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Ark of Time: Rebirth

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Reborn into a world at war, Koga will regain his old self by searching for his lost memories, along the way he finds out more about the friends he once had and lost. ----- This is my Friends story, but I Co-wrote it. We hope you enjoy it.

Chapter 1 - Rebirth Part 1

Rating TV14

written by TheDreamBegins -(aka) FireXDragon007

Co-written by: Rad_da_Boss

this series is written in the style of a TV show, the point of all these complex actions is to get you to imagine it.

Episode 1


() Actions events ETC

{} Thoughts


[Displayed Text].  example- [Four Years Later

A-       sentence interruption


>     Three seconds



|     Multiple things happening or being said at the same time

Speaking in different language [Language] (Speech)


(Blue wisp appears)

Yuri Tanaka : The time has come where you are needed once more...awaken...Koga Draghil.

|(Vision blurs in)

|*Ears ringing*

|(Heavy breathing)


Koga: What's going on here?.... Who am I?...where am I…?

(Vision comes clear and in a city like setting surrounded by Border walls)

(Pure chaos)

Douglas: Wake up Rookie! We he have a numbered set of targets and a limited time to take them out!

Koga: Huh…? Who me?

Douglas: What are you, stupid for a living? Yes you, let's go!

(Jumps off ledge using Rocket jets and grapple hooks)

(Watches Douglas kill a Masked Walker)

Koga: Just woke up and this is how I start my day?

(Opening 1)

 (copy and paste drive links into app or browser)



Episode title: Rebirth

(Burns into episode)


Douglas: We are in a state of crisis, and all our soldiers are out sipping tea and crumpets, for God sake why do I have to do everything myself!!!

(Kills a Armored Grunt)

Douglas: All this nonsense makes me Rage!

(Kills about 3 more)

(Thunderspear hits Masked Midget in the face and a rope pulls it back and kills it)


(A Masked walker slams him to the ground)

Koga: Hey! Guy! are you okay!?

Douglas: My everything…..ouch...I'M GONNA BE OK!

(It steps on him)

Koga: are you sure?

(Douglas raises the Masked walker up from under it's foot with markings around his face and arms)

Douglas: LIKE I SAID, IM OK!!!!

Koga: Someone tell me I'm dreaming.

Ledo: You're not

Ren: Hey I was going to say that!

Ledo: Beat it!

Ren: Who asked you!

Koga: Both of you, can it! we have a job to do here don't we?

Ren: No kidding.

(Ledo and Ren Hit the skies with gliding gear)

Koga: I feel like I have a place here...but, I don't remember anything's all blank.

(Mans the artillery)

Koga: Two tons of pain coming right up.

(Fires cannons killing a few beasts)

Koga: I'm at a disadvantage but yet I'm still thinning the numbers.

Koga: That guy, is amazing...what exactly is he?

Koga: Strange how I'm not surprised...I feel like I've seen this before...this war.

(Music fades)

(Time slows down)

(Embers flying through the air)

(Ledo and Ren Killing Man Beasts left and right)

(Douglas Cracking skulls)


(And scene fades to black)

(Opens back after all the man beasts are killed)

(Douglas back to his original form)

Douglas: Ledo, Ren keep watch.

Ren: yessir, We'll be on standby.

(They use grappling hooks to sling themselves upward)

[This way they can propel themselves upward without using up gas for the Jets in their gear]

(Bell rings)

Douglas: Looks like Lunch!

Douglas: You up for Tacos rookie?

Koga: Tacos?

Douglas: You know absolutely nothing do you?

Koga: I know a few things...i just can't remember where i learned them.

(Puts on college cap)

(Gets pointer stick and Drawing board out of nowhere)

Douglas:  Long before our time, the planet we live on was divided up into the Continents of North and south America, Europe, africa, and Asia. Due to a Natural phenomenon: continental Drift, Japan somehow ended up in the US replacing Mexico, source of the Mexican sandwiches we call Tacos.

(Points to continents on the map)

Douglas: This is America, this is Mexico and THIS IS A TACO!!!(Shoves one in Koga's Mouth) Suspiciously delicious

Douglas: The country we now live in is called URAJ, The United Republic of America and Japan.

