This epic story starts with a wide mountain range situated in tibet. these pack of mountains are a magnificent piece of art all created by the mighty nature. pines and firs growing in patches throughout the forest greens and waterfalls falling from the top as if falling from the sky itself. far in a valley layed a hut made of bamboo which acted as a strong material for storms and fast winds. A long length of fence was attached to the hut in which sheeps munched on grasses that grew out of no where. This was the home of a shepherdess which would come out at the morning to take the sheeps for a good juicy munch across the fields besides the bamboo forests. The sun rose up and its Rays spread across the valley, the girl woke up, grabbed her stick and went out where the sheeps were waiting for her arrival. As soon as she opened the fence doors, the sheeps crowded outside forming a group. the sheeps started walking ahead while the shepherdess followed them through their way across the valley.