That night, I was never the same. I didn't want to live knowing why Tyler was. I didn't want to know I was under some dark magic. I didn't want this to be my life. I remember going to school expecting Hailey to not be there, but for some reason, she was, and she didn't be the bully she was. I skipped the last class of the day just so I could see Tyler sooner. He was doing something. Controlling my life. I was his puppet, but a puppet without strings. I just did the stuff he wanted me to. I ran straight to the woods after that. I ran, and ran, till finally I saw him. He was wearing a black coat and and black paints. Right. Before. Summer. He turns to me and smiles, "Do you want to come to my house?" I knew I should have said no, but remember, dark magic. I followed him very deep into the woods. We stop at a metal door in the ground. Tyler opened it, and inside were stairs. I followed. I see a normal home inside, a couch, a TV, a kitchen, a bathroom, the usual. I remember he told me to sit on the couch as he went to change his clothes. I did. Then I realized, I couldn't get up. The walls melted away, to show what looked like a basement. I was chained to a wooden chair. Everything changed. He came back out with a grim face and a red hoodie on. His eyes were red. His black hair was a mess. "Are you surprised," he asked, "or did you expect this?" His teeth gleamed when he spoke. I see his canine teeth. They were sharper than usual. Then, I realize, Tyler was a vampire, and a charming one too.