(Points to it on the board)

(As he's eating it hearts appear over his eyes)

Koga: (muffled) Damn that's good , where'd you get em?

Douglas: I keep extras in the backup department

(Lifts his arms up and they fall down somehow uncracked from his armpits)


(Spits it all over Douglas' face)

Douglas: Yep….i deserved that.

(Siren blares)

Douglas: Here comes another wave

Koga: I'm short with weapons, how am i supposed to contribute?

Douglas: Follow me.

(Leads him to a storage cell)

Douglas: I've heard alot about ya kid, they say you're a natural fighter But, I've got a test for you.

(opens the large garage-like door)

Koga: Woah, a Jet?

Douglas: Not just any Jet, Hydra J7, the fastest Bird to fly these skies.

Koga: It has a death factor in there too right?

Douglas: To the extreme.

(Hands him a manual, a gliding suit and the keys)

Koga: Give me five and I'll have it down.

Douglas: We're kind of in a rush so make it quick.

(Uses grappling hooks to rush out)

(Koga gets in and flips through the book)

Koga: Got it...let's go.

(Fires up the engines and runs the jet off the ground)

Koga: Ok, what next.


Koga: Hey, I'm kinda liking this.

(Hits the Nitrous Boost)

(Soars doing barrel rolls)

Koga(over radio): Wooooooooooooo!

Douglas: don't be so reckless! You're going to destroy my jet!

Koga: Okay fine,cool your temper

(Nosedives and fires missiles at several man beasts, knocking them down for the Assault squad to take them out)

Douglas: He's a good member of the team...but has he really recovered from that incident?

(Shows Koga in the hospital all broken and beat up)

Douglas: This kid is more than just your average soldier.

(Koga fires missiles at a masked Walker's face)

(Then Douglas strikes that spot killing it)

Douglas: now your thinking outside the bo-

(Night walker swallows him whole)

Koga: (Memory fragments return to him)

(In flashback)

Douglas: I am the leader of this Assault squad, you will be trained under me from now on. You will know be by Ensign Douglas, also known as the Storm's Jet Black...

Douglas: Koga, Angel Karosuma, Ledo, and Ren, Welcome to the front lines. The lives of many now rest in your hands.

Koga: DOUGLAS!!!!

(Fires Cluster rocket at the Night walker)

Koga: Im not about to let you die!

Ledo: (Through radio) Douglas, your radio transmission was cut, are you ok? Hello?

Koga: He was eaten alive!

Ledo: Stay put, we're on our way.

(Lights flash on Hydra and signal flare fires into the sky)

Koga: In not just going to sit here, I have to do something!

Ren: Don't you dare even try it! You're not skilled enough in close combat.

Koga: So I just let him die!!!?

(Turns and heads to Fire another cluster bomb and the Night walker goes to swat at Hydra J7)

Ren: Koga!!!

Koga: Oh…

(The jet ejects Koga)

(Gaining attitude)


(Disappears in a blink of a star)

(On ledo and Ren's side)

Radio* Static

Ledo: find a 2x4 and hit me with it please….

(Back to Koga)

(Starting to lose altitude)

Koga: If I don't do something, I'm a splat on the ground down there…

Koga: And! I left the Gliding suit back in shack.

Koga: Never thought I'd be trying this.

(Grabs an Auto rifle from his back)[DragonSCAR])

(Takes a slab and it opens up and wraps around the gun and  gives it a new barrel)

(Charges energy in the weapon)

Koga: Adjust my position.

(Fires it a few times and the Titan comes into view)

(Draws his sword)

(Reaches the Titan and drives through it's big red eye with his blade shattering it's skull)

(Uses the charged weapon to propel himself upward over the Nightwalker's head)

(Slices straight down it's belly)

(The sword snaps after cutting the Beast open)

(douglas falls out in a toxic mess)

Koga: There he is!

(Uses the weapon to propel himself upward again)

(Catches Douglas and fires at the Night walker, Causing it to fall backwards)

(He lands at the feet)

(Lays Douglas down)

(He begins to regain consciousness)

Douglas: Maybe I should give you a raise.

Koga: You were paying me?

Douglas: well... you got me there kid...

(Ledo and Ren arrive)

Ledo:  he actually got him out….

