Kai-san father get transfer to Tokyo beacause kai-san father knows kai is upset about his friend death.
Kai-san still thinking about sezu-san he find his gift (the ring) form sezu-san.
Kai take that ring and create a locket form ring. Kai-san shift with his father in Tokyo and he get admission in a new school. But in the school kai-san doesn't speak with anyone.
And he search ghost's after his school.
Few days later he find a person who is possess by an bad sprit.
But kai-san still afried about his power because the sprit told him one when you use this power for bad thing you will forget your identity.
When kai-san think about what happens to sezu-san he will not afraid of anything the bad sprit possess that man noticed kai-san and attacked him. kai-san attack that spirit not even scratch on him.
The bad sprit told kai-san your just a human who can see sprit with my next attack you will be not survive.
Kai-san defend that attack with his hand somehow. But that attack scratches his hands and kai-san see his tattoo on his both hand.
The bad sprit surprised about kai-san power he never seen a human can touch sprites. The sprit attack him again but this time kai-san was ready and kai-san hold that sprit hand and burn it down with his power. And drag that sprit to the ground.
And ask that sprit do you know any sprit who kills human with his sharp nails. The sprit told him no I don't but I heard some rumours about it he is in Tokyo. Don't kill me.
I don't kill any humans I just possess them when they in truble in disideing thing and suck his hatred that's all if you don't kill me I will help you as a servent.
Kai-san told him okay then I will not kill you but you help me to find that bad sprit or I will kill you. The spirit says yes I agree okay I will become you book when a bad sprit around you I will tell you.
Kai-san said yes I agree...