"Run my princess run" Drenched in pool of blood, was a man who was considered to be the powerful person in C city, trying to save his most precious treasure, his daughter.
''Daddy" Nate's not gonna leave you. Little Natelie was trying her best to be brave,wiping tears streaming down from her eyes.
"Nate" you must live, live for Daddy. You are our last hope. Take care of your sister. I wish I had some more time left. Untill you turn 21,you must hide your identity.
"Darcy" take care of my princesses. There's a secret passage which would take you to the orphanage. Thank you for being there for me.
The pendant that I gave Nate has the important information. Remember only Priscilla can stay with you.
Nate must be sent to orphanage. Nobody must know she's the second daughter and heir of Taylor Enterprise.
" Princess" Dadda loves you. I will be with you always. Now go. Before they come back."
They went through the secret passage where Priscilla was already waiting for them with Nanny Margaret. She had the envelope that had their passports.
"Priscilla" it's time to say goodbye to your lil sis for now " said Darcy."Where are we going Uncle Darcy and are Nanna and Nate not coming with us?
We are going to City A and Nanna's will be going to City Z . When time comes we will meet again.