Ren: You could have let yourself out ya know?

Ledo: The stomachs of those beasts are hella toxic

Ren: Ohhh. I see now.

Douglas: Yeah, explains why I can barely move.

Ren: Come on, let's get you to a medical unit

Douglas: Oh cool let's see what the doc has for me this time.

Koga: {Good...he survived...I will not have anyone dying, Not while I'm still breathing.}

(Scene fades out)

*Heart monitor*

Douglas: YOU IDIOT!!!!! You wrecked my jet!

Koga: Ungrateful Piece of- I'm the one that saved your skin!

Douglas: Tsk* Well whatever, word came I'm that a lone Beast is headed near a village east of here. Angel Karosuma, she was a member of our squad and she's out there defenceless.

Koga:(memory fragment goes through Koga's mind)(Angel Kira Smiling at him)

Got it, I'm leaving now.

Douglas: He's changed somehow...before today it didn't seem like he acted on his own accord...just like a dead shell, but now he has fire in him.

Douglas: Come to think of it….She was once the same way too...

(Shows Koga running)

Koga: { This girl….Im remembering something…}

(Fragments of memory)

[Angel Karosuma smiling]

[The two walking together]

(Koga reaches the storage unit and takes glider gear and razor blade swords)

Koga: Hold on just a bit longer...

(He leaves)

(Skips to the trail to the village)

(Using glide gear to get through the woods unseen by Man Beasts)

(The village comes into view)

Koga: Only one?

(Midget mask showed standing in the middle of the village)

Koga: Here's my chance.

(Hooks onto the Midget mask and cuts his head clean off)


Koga: That wasn't too hard…

(Takes loud speaker and sounds police siren in pulse)

(The remaining families come out their houses)

(A girl with blonde hair runs over to him)

Angel Karosuma: I knew you'd come...I can trust you and I'm glad I did.

Koga: I'm sorry to say this...but do I know you somehow.

Angel: What's don't remember me?

Angel: { Did he suffer from amnesia after he was hurt?...}

Koga: I know that you are someone important to me...but it only remains as fragments in memory.

Koga: I don't remember anything before today, Doesn't that seem weird?

Angel: Now that i'm thinking of're not acting like the same boy I knew before… you seem different.

Angel: Maybe we can figure this out together.

Koga: You want to come with me?

Angel: Yeah, this village was protected by the underground shelters so, mostly everyone was spared.

Koga: That's good..let's go.

Angel:...(gets on his back)

(They leave the village)

(Back at the medical ward)

Nurse: You're all clear Doug, you may leave now.

Douglas: That didn't take long.

(Earth quakes)

Douglas: Again!?


All residents take shelter! Mega Walker has been spotted.

Douglas: How are we going to deal with this!?

(Koga pulls up over the Border wall)

(begins to glide down to the central storm)

Koga: Of course...more trouble.

Angel: We're all going to die…

Koga: What?

Angel: A Mega walker….

Koga: The bigger they are the harder they fall.

Angel: You're quite optimistic today.

Koga: Take shelter, I don't want to see you anywhere above ground.

Angel: …

(He drops her off at the center of the village close to the underground entrance)

(Skips to Douglas)

(uses a mouthpiece and turns into an armored titan)


Ren: You have the big ugly too doug.

Douglas: SHUT UP REN!

Hitari: He has a point

Douglas:I'll KILL BOTH OF YOU!

Ledo: Why can't all of you just get along? we're supposed to be fighting a colossal here aren't we?

Ren: Speaking of which...WHERE THE HELL DID IT GO!?

(it's already made its way to the center of storm)

Douglas: Bloody hell, look what we've done.

(Koga shows up)

Koga: Ok, everything is clear down at the village, yet it looks like we have a bigger problem on our hands.

(The Mega Walker grunts and they all look that way)

Koga: How did it get over there!?

(Looks closer and See's Angel looking up at the it terrified and frozen still)

(the titan raises its hand as to swat at her)

Koga: NO NO NO NO!!!!!!

(Kicks the glider gear to max and tries to head to the center)

(before he can close in the titan swats her and she goes flying)

Koga: ANGEL!!!

