Chereads / I'm Anna / Chapter 55 - Having Fun

Chapter 55 - Having Fun

More guests arrived the next day. Besides uncle Harlin and Jira, a few Furians, Voltars, Vanauts and even Eterians came to our house. We were really packed inside at that stage. My parents told us to play outside or something, because the adults had to talk. Even some adults had to leave, and wait outside. Suly wasn't an exception either. She was actually more annoyed than me, when they kicked her out as well.

"That's just out of order. I'm old enough to add something into the conversation…", she complained. We even tried to eavesdrop on them, but the adults waiting outside told us to give it a rest. "Alright guys, since we got kicked out, what do you want to do? They might take a while... Anyone up for a short trip?", Suly asked.

That wasn't such a bad idea. "Where do you want to go? Apium?", Dawn asked. "Nah, how about the sea? Most of us can climb down the cliff without any issues. I can take care of Leran and Drak, so how about it?", Suly proposed. I didn't get near those cliffs ever since that incident happened, but others would be there. Besides, my anger made me do it. Therefore, it wouldn't occur randomly. "Yea, let's go. The sea is great", I chimed in.

Suly carried Leran and Drak, just like she said, while me and others simply climbed down. The kids liked the sea, even Tara and Dawn seemed to enjoy the scenery. "Guys, there are creatures called fish in the sea, maybe we will get a chance to see them. Moreover, you can find shells in the sand", I said.

"What sort of shells?", Leran asked. "Well, these creatures are called clams, but only shells get washed up onto the sand. Once you find a weird looking shell, that's the one I'm talking about", I explained. Drak and Leran seemed really interested in those shells, so they began their search. "Dawn, Tara, let's go in. The water is a bit cold, but you'll get used to it quickly", I proposed while taking off my shoes. "Heh, sure. I don't mind", Tara followed my example. Dawn was a bit reluctant, but did the same.

Suly didn't follow us though. She placed her hands on the ground, and created a sort of platform extending into the sea. "Haha, what? Are you afraid of water?", I teased her. "Really? Unlike you smartasses, I can sit here and enjoy the seawater at the same time", she replied while taking a seat at the end of the platform. 'She has a point…', I thought before shamelessly joining her with Dawn and Tara.

"Your father must've seen a lot of things. To think there are other places than this continent… I wonder what those places look like?", Suly said. "I don't really care that much. I have my home and family here. There's no need to explore other places, if you are happy at home", Tara said swinging her legs in the water. "I'm fine with the North too, though checking out the Endrosian Empire would be nice. They are our neighbours after all", Dawn added. "I'm the same as Dawn. Maybe going to other places is impossible, but at least this place. I'd like to visit the whole Perival Continent", I chimed in.

"...Now that I think about it, father did mention we will visit our family in the Endrosian Empire. That's more like a family trip, rather than adventure", I added. "Heh, you will? I'd like to go with you guys", Tara said. "Which part of the 'family trip' did you not understand? Besides, you just said the North is enough for you. Sit there and play in the water", I replied, annoyed. "Sister, sister! We found some weird things!", Leran shouted towards us. "Hmm? Ah yes, these are the shells I mentioned. You can take them with you as a souvenir, right?", I told them.

Drak and Leran collected all the shells they could find. They were rather greedy, as if competing who found more. 'At least they are having fun'. With nothing to do, Suly proposed a little display of our Formation skills. There was nothing to compare, she would win without a doubt. Though for the lack of anything better to do, I agreed to her proposal.

"You can go first, make whatever you feel like. Something fun would be great", Suly said. 'Something fun, eh?', "I might have something interesting", I told her. The sand was too loose for me to draw on. Besides, the Formation I had in mind required a stable ground. For that reason, my first task was to make a platform.

