"LOVE is an extremely powerful being that maintains the balance of life in the whole universe. She takes the appearance of an extremely busty 18 - year old girl with shiny pink long hair wearing a pink T-shirt with a heart and purple skirt. She is one of the 10 guardians protecting the universe. Her official title is "Guardian VII, the guardian of love. She's also ranked 5th strongest guardian among the 10
Her weapon of choice is spears. She calls her spears "Dere". She can summon any amount and moves them telekinetically (*moves them with her mind). Each spear has a heart design in the tip with a rose vine around the shaft. These spears not only damaging physically but also mentally, meaning getting hit by just one of them can result in an emotional breakdown or even a mental break. Like FATE, she has her own set of strings to control. She calls them "Heartstrings". With it, she can read anyone's emotions even control them.
Her personality is more laid back and a bit perverted for a girl. Most of the time, she just lazes around with her best friend FATE and maybe play around with some humans. But like any other guardian, she takes her job as guardian seriously in times of need. In fact, she is the one who created the weapons of the other guardians. Such as HOPE's shield, DESPAIR's scythe, FATE's ribbons and many more. She is the main source of life itself. Without her, all life will perish. Currently, she made a bet with FATE about a young boy finding love using the "EROGE system"
Meanwhile in NoWhere...
FATE and LOVE are watching Eren run towards the city in one of the screens and May walking alone home with another screen
"I kind of pity the May girl" FATE commented. LOVE raised an eyebrow "You pity May while you're the cause of countless deaths in the whole universe in every single moment?"
"At least I'm not the one who's called "LUST" sometimes" FATE spat out
"H-Hey! Don't call me with my other name!" LOVE completely embarrassed while FATE kept her emotionless face
"Whatever! Let's just continue monitor May instead" LOVE looked May to distract FATE. LOVE noticed May's sad smile
LOVE wondered how why she's so strong outside while soft inside. It seems the Eren fellow is the only one who breaks May's hard exterior. LOVE giggled maliciously
"How predictable. A tsundere in love" LOVE said with an evil grin
"It's so boring" LOVE thought "I need to do something even more fun"
"Hey FATE" LOVE faced her,
"What is it LUST?" FATE said casually
"Don't call me LUST! I'm LOVE!" she complained
"Anyways, I made my decision" LOVE said
"What is it?" FATE replied. LOVE whispered something in her ear. FATE eyes widen a bit
"Are you sure we're ready for Phase 2?" FATE said. LOVE nodded in response
FATE sighed "Fine, you can do it"
LOVE eyes glowed bright pink and she created a giant pink spear in her hand
"Time for PHASE 2" LOVE said in an evil smile
LOVE threw the spear to the tablet as it went inside the tablet. The tablet started to glow bright pink
Central Books N' Crafts store, 3:02pm...
Eilene standing in front of the bookstore, waiting for Eren to come. Eren promised to accompany her in the bookstore. She checked her phone to see what time it is "He's late" Eilene said to herself "I wonder what Eren is doing right now" Eilene thought as she looked around
She finally saw Eren running towards her
"Sorry Eilene, I'm late" Eren stopped in front of her
"Oh, it's okay I just arrived as well" Eilene smiled at Eren
It's been a week since the "Jess incident"
After that, Eren and Eilene relationship we're closer now. Eren tends to hang out with her after training with May. This is why Eren is so tired right now
"Well, let's go inside shall we?" Eilene said
"Sure" Eren replied. Eilene smiled at him in response
Lately, she's been more expressive to Eren. She's still shy and constantly stutter to people but when it comes Eren, she's always talking and sticking to Eren as much as May
They went inside the bookstore. An array of books lined up the shelves with a plentiful stationary and writing materials seen everywhere in the whole store
"So, what are you looking for Eilene?" Eren asked
"I'm getting more paper for the draft and some books along the way" Eilene replied
"Wow, you really like books" Eren responded with interest
Eilene nodded "I've been reading books since I could remember"
"That really fits your shy girl cliche" Eren thought
"What about you? What kind of books do you read?" Eilene asked
Eren sweat dropped "Umm... Manga" He said shyly
Eilene stared at him for a few seconds before giggling quietly, "Hey! That's not funny!" Eren completely red in embarrassment
"No offense, but it's quite interesting" Eilene continued giggling
[You made Eilene happy, +15 affection]
Eren looked at Eilene's giggling face and asked himself "Is this still the girl who's been bullied by her classmates?" Eren smiled at Eilene's personal development "Looks like the shrinking violet has finally opened!" Eren thought
A man accidentally bumped to Eilene "Sorry, I didn't see you there" the man apologized at Eilene
"I-I-It's O-O-" Eilene stuttered shyly trying to say ok
"Ok, I'm going to go now" the man slowly backed out leaving Eilene still stuttering
"Looks like I spoke too soon" Eren sighed
"Eilene" Eren said snapping Eilene out of her trance "Let's get started looking for those materials" Eren reminded their task
"Alright" Eilene nodded
The 2 explored the store, occasionally reading some books along the way. While Eren is immersed with reading a book, Eilene asked herself a question "Wait... Are we on the date right now?" Eilene blushed at the idea of her and Eren on a date "It can't be, we're just here to pick up materials" Eilene tried to distract herself from this thoughts by reading a book
Along the way, Eilene giggled again as she caught Eren browsing the Manga section with his red embarrassed face
But while Eren is embarrassed, he bluntly ignored another notification
[Special Event Triggered!]
