The brave hearted boy face the dark forest without knowing where this path will lead him. when the boy finally made out the dark forest he hold his position and he take a look what lies ahead. " what is this place? is this our town? am i out of this crazy dreams?" the boy continue to step his feet towards the town, while passing each houses he notice something went wrong, something that's not right. the town he walk through is a valley, where dead people cast out, he suddenly feel cold wondering why this things happen. " why do i need to go with it? why im seeing this?" the boy took his head down and take some ground on his hand and smell it, " it's smell burnt" while doing this a man with a shovel showed asking " young boy are you lost? " the boy answer, " lost? do you think that there's anyone here with us take a look we're surrounded by darkness and bones of dead peopl and all you have is a shovel and a torch, then you ask if i'm lost? " the man with a shovel amaze because no one answer to him like that, the man laugh and say's " i'm just kidding i know that we're only two of us herwe, anyway got a name pal?" (yes) i'm Ikkin and you are?" the man answer " i'm....... well i just got remember what my mom say's that i should not let strangers knows my name hahaha..." the boy say's it's unfair." the boy started to cry hard because he knows that his mom told that things too, " i miss them so much, i want to see them." (it's up to you buddy) the man say's. the man feel sad when he hear those words from this kid that's why he gave the boy his torch and said " go straigth this dark road when you reach the split ways take right you will see a old oak tree without leaves burn it with this torch and it will open a way out to this valley dont stop until you reach the tree, dont listen what ever you hear while you on the road when someone calls for help ignore it if not you will loose the way out got it?" the boy take the torch and walk straight just like what the man say's, then the man vanish in the dark while walking back.