Mariah Elisabeth "Elis" Hemmington and Anthony James Arthur had been bestfriends for 7 years and 3 months. Ever since the first day they met Anthony instantly fell for Elis. However, he was too afraid to admit his feelings to Elis. Not until they were 2nd year in college.
"Hey Elis!" -Anthony
"Oh hey Thony! Whats up? How's life?" -Elis
"Nothing much just studying for some of Professor James' quiz in Math." -Anthony
"Omg same! I really dont get the part where x has to be added by y and subtracted by z." -Elis
"Pshh, you can solve that! Your more smarter than anyone on this campus!" -Anthony
"You think so?" -Elis
"I know so! Wanna study at the cafĂš? Its my treat, I'll order you some Milky Black Coffee?" -Anthony
"Sounds like a good idea!" -Elis
A T T H E C A F Ă :
"Omg! Now I get why -x3 has to be divided by -y9!" -Elis
"See? Now you know." -Anthony
"OMG THANKIE THANKIE THANKIE THONY!!!" -Elis *Elis hugs Anthony*
"Hey...Can I tell you something? Its a bit serious..." -Anthony
"Yeah sure! What is it?" -Elis
"Its..well, I-I-" -Anthony
"I???" - Elis
"I-I like you! Ever since we were Sophmores in Paul Academy. I didn't get to tell you sooner because there were so many guys who liked you, and, I-I just really like you. You get my point....Right?" -Anthony
"Yes, I do get your point, And yes, I liked you too but way longer than you think. So, I'll accept it." -Elis
"Wait, ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" -Anthony
"Yes! I'm serious!!" - Elis
"WOOOOOOOO!!!!" -Anthony *Anthony stands up and dances the nae nae*