(He races after her and as he begins to get closer he sees a trail of blood leading to a building she had crashed into)

(he gets down beside her every single bone in her body broken)

(eyes partially glazed)

Koga: I was never meant to see death like this, i won't stand and watch as everyone i care for dies!!!!

(Looks directly at the Mega Walker)

Koga: You're in for a very painful de-

(Jolts and falls to his knees)

(starts sweating)

(heartbeat pulses)

Koga: (Growls and strains)

(His hair slowly turns red, then fangs and claws grow)

(Fire burns from his hands and feet)

(Opens his eyes they glow red)

Koga: Its ends here!!!

(Jumps toward the Beast at mach 1.1, punching it causing the head to explode from the impact)

Koga: ….!! What just happened there?..did i do that?

Koga: Angel!

(Heads back over to her)

(as he arrives she's barely breathing)

Koga: This place...i'm starting to remember...the place of healing we always went to.

Koga: Please just stay alive!

(Picks her up and rushes out of storm gates headed northeast)

(Douglas standing on the wall)

Douglas: that's Angel...but who is that?...

(jumps down and follows them)

(Angel with a broken wing ♪plays)

Koga: {Only a few memories i begin to recall...of my life in this world...before it even began.

Koga: Memories of this girl...but who am I exactly...who did I used to be…}

(way behind them)

Douglas: That figure has some strange aura clinging to him….

Koga: { Don't you dare die!}

(Looks down at her)

(Memories flood back of the times before his awakening)

Koga: {if I existed before today...then...why do I appear to have been a walking corpse?}

Koga: I'll find out soon enough…

(He reaches the outskirts of an old village untouched by the walking man beasts

Koga: Still intact? That's rare.

(Rushes through some woods and into a cove)

Koga: The Cavern of healing, never used for it's intent, due to people's hatred towards the guardians of all.

Koga: ...

(Places her in the waters and the cavern begins to glow)

Koga: … her...

(The wounds close up and her form returns to normal)

(He picks her up from the water but she isn't even wet)

Koga: Let's get you home.

Douglas: Who are you, and what are you doing here?

Koga: Oh, hey Doug the smug, what's up?

Douglas: I'm asking you a serious question here, who are you?

Koga: Douglas, it's me, Koga…

Douglas: You look nothing like the guy how am I supposed to fall for that?

Koga: Your armpit Tacos are disgusting.

Douglas: Oh! It is you! When did you dye your hair?... And are you wearing contacts or something?

Koga: (Blinks)…

Douglas: Saw what happened is Karosu gonna be ok?

Koga: Yeah, she just needs some rest….and… Karosu?

Douglas: The family name is Karosuma

Koga: you just shortened it.

Douglas: I did.

(Angel wakes up)

(Looks up into Koga's eyes)

Angel: Koga….that you?

Koga: Yeah, I'm glad you're alive. You scared the crap out of me.

Angel: I'm sorry….

Angel:...(leans her head on his arm)

(She blushes a bit)

I'm liking this NEW you…

Koga:(flustered) w-what are you talking about?

Douglas: (all loud and blunt)

Ooookay let's head back! We have a hell of paperwork to do…..I do….

(Scene fades to a close)

(Opens back at storm Angel and Koga are sitting at a Park that somehow wasn't trampled by Titans)

(Angel still covered in blood from the incident)

Angel: There's no word in existence that explains how much that hurt.

Koga: I'm sure it did. Massive hand, flying at about 100 miles per hour, then hitting the concrete.

Angel: I'm surprised I didn't die from that.

Koga: you have a fighting spirit.

Angel: I'm sure Douglas is relieved all this over too.

(Screen splits and shows Douglas on the other side with a mountain of paperwork in front of him , with a WTF look in his eyes

Douglas: I hate my life

(Goes back to Koga)

Koga: I doubt that.

Koga: Once all this boils over you might be put back on the front lines.

Angel: As long as I with you I'm happy.

Koga: (smiles) I won't ever let this happen to you again ya hear?

Angel: Don't make any promises that you can't keep, this world is filled with dangers that we can't possibly imagine. One day, even you will end up like that. That's just how things are, life is a war.

Koga: We'll just have to protect each other then.

Angel: (looks off into the skies)

(Scene fades to a close)