You take time for granted you know. No matter what we do, we waste time. Only because it's the one thing that we truly can never take back. We waste time on people, things, and obsessions. We're all victims to time, we only get so many minutes in our life. My father always says "You guys get more breathes than I do so let me speak." I remember that. He's said it at dinner before. My coma world Ms. Harberson, my caretaker, was the same way, always reminding me that I had more time in life than she did, and apparently that gave her some rights. Like the world owed her something for taking her time.
She's no different from you and I, but she views it as a way that she is. Once in a while I like to take a deep breathe because if I'm wasting time on everything, there might as well be a moment to breathe.
We all need a moment to go into a happy, quiet place and just take a deep breathe. Before I got out of my Coma world, I did this a lot because that world was falling apart at the seams, a war was breaking out, our planet was dying at an astonishing rate, and everything was corrupt.
No one could be trusted. I hated that world. I hated how people wasted their time and had regrets for wasting it. Everyone has that time regret. No matter who you are or what you do, you'll feel like you're wasting time even when you're on task. It might not be at the front of your mind but somewhere deep in there, it's there and it's screaming. Throwing a fit because no matter what we do we will always be slaves to time.
So I have only one piece of advice: When you waste time, make sure it's time well wasted.