In the far land of Eastern Dawn, the unknown curse of evil magic appears in the kingdom of Archaria. The whole kingdom is now covered by the unexplained force of darkness.
Gatotcaka the king himself now began suffering from disease that made his whole body unable to get up.Everybody started to feel scared--Would it be the end?
"The sacred moon will soon turn into ashes.The stars poured into blood.
Everything shall be vanish and the bitter death of all is coming.Death...death...death!!!
said Esmeralda the witch from Astrolgia
"Please tell us what to do. My dear father is dying we need to do all the things to end this misfortune." the scared voice of Miya after hearing those words
"Miya the Princess of Archaria, the only way is to the bring back Harperus."
"The ancient king of Dawn who fought for freedom during the invasion of Uranus"
"But how?"
"In the Southern mountain of Zephir lies the ancient king. Pour this magic water on his head and he'll be alive again.Be fast the time is getting shorter"