly ...
Chapter 6
Vee vs Alvin
Vee would think that sometimes it's supposed to be nice to be someone that actually gets you.
But that was just an a illusion it wasn't love merely a fling that went wrong .
She just thought he was the one.He was everything that Vee ever wanted
Asian ,tall, smart funny and had this something.He was so asian.duh he was chinese
Those families be strict as aff.You watches crazy rich asians right?
Not all chinese families be like that y'know.some hahaha
But Vee found herself just trying to let him go.
For Vee love was unconditional.
She knew the truth but choose not to say words
Y know that instinct that he did not change.but sometimes you can't help but miss that person no matter how much lies and betrayal had happened
Because the experience you with that person
Was perfect.. Alvin was more than a fling
He was her best friend.That's what hurt the most.
She wanted more he didn't.karma 10 years later
Karma is real,Vee used to love this guy before but she was too young,she was 19 he was 29
He wanted marriage.She wanted to mess around
Y know hormones.then even if loved her she cheated.got pregnant.from another guy.long story short.
She wasn't miss perfect
That's why like I said.We tolerate what we can
But best to be honest than build up in lies .
God it was hard,when we were younger you make such dumb decisions in your life.
But every mistake is a lesson learned
Vee wanted to thank Alvin,thank you for the lesson
Thank you for the time ..thank you for choosing me hahahah lol``
Thank you for everything ..
Stay as you are
I just wanna remember as you were in a good light
Because i love you
And you used to be the person i wanted
But we really should move forward should we not?
All things moving happen for a reason maybe we needed this.to know what we really wanted in our lives..
I hope you well .you and your girlfriend.
I just missed the you.that was my bestfriend thats all ..
Maybe i was being selfish you belonged to someone first
And letting you go is good
They say if you let go of the person that you love
And they still come back maybe ..maybe it was meant to be
But that's only in the movies or in fairy tales.this isn't a fairy tale or a movie.
This a story of a girl confused but not lost.
But wouldn't it be awesome to fall in love and run to the airport before it's too late
And scream your the one I love you..but that's silly
But romantic..
Sometimes Vee realised what her sister said was right
Honestly men take such a long time to mature.
If you can't find the right guy
Don't waste your time on guys that you have no point in pursuing.
Picture that guy your dating and think 5 years ahead
Any turn off you see in him
Address it forwardly
Like if he has ugly feet
He smells funny
He's like losing hair
Would you still love him?
My sister said she broke it off with a guy cause he had weird feet.
And he wasn't a bad guy
He was so sweet,he was a only child they're family had a construction company
He was in a famous band, he was good looking.
But she said "ewe" his feet
She said "seriously you wanna wake up to that gross toes
Maybe she's right you need to have standards.or be with someone out of your league to challenge yourself...
I should date younger men. They are dumber than me in a way
Relationship wise.and we can mold younger men .but they have life skills
A little.. oh my god~~eyes rolling I Tried a college student in med school
He was smitten with me.young men be clingy
I ghosted him.i wanted a fling he wanted a relationship..
I dunno wtf(SERIOUSLY)
Ewe millennial love hahahahhahaha
Or maybe 5 years younger than me
25 is okay but these guys are dicks they were born in the 90's.
Thats gonna e friday morning with my
Young banker "why he so thirsty?"
A Customer on the phone told me don be ghetto
Lol I'm asian
But i love the way you talk man ...lol
21 be so thersty hahahahahahahha but it's a business relationship.
But still I miss you,but still the more i prolong I see you,my feelings become stronger
Whats wrong with me?
Do i enjoy rejection?
It was so much easier going to work.because it distracted me.Id work myself
And count every penny I'd be making without you
But the more i prolong not seeing you
I'm going crazy wanting to see you.
I thought I was over you but that instant you'd text me
My knees go weak,my hands shake and I become so obsessed with you ,
What did you do to put this spell on me?
You were my batman.
I'm still in love with you Alvin~(there is love but were not in love again i repeat)
Why can't I get over you
Why is so hard to let you go,,
Why can't i let you go.(wtf vee!)
But I can't tell you that you'll have a big head and you'll take me for granted again
( that's right use your brain girl)
That's what's so ff ed up
You made my life turn upside down.
