Chereads / Fate/Faction Wars / Chapter 3 - Let the War begin

Chapter 3 - Let the War begin


"So, all we have to do is wait.

Iris completes, smiling to both Servants.

"Waiting won't be necessary, drabby looking girl." 

An unknown voice is heard, from somewhere inside the temple.

"Show yourself, Assassin."

The Ruler says, while looking around the temple for the mysterious voice.

"Humpf… kowtow towards my presence, commoners. You three are being disrespectful towards me, the king!"

The Assassin person demands, seated on the temple's roof, with a superior, and quite arrogant, tone on his voice.

This Assassin has a tanned skin, short dark hair, bordering the end of his neck; he is 1.72m tall; his eyes are golden; wears light suits, made out of a golden silk, with black details: an open suit, of golden color, leaving his chest exposed; Also wears trousers, made with the same golden silk, in his waist there is a silver belt, ornate with golden details: on his neck is a golden necklace, with a ruby on the middle, along with two silver bracelets on each arm, that are used not just for decoration but protection; on his head there is some sort of golden medal, on the shape of a serpent, with emerald eyes

"Bow before uttering any word to me, commoner Servants."

He speaks, looking down at the other Servants.

"And should I, Assassin?" 

Saber asks, taunting him. 

"As a Servant of this Faction, the only one that can give me orders is our Ruler, and hour Ruler alone. Not you, Assassin."

He retorts, with a serious tone.

"Humpf. Your disrespectful acts will not go unpunished, Saber."

Assassin sighs, irritated by Saber's reply.

By looking at the situation it was easy to notice that Saber and Assassin didn't get along. The mood is tense for a few seconds, until the Ruler intervene.

"Calm down, Saber."

She asks, seeing Saber agree.

"I welcome you, Assassin. It's a pleasure know that a Servants of your calliber on owr side."

She says, with a smile on her face.

"Just keep that mutt of yours restrained, girl. I don't want to have the displeasure of kill our own Saber."

Assassin says, with a serious tone, glaring at Saber.

Soon before the conversation keep going, a tremor happen on to the temple grounds.

"Hey, was it just me, or did the structure below us tremble a bit?" 

Archer asks, looking to the others.

It wasn't just you, Archer."

Iris says with a slight smile.

"Another Servant had just arrived."

She points in the direction of the temple's entrance, making the Servants look.

A brute, wearing leather armor, appears and starts approaching them.

"I take him to be Berserker. Am I right?"

Archer whispers to Saber in a intimidated tone.

"Maybe he is." 

Saber comments.

The Berserker is a tall and strong man, reaching 2 meters height. His skin is white, although a little tanned, very short black hair, and a well-cared  beard; his eyes are a very dark brown; He uses a leather chestplate and a brown pteruge with silver details; on his arms he wears leather shoulder pads with golden details, and on his hands, he wears leather gloves with chainmail; he also uses a large red cape with golden borders, appearing to look like it was made from the hide of some beast; On his waist, on a belt, a huge steel sword with a serrated blade can be seen.

"You're the Ruler, right?" 

The colossus of a man asks, looking down at Iris, with a serious and intimidating tone, while the other Servants stared at him, waiting for some reaction from their Ruler.

"Yes, I am! Glad you come here too, Berserker."

She answers, also, like the others, being caught out of guard by the question. 

"Haha! Good! I was already thinking of attacking y'all, in case you were Servants of another Faction!"

Berserker speaks, with a huge smile, with a rather loud tone, breaking the mood of tension from the place, leaving all the other Servants with a drop of sweat on their heads.

"It's a pleasure to meet y'all, my fellow companions!" 

He says, still smiling.

"This fool is our Berserker? Heh! I wanna see how that goes!" 

Assassin mocks, while slightly laughs.

"Pleasure to meet you, lad. I'm the Archer."

He presents himself, with a courteous greeting.


Berserker laughs loud, startling everyone.

"Just looking at y'all, I can confirm: Our Faction will be the best of them all! 

He boasts, while still laughing. 

It was very noticeable to the other Servants that Berserker was a very partying and cheery person. The type of person that cheers any situation up. Even though, for Assassin, that was just a nuisance.

'It's good to have someone like you around. The ambient seems more friendly with your presence, Berserker."

Iris comments, looking ar Berserker.

"What an interesting Berserker. He can talk properly, even with Madness Enhancement." 

Saber comments, slightly curious.

"Another foolish warrior."

Assassin speaks, bored.

"Good to see you're all cheered up."

Iris laughs a little.

"Ya-haha! Quite a loud groupe y'all are! That's rather funny!"

Someone appears from blue particles in front of the other Servants. A man.

