Chereads / Legends: The Path of Pride / Chapter 2 - Kylmia Pirates*

Chapter 2 - Kylmia Pirates*

Kylmia pirates flooded the tavern. They were the most feared outlaws across the realm, known for being merciless pirates who killed and raided without regard for the consequences. The Kylmia were pirates only out for profit. They would gut him faster and cleaner than the scum in this bar, let alone the girl.

Adren pulled the girl behind me, ready to fight them to the bitter end in order to keep her safe. Even though he could barely keep my sword upright, he position himself in front of them with his sword ready to take out their female leader who aim at his head with a energy hand cannon of her own.

"Stop! Don't shoot!" Before the fight could break out, the girl ran out from behind him and put herself between them. "Big sis, don't shoot him, he was the one who saved me."

The barrel of the hand cannon aimed at his head shifted to his heart. "What?"

"It's true," The girl gestured at the bodies that littered the ground behind them. "He freed me and helped me escape."

His legs started to grow weak, he tried to stay steady, but the poison seem to have started to do its job. The sword in his hand seemed to gain a hundred pound. Instead of the Kylmia he focused on the only thing that mattered. "Are you okay?"


Nodding his head, he lowered his arm, dropping his sword, before sinking to the ground and blacking out.


The man opposing them slumped to the ground, but he wasn't the focus of her concern.

"Are you alright, Lilya?" questioned as she checked for any wounds on her body.

"I'm fine sis, only a few bumps and bruises here and there."

She quickly scanned the tavern to ensure that there weren't any threats.

"Garen, grab some people to scavenge what you can from the bodies, we move out in five!" She commanded, they had enough troubles trying to find her sister who had been kidnapped, now all she wanted was to get back to the base where it is safe.

The people around her viewed her as their leader, not just because awe inspiring domineer but also because of her ability to tame the massive fifteen feet tall lion that stood outside.

The golden lion had become the symbol of the Kylmia pirates, not because they were like a pride of lions, but mainly due to their leader taming a massive Gold Lion.

"Sis, we have to take the man with us."

"Lilya, listen to me! We have to go." the earlier they left, the better. Enforcers would soon flood the area and the Kylmia pirates are huge target for all enforcers across Yasson.

"Sis, you're the one who taught me to always repay back good deeds and acts of kindness. If we leave him here, how does that make us any different than those scum that kidnapped me?"

She gritted her teeth in frustration as Lilya threw her own words at her. She hated how much alike they were, stupid genes. Lilya was lucky that she was her baby sister otherwise she would have strangled her long ago.

"Fine. Renald!" She yelled, "Carry him back to the ship."

"Rebecca, Tyren isn't going to like this."

"I'll deal with Tyren when I get back, just get him on this ship." A huge headache was coming her way, she could feel it.

They quickly made their way back to the ships.

"Johnson, Take our baby sis to the cabins and make sure she doesn't leave."

"You got it, Captain Big Brain," He replied sarcastically with a salute.

How were they even related she wondered, "Garen, hurry everyone up, I want to set sail as early as possible. Renald, make sure our friend gets treated in the med bay."

"Aye, captain," they both gave a response before going along their task.

The sea was calm and the lack of wind would meant wind would mean that they would take longer to set sail. Seems like they would have to use a couple of energy crystals to power the engines to get going.



It had been ten minutes since they had departed the harbor. The sails seemed to pick up some wind and they were taking on more speed as they made their way back to base.

"Captain, there are a couple enforcer flags three klicks in front of us. They seem to be blocking our way." the lookout yelled from the crows nest. (1 klick is 10 km)

Shit, they intercepted us.

"Man you stations! Prepare for a fight!"

"FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FEAST ON THEIR BLOOD!" The whole crew roared. Maybe the Golden Lion did truly represent these lions.

As their ships neared the enforcers, they lowered their sails and came to a stop approximately a quarter klick away.

"Klymia Pirates you are vastly outnumbered and outgunned, surrender yourselves and the prince that you are harboring and you will be allowed to live," their commander seemed to be speaking through an energy enhanced megaphone.

Prince? Probably the Silverguard we saved. She gritted her teeth in anger and frustration. She had a deep hatred with with Silverguards, but that was for another time.

"How many cannons do we have?" Rebecca questioned one of the crew members.

"We have one hundred and eighty cannons per ship, with twelve ships captain."

"Outnumbered and outgunned, my ass. Good, let them have a taste of iron and blood. Prepare the cannons and raise the sails." Rebecca commanded.

The crew quickly moved throughout the ships and those above signaled each other the commands. They all seemed to work in sync something that shouldn't be seen among pirates.

"Blast the engines!" Rebecca yelled.

The energy engines quickly sounded through the ships, instantly accelerating the ships to eight knots. As they reach peak speed the sails were instantaneously raised to maintain the speed.

The enforcers also saw them raising their sails and accelerating. Understanding that was a sign of aggression also started to prepare for a fight. Unfortunately they were too slow to respond.


Cannon fire resounded the area as the Kylmia pirates turned starboard and unloaded iron on the enforcers ships.

It was like taking candy from a child. They had no chance to even fire their own cannons, let alone fight back.

"Garen scavenge the wrecks for any valuables. Renald follow me to the med bay." She commanded as she made her way to the med bay. The crew had done this a thousand times before, they knew what to do.

"Lilya you are suppose to be in the cabin." She glared at her brother Johnson, before questioning Lilya.

"I um… um... " It was quite cute watching her glance around attempting to find an answer that her sister would buy.

"Are you going to see the man?"

"Yes I am going to check up on him."

Lilya looked at her pleading, "Go easy on him sis."

It was quite surprising, while Lilya wasn't an introvert, she never interacted with any males, even her brothers had a hard time getting through to her.

"Lilya, why do you take to him so much?"

"Sis, he gave me his wallet and his gun so I could come back home. His gun! Who gives their gun away in a fight?"

It truly was commendable and would pardon the prince of many sins. She took the items of Lilya to check.

The man's wallet was as bare as the Yawen deserts, only a few copper and silver crown, enough for a few nights at a tavern.

She moved onto the hand cannon. Truly a beautiful piece of work that has been perfectly and meticulously maintain. The silver guards with beautiful dragon engravings on them. Fully loaded and unlocked. The man unarmed himself so that Lilya would have something to protect herself with. Well, he did still have his sword…

Well so far he doesn't seem as bad as the other Silverguards. Let's see how this Silverguard truly is, shall we, Rebecca muttered to herself.