I can't help it
I can't help it
God I miss you like crazy
But I have to be strong,
Baby I tried
I Have babe but why is it still you~
Nathan is far away maybe that's why
I guess if someone be reading"oh my god Vee you whore"
Well excuse you chauvin·is·tic pigs
When men whore around
You be gentlemen
Or play boy or bachelor not hoes well excuse you and your side pieces
Ouch im hurt..
I'm a side piece side chick thats what my sister says hahahahahaha
And women are whores?
Excuse me ..other be low key whoring,at least Im honest,we all be messed up in a way
Finding love is hard why do you think we test all types of waters
Lol test the waters
At Least if Im whoring around.its worth my time
If i whored around you'd be so lucky that I gave you the time of day
Time is money and I could have done other productive things with my life seriously?
But learned alot this year
Learned not to force things,stay away from dating apps it's just trouble.
Where do you think I found ALvin?
Just follow flow,Nathan was not expected I actually gave up on meeting men.
I've been burned.
But i learned that its normal it's like sales move to the next.
Out of 8-10 will say no but the 2% is the yes.
I enjoy conversations with Nathan I learned a lot
Mostly when you meet someone romantically you shouldn't expect.
Just follow flow he is a hoe
But at least he's single,he told me karma will not bite him
He made no promises.
He european so they are more open minded than the asians.
It's nice learning new cultures.accent be like the frozen sales guy in frozen
"Okay babe,so sexy babe..be a good girl babe"
Cute and very open minded
They be crazy,but hot.
He has these blue ish green eyes light hair
And fit and tall
He's a looker not a keeper,later on he revealed he was a boss
But i didn't expect that ,God is good..gives you what you don't expect thank you lord.
But i know he can't let me go,I'm not bragging here
I'm in his top 5,
But he's my no#3 lol
But in my list no#1 needs to be that guy Id marry
Because once you're held down you can be that fun parent
That nags your kids.making swag kids lol
He fulfilled the gap between that boss fantasy,I think everything was a part of that boss fantasy.
Alvin also was a part of the Boss fantasy
Why? Am I messed up,I watch too many 50shades of f^&*^86cked up
You divert any feelings when you know it's wrong to something attainable,every minute every second of our lives is calculated and You would like to waste that time like I said with something or someone that was worth your time.
Because YOLO is overrated
Because you "only die once."-snoopy So make the best of your life once
At Least you tried and made sure you have no regrets.we make mistakes but you need to prove some people wrong
Living in the past even for a moment is okay
But your not embracing the new in the future honestly.
Yo'll need to accept then move on
Nice one Vee.. you talk the talk did you walk the walk?
-one of the smartest guys i know
He okay in my book.
I think everything has a purpose and in our lives we just need to structure it in a a good attitude and mindset.
I just miss Alvin
Because he was my baby~
He was Ahole but why am so attracted to that
Maybe it's because I was the 2nd child and my ultimate go to is the Eldest child.
And I'm very turned on and associated to that.I like bossy men
Wtf is wrong with me?
Alvin was my go to guy when i needed to nag or complain,I complain a lot
I don't look like it
I love to nag and whine
He'd usually have something snarky or sarcastic to say.but he had a point
Every single time.
But I secretly loved it.
He acted so differently when I was with me.He would be this cute kid when we were together
He's face would light up when he had something serious to say.
He was so into technical stuff..
He wanted to be engineer..
But y know asian parents be like son "you need to be nurse" so he's a nurse.
He still enjoys his technical stuff and his annoying phone games?
Da fuq..hahahah
We are so opposite but why do we compliment each other so well
He was like my best friend
All I wanted was him
But I think that was only me..
There were so many times my Older sister told me move on
Stop it he's no good to you ,your just a side chick wake up
ma5$^45ther f%%^%6ker...
He was my BOY~.
Or I used to think he was..
and made silly angry faces,
Then id just kiss his stupid face tell him
"Baby it's okay"
There was a connection.or maybe I'm just a whore
God I miss him..but i can't tell him that because he wins
never told him
When he does that I just loved that.he's a angry bird
My sister said he looks like a elf
And he's gross
Maybe sister knows best
What can I lose if i actually listen,right?
