"You look so perfect standing there, in my American Apparel underwear and I know now, that I'm so down. I made a mix-tape straight out of '94, I've got your ripped skinny jeans lying on the floor and I know now, that I'm so down."
"Red! Over here!" She heard the bartender of the bar she's in called her name. Red chuckled and walked towards the counter. "Why hello there chérie" Red said as she sat down on the stool in front of the counter with her trying-hard-french-accent. "Drop that Rhoana. You know you're not good in french." Drew, the bartender, said as he laughed at Red. "You rude boy! Well at least I know and I'm damn good at french kiss." Red stated and laughed her head off. "Well, if you say so. Same drink tonight?" Drew asked as he prepared his materials to prepare Red's drink. Red's bloody red lips formed a smile, "Of course." She answered.
"Looking good, Red!" A passer-by said as she looked at Red. Red blew her a kiss and giggled. That night, Red drank all her heart's content and by 11 o'clock in the evening, she was already drunk enough to make her unable to walk. Red stood up from the stool and walked towards the dance floor. She was busy swaying her hips side by side and raising her arms as she feels the music beat when a pair of hand started to caress her waist.
"Hey there beautiful." Said the stranger. Red faced the stranger as she puts her arms around the stranger's neck. She smiled sweetly at the stranger and started to dance, she's too drunk to think right. "Dang, my face will be all over the news again for sure." Red laughed as she continued to dance with the stranger she never met her entire life. "Shall we take this somewhere, Miss?" The stranger asked her. Red shook her head and giggled, "My daddy's going to rip my head off if he knows what I'm up to." she said. "He doesn't have to know, babe." The stranger said as he pulled Red closer. "Oh believe me darling, he would know." Red giggled and left the stranger and continued to dance somewhere far.
"You're drunk." A deep voice said behind her. "Who are you?" She asked, but instead of answering her question, the stranger dragged her out of the bar to his car. "Where are you taking me?" she asked as she entered her car. "Dylan sent me here. He didn't tell me his cousin was such a heavy drinker damn it." He said, answering Red's question. Red simply answered him with a nod and shut her eyes down as she let the alchohol take over her system.
The stranger made his way to the driver's seat and took his phone to call. "Dy, I got your cousin." He said. The other line sighed, "Thank you, man. I'm sorry I had to bother you. Fiona is at it again." He said. His voice sounded so tired and sad. The stranger knew that his bestfriend is in a huge problem again. "It's alright, it's on my way anyways. I have to go now. I'll drive her home." he said and hang up the phone.