I look up from my desk and see a woman walk in my house. She didn't knock, but none is necessary since it during my working hours. With a black veil covering her entire body, everything but her eyes, she asks me, "I want to kill my husband."
Ahh, why am I not surprised? Every woman nowadays wants to kill her husband. Cheating bastards. "Alright then. Any particular way that you would like?"
"He always asks me to cut his meat up so he doesn't tire out. It's always after he comes back from mounting that bitch. So for the last time, as I'm cutting his meat, I want to cut his 'meat'." She whispered shouted.
I'm always amazed at the creativity women have when killing their loved ones. It's way more interesting than the usual mercenary mission where they want the whole situation to look like an accident. I can't believe people swallow the whole accident situation every time, but I've learned to be more creative to keep up with my client's demands.
"That sounds reasonable ma'am. Let's draw up the contract while I'm asking you a few more questions." I start pulling out the papers when she looks uncertain. She hesitantly pulls out a bag; I can hear the jingle of the coins.
"How much?" She raises an eyebrow.
I simply pull the bag from her. I want it all of course. I'm short on rent.
"Now that the payment's done, pull out your right arm. Blood oath is the only way to make sure that once you leave my house with your potion, you will have no other choice but to use the poison for its purpose. Immediately. No turn backs, no refunds, no second chances." I warn her. There's the only woman that turned away, and she loved him still.
"Okay." With the blood oath made, her wrist - which interestingly had a scar already on it - still bleeding, I ask her, "So what's his favorite meat?"