He was my baby-Vee seriously?
But I can't let him win
Whatever he treated me before I will reflect that
He likes to tell me
"Baby i can't"
I've been feeling under the weather
Yeah i have a cold cough cough
Let's do friday ok
Were power tripping
Where in a relationship where i dunno what the hell were doing
Well well dick
We can play
"Hi alvy i'm texting you in advance
that we can't do
Friday We have a thing with my sister again monday.so sorry,see you cheers
No emoji.
Ok just message me-alvin
I swear monday- vee
We are in a point that we don't chat constantly
Did the love die?
See i don't flake i even tell you in advance you pompous dick
A Lot of things been happening and I do have limited time
He is an ass
He should go screw he's other hoes you whore
He should whore around WITH PROTECTION
I don't care
Oh ff u !! grrr
Cry emoji wtf?
Chapter 7
I was never planning to see banker kid
But he's a sales person and you need quota
Maybe it's God's will..
Tomorrow friday morning 9-10am banker kid
Wtf? It's a business proposal
Dammit im his sales quota,do i look rich to you kid?
It's different with banker Steven kid-(every guy is different dumbass.)cute NO FEELING THOUGH
Crushing though something new something blue something that I cant touch
I cant hahahahahahaha
AH DUH we can't he's too good for you
Too young omfg..
He's 21 hes tall ..6'1(tall guys are the best they look like this very hot sexy tower ) he asian with glasses clean cut hair spiked,has that i'm lost look
He's so ivy league "he's from LA SALLE
My mommy and daddy are politicians
My dad's a politician don't ff with me
We be strict as aff
DAMN~ rich kid hahahahahaha
Kid im too old for you I'm 30
Nice slacks white polo sometimes blue sometimes dark blue slacks sometimes khakis
So fresh
Such soft hands,
makes me feel old
Calls me ma'am just because I have a kid you treat me like an old lady
Just because i was born in the 80's
You saw me tired out from work well you should see me well rested and ready
Will exercise, I need to look sexy bi%^%
Well it's his fantasy maybe he has thing for single mom
Damn prick okay
early in the morning.take a shower
Look for a nice spaghetti white preffrebally
Tits out b#$#54vch cardigan pencil skirt that's what my ate told me
Heels make up
Should i wear a thong
I dunno we need to feel sexy (WTF)
God i need to get laid rolling eyes
Curl hair a bit,then im not sure if im older should I buy coffee?
Me in the coffee shop
Him in his light blue long sleeve shirt,tucked in sleeves tucked and his hair gelled spiky hair fresh as aff and a lacoste
Scent... black slacks or grey
Black shiny shoes.pen in his long sleeve shirt
Me being snarky. I can be Im older
Me sitting looking at my phone
Then i stand up I wave
"Oh hey there banker steven…
Hug no hug? K fine ..Hug then kiss on the cheek
Oh hi so were talking about the insurance thing for my daughter right?
Let's get things straight to the point ok banker steven
Analytical explanation plans
Me thinking
b$4ch be confident hhahhah dont fu%%^46k up
Dont be a dork dammit
Be cool we cool
Oh fake you hahahahahahah
Oh naughty girl
Cheeky lol
When i see him act natural b$#$34 act natural
Go's closer legs crossed leans closer touches his arm
Then whispers quite slowly
ME: Oh okay banker steven,i'll think about it.
ALsooo i wanna tell you that..I was thinking about you all the day and all i want to do is..y know
Do you wanna know a secret? (whisper slowly in ear
Tongue moves slower when talking )
Leans in closer moves hand to his hair caressing it softly
Then she says:
Y know what think your really cute with your lost puppy look
Mmmm i could eat you up..grr
And did I tell you I'm not wearing anything
i know you're really young and all but like…I can teach you things….do you want to? When do you get off ? i can get you off ...do you want to? Ohh you lost baby
You should try new things than be stuck in
your god forsaken job? Or better off
Let's get out of here and do something that I've been
Waiting all day long before seeing you
She gives that twinkle in the eye
That says its on
Then she says;
Come on ..i'll make it worth your while,I'll make you forget your name...
Haahahahhaahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhaahhahahahahha JOKE
STEVEN is all sweaty,the sweat moves to his head to his toes he is tense
He has no words
You can see him clenching his teeth he is nervous.he's thinking omfg
This girl is a freak but he wants to but he can't
What about the quota ?
Oh fuck it pussy is pussy
Steve makes himself composed,then he says
Where do you wanna go I have 2 hours
He took
Steven : I've never done this before miss Vee
Steve is excited steve likes danger steve is usually safe and boring but today
Steve is on a fantasy journey
Steve was nervous anxious but steve wanted this
He thought omfg
Omfg this is so exciting
Must look serious serious steve needs to be serious
Play it cool pretend you are cool hahahahahah
Vee : baby i'll take you places you only imagined about,also don't worry this is okay your parents are strict and mine are too
We need to be bad sometimes too y know
I'll teach you
Were gonna have a good relationship,business wise pleasure too
But you have to make it a secret okay,2 hours tops
Oh i'll take care of you
Taxi opens , door closes you say that place where you need to go .they get off the taxi
They book a room .she takes his hand
She tells him its okay
You've never been to place like this before?
He smiles
Yeah i did um yeah- lies
Rich kids never get ass,rephrasing rich kids are good kids who secretly wanna be bad
Room door opens closes ..Lights go on,lights go off ..
They sit quietly on the bed
Turn on the tv,she says you have protection?
Steve : i was not ready
Vee; its ok i have some in my bag
Steve: SHOOK
Thinking wtf seriously?
This is the problem you gotta be alpha with kid wtf?
She looks at him
She looks at him
She just laughs he laughs
She looks at steve
and then says its ok i was peer pressuring you
I Dunno why we ended up here
This is silly
Lets talk..
Steve what are your expectations of me ? is this a fling ?
He takes his glasses and puts it on the side of the table
Then he say : I want you~
She becomes hesitant ,moves far away then hits him
Noo~i dunno what was thinking .I was kidding.i was taken by the moment banker steve
Y'know i dunno
Steve ; Jokes are half meant,Vee (serious voice)
He Slowly lean in.touches her hair pulls her close then grabs her with his might
She was like damn he has strength?
She closes her eyes they kiss
Her lips chappy his wet in her mouth moving
His hands moving slowly
They don't fuck they just talk then take a nap you happy reader hahahahah
Steve became the man that day even if Steve was young Vee underestimated steve
Steve was a man and sometimes in the end of the day its the man that leads
Not the women
On the bed laying looking into each other
Steve : I really like you
Vee ; you don't even know me, I have kid
Steve; but you don't have a husband right?
Vee: I don't..but still this is wrong
Steve ; Another round?
Vee; bite~crazy the time
Steve : naughty you'll give me a hickey?
Vee : what? NO hhahhah
Steve: can you be mine?
Vee: your too young,this wont work.your just a kid
Steve ; I may be a kid but I have everything planned out in my life but can you be a part of it
I really like you and I wanna know how you think
Vee; dammit steve.you think i have a brain
Steve whaat? Ahhahaha your funny
Vee: you need to find a nice girl without kid
Your gonna disappoint your parents
Steve; vee, its my life
Don't tell me my Parents will sleep with me.
And besides we can make it work can't we?
Vee; You sure ? your ready for that kind of responsibility? Kids
Omg steve steve steve
Honey you need to go ff up your life first
Your 21
Get back to me 5 years
Steve : I want it to be you
Vee ;honey Im flattered,but I don't wanna be a reason that your wasting your time when there's a lot of opportunity for other pussy
Steve; younger girls are hard
Vee ; they weren't born in the 80's
Steve ; nother round?
She did not wake up early
She woke up drank herbalife ate fried chicken
Got ready at 9 then arrived 10.30am
She was ambushed
The head of the insurance and the insurance agent was there then steve.
From fwd thingy she was pressured she needed to dish out 4000
She was fucked again
Do i look rich to you?
Gullible Vee ..IDIOT
Long story short
They are gonna commit to a good insurance for the kids.
Growing up is hard.but i guess it's another adventure in itself
We grow we move forward and we become a different people every year.
Suprise suprise
Life has these surprises.
