"Okay fuckface" Jerry said, "since we're gonna be together for the next 4 miserable hours of our lives, might as well be on a first name basis; I'm Jerry, that dick head at the back is David, the Mexican asswipe we just threw out was Karen, and you are?"
"Uh... Peter" the man hesitanatly said.
"Okay Peter the mighty morphing power penis" Jerry says, "Welcome aboard".
"I'm sorry about that, we're just really under stress because it's our aunt's birthday" David apologized.
"That woman has done more things for this family than all of our bullshit combined." Jerry commented.
"Sounds like this woman really means a lot to you." Peter spoke
"Damn right, and we're going to make this birthday the best birthday she ever had." Jerry said,
"How about you Power Penis, where are you going?"
"Just drop me off the nearest bus station in Florida." Peter answered.
"Oh good, I thought you were going to be a much bigger pain in my ass." Jerry replied.
Peter , trying to hold himself back asked Jerry, "Can you please for once in your life treat people with a little bit of respect."
"I haven't thrown you out of the car yet, isn't that a sign of respect?" Jerry replied.
"Will you", Peter held himself back, "Will you please show some respect."
"Two words Peter," Jerry said, "Piss off fuckface".
"That's it, I've had enough of your bullshit Jerry." Peter shouted
"Well excuse me, Mr. Gottagive2shitsabouteverysingleproblem." Jerry responded.
David and Jerry began to argue,
"You're a fucking bastard" "You're a fucking prick" "You're a bigger prick" "At least I'm not a fucking asshole to everyone" "I didn't know shit heads also talked shit too" "Fuck you" "Let me hear it" "You piece of shit" "You're a faggot" "Suck a dick" "Fucking retard"
David intervened, "Guys stop! Fighting is getting us no where."
"Can we PLEASE, act like adults and not fight for 10 minutes."
Peter apologized, "I'm sorry for what I said"
Jerry also apologized saying, "Jerry's right, power penis I'm sorry for the painfully truthful things I've said."
David remarked, "Close enough."
Peter then realized, "What about Karen, you threw her out of the car!?"
Jerry reassured Peter and responded, "I'm sure she's fine, this happens every time."