The 2 exited the store. "Well, that was fun" Eren said with a smile
"Is it because you got the latest issue of My Hero College?" Eilene said with a smug smile
"W-What? No, it's not like I like it or anything" Eren said turning his head away in very tsundere style
"Geez, Now I sound like May" Eren said quietly
The pair walked with their bought books and materials until they saw the park "Hey Eilene, want to hang out a bit more at the park?" Eren asked
Eilene blushed a bit "Sure, why not" she quietly answered
The 2 entered the park and sat down a bench. It was the same exact bench where May and Eren had their previous date. Eren saw the usual ice cream stall nearby
"Eilene, do you want some ice cream? I'll pay for it" Eren offered. Eilene is a bit hesitant at first but she accepts Eren's offer
"Ok, be right back" Eren left Eilene to buy some of those frosty treats
Eilene looked at the scenery. To the green grass to the children playing. Most of the people walking by never noticed Eilene presence
"I wonder when I was the last time I was happy" Eilene said to herself. A brief memory flashed in her mind. A girl in the middle of the class with a grey background around the girl. People talked to the girl, but the girl remained silent. One by one, the people started to lose interest in the girl left her alone by herself. The girl was lonely but she was too shy to even mutter a single word.
"Oh Eren" Eilene blurted out
"Eren? So that's his name" a voice was suddenly heard. Eilene looked around for the one who said that and paled from what she saw
"H-Hi t-there, J-Jess" Eilene stuttered nervously. Jess was behind Eilene
"So my dear Eilene, how's your day?" Jess said with fake compassion. Eilene stayed silent in fear
"Still shy as ever huh? Don't worry Eilene I won't hurt you" Jess said
"There are too many people anyways" Jess glared at the people around them. Eilene was so grateful that they're in a public space
"W-Why are you h-here?" Eilene asked with all her courage
"Why? I want to see my friend after what you did" Jess losing the friendly façade and started to feel threatening. Eilene started to sweat out of fear
"But enough about me. Let's talk about Eren" Eilene froze as Jess mentioned the boy
"So Eilene, how much did you pay him? Or did you pay him with your body, you slut" Jess said
At that moment, a new emotion was accumulated inside Eilene. An emotion she never used in her entire life
"Eren is not that kind of a person Jess! He's my friend!" Eilene exclaimed defending Eren's name
Jess was surprised at Eilene sudden burst of confidence "That's new" Jess thought
Jess frowned at Eilene "Say what you want whore, but remember this" Jess drew closer at Eilene, losing all her confidence
"Without me, you would never have met Eren" Jess said. Eilene eyes widen in response
"And without me, you wouldn't have any purpose in this world. Serving me is the only useful thing you have ever done in your pathetic life" Jess continued. Eilene was speechless
"It would be like you weren't there, completely invisible" Jess said with a mischievous smile
Eilene processed Jess' words
"Well, see you at school. Ei-lene" Jess said as she left Eilene alone again. Eilene just stared absently in the park
Eren came back with the ice cream "So Eilene, would you like chocolate or vanilla?" Eren said as he held out 2 cones
He noticed Eilene spacing out "Eilene, are you okay?" Eren heard Eilene quietly murmuring something
"Sorry Eren, I need to go home now" Eilene grabbing her stuff and stood up the bench
"Already? What about the ice cream?" Eren still holding the cream delights
"Sorry, I lost my appetite" Eilene said in a soft tone and left Eren alone as she exits the park
"What did I do wrong?" Eren sighed as he gave the ice creams to random kids on the park
"What happened?" Eren opened his MENU
<1 unread notification>
He opened it and read it "Shit! I missed another notification!" Eren replied to himself
"I need to be more careful from now on" Eren replied to himself
[..., +25???]
May is in some kind of void. She looked around and saw nothing but darkness with a few pink clouds
"Where am I?" May questioned herself
Suddenly a pink silhouette appeared in front of her. May can't see its face but she noticed a large pink heart in the chest of the mysterious person
"Hello, May" it replied in a feminine voice
"Who are you and how do you know my name?" May asked the being
The pink being stayed silent
"Where am I? Answer me!" May demanded the being
"Temper, temper little tsundere" the pink being wag her finger
"Tsundere?" May said
"You're here because I want to ask questions from you" the pink being explained
"Huh? Questions?" May was confused
The pink being started its questions
"Are you happy?
"Are you sad?"
"What do you hate?"
"What do you LOVE?"
"What? I don't understand" May still confused
"Let me rephrase that last question" the pink being said
"Who do you LOVE?"
May's mind flashed a picture of Eren
"You have no right to know that" May refused to answer
The pink being stared at May in interest for a few seconds before giggling for a bit
"Well, make your decision now" the pink being said
The pink being stabbed May with a pink spear right in her chest
"AHHHHHH!!!" May screamed in pain with blood coming out of her mouth
"...time is running out, dear May" the pink being finished its sentence with its sadistic grin visible
May collapsed in the floor with a red light coming out her stab wound
May immediately woke up from her bed gasping for air. May looked at her chest and saw no wound. She looked around and she was still in her bedroom
"A nightmare?" May told herself. "What was that dream?" May asked herself again
"Huh?" May noticed something in front of her
A panel of sorts...
May Reed
Age: 18
"Tsundere Heroine"
Charm: 34
Bond: 44%
GIFT: Strong Will
May rubbed her eyes and opened them again
The panel was gone
"Am I seeing things?" May said to herself. She shrugged it off and went back to sleep
(A/N) For those who are unfamiliar to some terms used in the story
Eroge is a video game genre that involves the player (usually boys) dating various girls by choosing different responses in order to woo the girls
Harem is a genre in manga and anime where a single (often ordinary) guy is liked and followed by a bunch of girls (3 or more) who are all in love with him
Tsundere describes a person who is initially cold to the protagonist before gradually showing a warmer, friendlier side over time
I hope you enjoyed my story! See you in the next chapter!