For years people have been looking for the magical and heaven-defying fruit of immortality. Throughout time many have embarked on a journey through uncharted and unexplored lands, many were lost and only a few brave ones were able to return home safely after their fruitless search
In the remote corner of this lawless world lay a tiny hut with a withering old woman, she was in her late sixties and her life-less face indicated that death would soon knock on her door. A shirtless young man was chopping wood, his extruded muscles were dazzling as they were formed through years of rigorous manual labour, his face was like an unpolished gem, as the dirt was hiding his God-like handsome face.
Kaiser-Ul-ich who just turned 16 finished chopping his last block of wood. He spent his whole life in this huge forest without interacting with others or ever stepping outside of the forest's boundary. Now that he is 16, he's finally allowed to venture out and experience the outside world for the first time.
"Kaiser, Kaiser!" shouted his grandma from the inside of the hut. Kaiser quickly ran inside and saw a feeble-looking woman who was a mere shadow of her old and vibrant self.
"Kaiser, now that you're 16 it's time for you to leave the forest and venture out to find your purpose" said his grandma with her remaining energy. Kaiser looked at her excitedly but at the same time, a look of worry started forming on his face as he asked " What about you? I can't leave you in this forest by yourself."
His grandma replied with an elated expression "My time in this world is nearly over, I would like to spend the remaining time by myself and not hold you back in your journey. This is my final request to you. PLEASE LEAVE AND NEVER COMEBACK!"
Kaiser looked at his grandma for the final time after giving her a long hug and kiss before departing. His grandma knew he would listen to her as he'd always been an obedient child.
As Kaiser left and only a mere dot of his could be seen on the horizon as he marched through the thick forest his grandma muttered "Thanks Kaiser for being the best grandson and hopefully you can meet the rest of your family..." before she could finish the rest of her sentence the remaining life force in her depleted taking her away peacefully.