Chapter 6 - SULTRY PERIL

DAISY couldn't look away her astonished eyes to prepossessing beauty of discovered enchanting place place. Daisy delightfully promenaded the overwhelming town as she holded Day's hand to check around what's in their. Daisy found a bewitching gate made of yellow tulip plant with yellow leaves and golden wooden door after a long aisle. She ran fast and tried to open to the door with their bare hands and some kind of stretched hanger stolen to the stolen from the store.

The two sneaked inside and Daisy didn't know what to react when she finally have seen what was hidden inside. It was plenty of yellow dahlia, peonies,  daffodils, and the likes—orderly aligned with their respective rows. Each flower have their own unique fragrant scents added to the haunting beauty of the alluring lawn. With her amazement, Daisy kissed Day on his cheeks turning to red and his body froze as well as his eyes. With her unheaded amazement, Daisy kissed Day on his cheeks turning to red and his body froze as well as his eyes.

They two continues walking as large mango tree have shown up at the end of the forbidden garden. The lemon-colored mangos looked deliciously ripe with its fetching, kidney shape and goodly size. Daisy felt craving on the hanged fresh, sweet yellow fruit as her mouth begins to water. Day noticed Daisy was starving and he went up,  climbing to pick some mangoes for Daisy's empty stomach.

A sudden footstep commence to make startling sound which alarmed the two as Day pull Daisy up the branches to hide. There was two identical men with different colors of hair,  one was crimson and one was merigold. One with crimson colored hair shout, "I know you are there hiding up the tree, dear friend. You better get down. Or else you want me to go there and make your girlfriend pay for all of your unsettled debt with her life.

"Don't implicate her in our arguments if you don't want your lives first to vanish with my lethat hands." shouted Day. "Don't be a coward idiot, dear friend. If you really are greater, then show it up,  not just pointless words." replied him. Day jumped up with his flaming hands, "You better stop your foolishness if you really loved your lives. One with crimson hair said, "I was not named Blazed for no reason…" and his body was covered by burning fire as he lifted his feet up.

Meanwhile,  the whole tree glows sparklingly, brighter than the Sun's glaring and flaring light. Daisy got blinded quicked as she closed her eyes for a moment which she immediately open when the gleam got lost and Batala appeared once more. Batala said in serious tone, "What lost will be found. What kept will be vanished." and his body have glowed again. As Batala disappeared, Daisy panicked and looked around between the branches while watching her breath that was wilded

The whole field had the blistering heat of an inferno as the dispute between Blaze and Day endured. Blaze first blow aflame breath like of dragons but Day jumped high to keep away from burned. Next is Day to loose series of fireball attacks which torched Blazed left foot made him fall to ground. Day walked slowly coming close to Blaze whose foot was bathing in own blood, and Day raised his hand up pointing to Blaze.

Day was disturbed when a dismayed voice screamed abruptly, and he looked up to the branches of the tree. "Is she what you are looking for?" asked with merigold hair, smiling evilly, "Sorry! But I got her now." "You are psycho,  little guy! You better remove your hands full of bacteria to her skin!" shouted Day. "Oh! I'm not phycho, I'm Luster, And I badly wanted to taste your girl!" said him and smile widely.

Luster's eyes began to flame and pointed it Daisy's neck—Day was bemused of the stifling event. Day weakened and his legs folded dropped to the ground and Luster took a long, wicked laugh. Luster slowly walked coming close to Day while making Daisy as his hostage by his flaming eyes. Luster looked forward to Day and the fire coming from eyes became bigger as it was pointed to Day.

Daisy looked badly to Luster and took of her floral panty quick as lift up her skirt connected to her dress. Daisy urinated to Luster's feet as he started to collapse and Daisy removed Luster's hand from her body. Daisy stood up and hold Day's hands, running together out of the enchanted yellow garden with two dead bodies. Day locked the door with coiled golder pedicel he found in front the front yard and continue running.

As the two were walking across the street, Daisy felt someone seems following their footsteps. Day looked back to check to Daisy was right he have saw nothing but their shadows lying on the road. "You might be just hungry." said Day and they continue walk going far until their body began to be not seen. An unrevealed boots of perhaps a girl feet walking on the direction of the Day and Daisy.