You are anxious because your growing up and you get these mini panic attacks because your getting older.You become fearful with all your decisions and you become this anal
Control freak.
Then your always paranoid for no reason at all.
You used to be chill.fun go with the flow.cool ,fun to be around.
Then BOOM your 30.you are a half adult half child put in the middle having
A crisis thinking wft am i doing with my life.
Your complaining constantly.Your body is not as strong as you were in college.
If you don't take care of yourself you get sick
You'd rather netflix and chill alone emphasis ALONE NO CHILL.maybe try go to the mal & window shop.
You are happy when you actually can see a beach or be in the mountains (I really like city view) and not a stuffy office.
You count the days and months you save your income to have that vacation that you 've been working hard on.
YOU'D RATHER NOT go drinking till 8 in the morning with people who barely know you
Or label you.Then you smile but you have trust issues
So you just awkwardly smile
Then say "pass"
It's not like we hate people.as you get older you choose the people that you spend time with
And you want them to make sense.not nonsense
And that time cannot be taken back
You don't want to waste all your time and energy on people
That won't make it worth your time.
Frankly your wasting time.
But honestly no one knows the real you
As the japanese said there are 3 faces we show the world
The face that we face the world with
The face we show our family friends
But the most beautiful face that hides is our true selves,but this face rarely comes out
Because we are afraid to show our real selves,we are afraid of judgement
Afraid to be rejected hurt, we are afraid that when you show the real you and
Either this person will know that side of you
Then you get hurt or the make fun of your real self
So that's why we use face 1 face 2
Face 3 is a hidden part of ourselves,it's only revealed by one person
I know i sound like a hopeless romantic but
Ok fine
Im corny as aff
But the only one person can bring this out of you
Its gotta be that one person
Who you know will not screw you over
Love is such a strong word being thrown away
By others but honestly love is hard
I believe there is a person that will complete us,your other half that person
That no matter what you did in the past
Or who you were before
Will accept you completely and will not care
About any of that what they just want is you
You the person who is right in front of them.
But that's only a fairytale a feel ..
And love you beyond any circumstances,also if you really loved someone
Now that person will hold you down.
I do believe anyone can change if its the right person
Corny as aff but there is the ONE~
But God has intended to test us
Why God?
Why are you testing me?
Love is dumb
END for now to be continued..
Growing pains
As we grow up your circle of friends are less.
You stop hanging around people.It's not like you dislike them, you don't
Your just more careful around them.
Be kind even they choose not be
Ask forgiveness if you have offended others
Keep quiet when you are about to say something
Because we are all human and we must learn to live in this world
To be an adult.be good be civil.
That's where face 1 and 2 come in
And it says alot about you - " you are strong "
It's not only where came from that matters honestly
It's how you bring yourself
Or like my older sister said
"Be well mannered & respect everyone and you will get respect.
Be honest and people will sense trust in you "
"Also keep a good smile.it's better to be kind but in the right place
But not a pushover.but always remember to do the right thing even if others cant "
Anyway having a bad attitude won't affect you.
Sometimes people say the meanest things but honestly if you are like that
Good for you
Be that way ..there is a right place to complain (it's all about psychology in the end infj is me you really need to take a personality test to know who you really are sometimes)
How I treat you reflects on me.if im kind to you and you aren't
reflects on you not me.
Or act childish because wow your the victim?
Your a prissy prissy prince or princess?
Gives other people the right to tell you
Your childhood must be messed up,poor poor soul~sheltered ..WOW
That's why admire villains sounds silly
Not all villains were evil
They were just tired,or some goody toe shoes prince stomp on their hearts.
Or something really terrible happened to them in the past
That triggered them to be these so called villains
You gotta go back to God.but be according if "you a villain
You just address truths more than lies
Id it makes them villains, sometimes we be "we are someone's bad guy is someone's story"
They good in my book.
Then when they become this evil person
People assume OH they are just so evil the villain was
Tired of hearing every sob story,because that used to be them
Then they overcame that
Now they are evil in others eyes
Joker was insane
But he made sense
That's why I mind my own business
It helps.
Sometimes karma is totally the real bitch ~~
Because you don't wanna overstep,its hard to meet people nowadays.
sometimes i dunno if someone's being nice to me or they're eeffeeng with me?
