it's all dark,when we can hear the voice of Garuda , saying , it's not your fault Aparajit, It was all planned by the evil king Kaalvanshi.
Aparajit is sitting in the dark room, only thing visible is the two glowing eyes of Aparajit.
He says ,I am responsible for the death of so many people,ai could have saved them.
Yes ,but now you have to save your friends,who are taken to Naglok, If you don't do anything ,all your friends will die.Take your Param Astra and come,I will lead you to the portal of Naglok,
here we see Aparajit coming out of Darkness with his weapon ,Paramastra.
His Armour is shining and he is focused now. Garuda stretched his wings and flew high, Aparajit followed him with equal speed.
both of them reached to the portal which could lead them to Naglok,
Said Garuda,I will stay here ,you go and save everyone.