This man that arrived is quite short, being 1.63m tall, as well as being skinny but slightly muscular; He has a tanned skin, his hair is a light brown and long, reaching the height of his elbows, but tied in a ponytail; his eyes are also a light brown color. He wears a white coat, made of fine velvet, long and dark trousers with gold alloys in garnish; wears black shoes with buckles and on his head a black tricorn hat, with a few red feathers as ornaments; on his neck, he wears a golden chain with a skull-shaped medal.

"Welcome, Lancer." 

Iris greets the man.

"Haha! One more companion from another era joins,our battle for the Grail!"

Berserker says, loud as ever.

"A pirate?" 

Saber asks, curious.

"Right on that, friend."

Lancer replies, as cheery as Berserker. 

"And you must be our Ruler, correct?"

He asks while going in Iris' direction.

"Yes, I am." 

She responds.

"I see… Our Faction is quite the diversified one. But I think that's the same for the other Factions."

Archer comments in regard of Lancer's appearance.

Soon, another Servant arrives at the temple.

"Wow, I'm really late, everyone's already here." 

A young lad speaks, appearing um the front of Iris.

The guy is 1.71m tall, has light blue eyes and long white hair, and has pale skin; wears light, steel armor, with a few areas made of a resistant and flexible leather; brown trousers; on his feet, he wears cavalry boots, also brown; he also wears a cape made of am white, almost gray, animal fur. In a sheath located on his waist is a one-handed shortsword.

"Servant of the Rider Class, you arrived just in time."

Iris speaks to him, and so he the roof approaches her.

"And who would be you, beautiful lady?"

He asks in a flirty tone, while holding one of Iris' hands.


She is speechless to Rider's unexpected action, slightly blushed.

"I see that perception isn't your forté, Rider. Since you can't even see that this young lady is our Ruler." 

A voice speaks from behinde Rider's back, someone who had just appeared without anyone noticing, seeing Rider's startled expression.

"Oh! M-my sincerest apologies, Ruler!" 

He apologizes nervously.

This unknown man that has just appeared has a medium height, 1.68m tall; skinny and with a light skin; the only part of his face that can be described is his mouth, because he wears a hood that covers a good part of his head and face; The hood is part of long purple mantle, that reaches down to his knees, it's also decorated with runes, that are drawn on it's flaps, that stays on top of a black shirt; wears some long black pants and black leather shoes.

Ruler was a little speechless, bit she do a small sigh of relief. 

"You were the last one that needed to arrive, Caster."

She says, looking at Caster.

"Pleasant to meet you, Ruler of my Faction. May my services be of thine use."

The Caster replies, with a serious tone.

"Haha! Looks like veryone's here!"

Berserker speaks, laughing.

"All of our companions on this war! I feel that the winds gonna blow in our favour!"

He laughs agiam.

"You're quite joyful… for a Berserker."

Caster looks at him, intrigued. 

"Good to see that everyone is getting along, but we have more important matters to care of in this moment."

Iris says, walking in direction of the entrance to the temple.


With her calm voice, she asks, and the Servants obey.

Iris stops in front of the temple and looks at all the Servants.

"Welcome, Servants of Black! My Servants! Welcome to the Great Holy Grail War!"

She speaks, loud and clear.

"Our objective is simple and clear: Win the War and defeat the other Faction's Servants. And, from what it looks like, the war has just started… The last Servant arrives to his Faction."

She say, while take a quick glande at the starry night.

The Servant's didn't know why that quick speech that they listen gives them so much motivation. Could this be some high-ranked Charisma? Or something different? 

"By my honor as a knight, I'll obey you orders, and ensure our victory."

Saber says, looking at his Ruler's face, decided.

"Hahahahaha! This war is already won!" 

Berserker celebrates prematurely, with a loudy laughs.

"Count on me, miss Ruler."

Archer replies, with a smile on his face.

"Heh, looks like you know how do be a leader, girl. That's good."

Assassin comments, with a short smile.

This is our objective since the start…"

Caster speaks, decided and serious.

"I am anxious to test the strength of the other Factions. I bet that's gonna be a wild clash!"

Rider speaks, cheerfully, laughing a little.

"Hehe! We'll triumph above the other Faction!"

Lancer boasts, followed by a laugh.

"It's great to see such animation. Servants of Black, victory will be ours!"

Iris claims, encouraging and motivating all of her Servants even more.

[Meanwhile, at Trifas, Romania]

At a dark place, in the underground of City ir Trifas, a person is sitting down on an old wooden chair, pensive about something. 

This person wore a hood with a Black Cloak, that covered it's entire body completely. To it's side is a hat, country style, of brown color. 

The man lightly smiles and speaks:

"The last Servant was summoned in London… I feel the magical energy of the other Factions growing bigger. This war is close to starting… Maybe giving orders in advance to my Servants wasn't a bad idea."

He says, giving a little smirk.

"Looks like the Red Faction is about to face its first challenge… Get ready, Servants of other Factions… My Faction gonna win this war."

The man laugh, alone in that dark place.