"T O M r HaN xILOnG, YoU hAvE….."
"F*ck this is going to be annoying." It wasn't necessarily hard to read but he was having an aneurism going through it. He couldn't take it seriously nor could he stop reading, despite the assault on his eyes.
dO yOu WanT to Hear A STorY - A prisONer is tOLd: "If you tell a LIE, we will HANG yoU aNd if You teLL THE truth, we wiLL shooT yOu" WHaT diD thE prisOner sAy to saVe hiMself?
WhAt woUld yoU chOOse Mr. Han XI LoNG, I wOndEr. EVen WiTH tHis leTTer do You KnOw wHO I aM? I kNOW wHO yoU arE buT thAt wAs a STateD fAct anyWays.
I aM the reason you rUn. I am the reason you scrEam. I am the cause of your pAin. I am a cage froM which you will never be frEE.
SEE yOu SooN.