Sometimes it gets so awkward ….
I suddenly run away and say something dumb like"nice teeth"
Also you are afraid they'd call you " show off kiss ass"
A few words can hurt "but it's okay just don't give a fudge"
Da eff cry emoji
Cause i don't know how to respond to compliments
Especially we not close I just run
Say "thank u have a great day"
Take care yo'll
Then run nervously like a dumbass
Compliments make me uneasy
But i'm grateful it's just hard for me to express love
Because you are unsure
Where to level the friendliness
Sometimes your afraid to be too friendly..omg pervert
Hahahhahah # me too movement
They take it like omfg stalker..
Can't people have crushes?then people gossip
Then people get over it. Totally get over it cause crushes only last 4 months,it usually fades
Then you get over it,you eff around a bit.
Then you stop.
Then you work.then you are single again then you focus on you..
But you don't tell people that
Because it makes you sound like a lame loser
Without a love life,which in reality is you now.then you laugh
Im single..all dem single ladies~
But I'm okay with it
Single doesn't mean lonely
Single is a choice
Then you remember OH?
I have this boyfriend.. but he's a dude that you schedule
Twice a week and you hang out sometimes
But y know he ain't marrying him...
OKAY you a hoe
Hahahahahhahahaha da eff? At Least Im honest cheers wink wink..
Maybe I'm just bored
End for now to be continued
Single single pray to God you don't get them shingles ewe
Life is better with a bit humour
It gets better.
Why is it so hard to find a husband? I'm not getting any younger here
Maybe i should follow what my sister said
Just be you but a better you
Or be that one aunt that dresses pretty and gets tipsy sometimes
I'm ok with that
Da eff older sister.
She tells me no one wants to marry a girl with a sailors mouth~ tets
Its her endearment
Siblings murder our names to feel superior n shep
Yeah she's right i swear to much
Maybe i was never meant to get married
Maybe i was fated to live happily ever after single
Yeah that's cool
One of these days,I'm not gonna tell people but I'm definitely running away.
Then live happily ever after with me and my kid
That's why I need to do good with everyone
Because one day.one day I won't be here.
But i'm not gonna die ..crazy~~I'll just be doing other things with my life.but It's just a future plan.
End for now to be continued
Chapter 9
Alvin my love my baby
Change topic
Oh my god
Oh my god... wow …why do we still try ? why do we still waste each other's time
He is so cute that's why ? why alvin why?
And damn he is still tall as aff
Like a damn tower
Fudge~men who are tall are so sexy as aff
Y know what makes it fun all the sneaking around
It builds all that tension
Then you break
Then you gave the thing rules so you wont get hurt
"I asked him
"What are we doing?"
Then he replies
We miss each other whats the wrong in that?
Vee: are you sure you miss me?
Alvin :of course why do you think i gave you time
As she strokes his hair and he lies on her lap
Thinking: i ' m not gonna question im just happy i saw him again
But were lying to each other
We'll eventually get over each other
When he says cousin
I say girlfriend
So were both living in a lie.
But until when ? But we got stop these nonsense..you were
After a while we became strangers
It seemed fun to him.not to me. I was convenient ..He used to be my go to whenever I want to talk to someone.
Cause we chatted constantly and we used to see each other 3 times in week.
But he had this constant thing he would go ghost.obviously dumb ass.. he's taken. Y know that already and you bit.
This was a fling .
But the more i got to know him.I liked the way he thinked
I like smart guys.it happens you fall obviously it was just me
I just miss him sometimes because
Because not alot of guys make sense
And I just miss that
and he liked the attention...
Like the song charlie puth
And quote
"But darling. . .
In the end you have to be your own hero,
Because everyone is busy trying to save
Themselves "
That's why saying "i love you is "when you don't mean it is just merely words
Without the association of feeling while your hurting the other .
He was supposed to be the END game
But He liked to play
God karma came back 10 years ago
10 years ago I liked to play then I had this perfect guy he
wanted me to be his end game i wanted to play
Let me quote on quote
"Everyone wants to be someones sun to light up life,but why not be someones moon to brighten in the darkest hour.