"Come in milady." he said performing a graceful gesture for her to get in the car. She didn't need to get in his car, in fact she could easily walk home but she knew he'd pester her until she agreed.
At this point in time she was too tired for his whining and too confused to argue so she sat down inside the car.
As he got in she closed her eyes and thought about the situation, about everything that happened. First of all, her 'husband' possibly ex-husband now thought they were in a relationship, to be honest it was surprising that he even believed them, they must be very good actors or he was just blind. She thought hard about what had just happened, trying to process it but came to another thought. The contract. The contents of this mysterious contract was still unknown to her, but what could it be? She had nothing to offer him: no money, fame or status. Why a contract to begin with? As these hectic thoughts flew around her mind she had accidentally blurted out the question, 'what does he want from me?' causing Lucas to make an extremely amused face.
"Darling do you not trust me?" he paused as a smile crept up on his face. "You think I'm going to do something bad?" he said looking at her with innocent and widened eyes.
She sighed. This man, he really knows how to push your buttons. Who wouldn't be suspicious if someone refused to tell you about a contract. God knows what is on it, for all she knew he could be selling her off to some dodgy old man.
He glanced at her, catching sight of her confused facial expressions. She has no idea he thought.
"How can I trust you? This contract, it was just so sudden but it still felt like you planned this which is creepy. Have you even written it yet?" she suddenly started talking after a short silence.
"Darling, my assistant is printing a copy for you so don't worry you'll see it all tomorrow." he answered calmly.
"Hmmmmmm." she replied, and before she could ask anymore he had parked outside her hotel and opened her door.
After a quick goodbye she watched as his car drove off into the distance and came to a sudden thought. He never answered her question.