A few runes later, my earth Formation was ready. "Crumb… Crumble… Crickle..", a small area of the sand turned rock solid while rising upwards a bit. "That's it?... I'm not an expert, but this is rather… Plain", Tara said, confused. "Don't be silly, Tara. Do you really think Anna is stupid? She only made a platform for her real Formation. She knew how loose the sand is, therefore her way of thinking is actually perfect", Suly complimented me instead. "Even an idiot could figure this out. I wonder why Dawn didn't ask such insightful questions, right Tara?", I said smugly. Tara mumbled something to herself, but I paid her no heed.

My plan was to create three twister Formations, powered by the collecting Formation. The layout was simple too. A large collecting Formation in the middle, and three twister Formations forming a triangle around it. The process took me a while, but with the Formations completed, only linking them remained. Fortunately, there was no need to layer any Formations on top of each other. "I'm done here. You should know these Formations and their effect already", I told Suly.

"Yes, I'm aware of what you created. Want me to activate them?", she asked. "By all means", I replied. "Swoosh!", three twisters rose from the ground, spinning around quickly but not violently. "Not bad at all. Your links and Runes are perfect. Moreover, you reached the Outer Limits stage. No wonder your Formations are stronger. Great progress, Anna", she praised me again. "That's not all", I added while grabbing Tara. "What are..?", before she could finish, I threw her into one of the twisters. "AAAA...NNN...AAA", Tara exclaimed while spinning around. My intentions were different to what she probably assumed, but I enjoyed the sight anyway.

The twister pushed Tara upwards, until she emerged at the top, spinning around slowly. "See, it's not so bad", I said. "I give you that much, it was a bit fun", Tara said with a grin on her face. "How about you Dawn? Wanna have a go?", I asked. "No thanks, I will pa…!", before she could decline properly, I threw her into another twister. "AAA...HHH…", she screamed before making it to the top as well. "You are a mean person, you know?", she said flustered. "Come on, it's just a bit of fun. Look, I will do it too", I replied while jumping into the third twister. "AAA..HAAA...HAAA..", my screams filled the area. "See, it's fun!", I added after emerging at the top.

Leran and Drak looked at the twisters with sparkling eyes. They wanted to have a go too. Suly deactivated the Formations, letting us get down. Drak and Leran didn't need encouragement, they jumped straight in. "WHEE….EEE", "HAAA….HHAAA", both of them enjoyed the twisters.

"Heh, to think you would use the Formation for such purpose. I'm surprised, not bad at… Why are you guys looking at me like…?", Suly began but it was too late, "Get her!". The three of us rushed at her immediately. "Wait! I'm not a kid anym… OOOO….RRREEE", she tried resisting, but got thrown into the twister anyway. "Anna, you devil. No wonder you are like your mom", Suly said, annoyed. "Whatever, how about you show us your fun?", I replied.

"You want something fun? Let me down and I'll show you!", she exclaimed. We deactivated the Formatons, letting them get back to the ground. "Watch and learn", Suly added before placing her hand on the ground. She created all sorts of channels and tunnels with the use of sand, though we weren't sure about their purpose.

"You want us to run up and down? Like an obstacle course or something?", Tara asked, confused. "You wish!", Suly replied then created another Formation. "Splash!", a wave of water slid down the channels. That's when we realised Suly's intentions. "Who wants to go first? Don't worry, you will be shot out into the sea at the end", Suly said with an evil grin. Both me and Dawn pointed at Tara while taking a step back. "Huh? Me?... I will remember this, guys", Tara said then voluntarily made her way towards the top of a slide.

"Hah… Alright, here goes!", she exclaimed while jumping into the stream of water. "WAAAA...HHHH", Tara's screams sounded left and right, as she went through all the channels and tunnels. The ramp at the end shot her up and into the sea. "Hmm, I should probably adjust the final ramp a bit", Suly said to herself. Tara made it back to the shore, but she seemed thrilled. "It was scary, but not in a bad way… I want to have a go again", she said. Since Tara survived and the ramp got adjusted, we all had a go. Leran and Drak were especially enthusiastic about such attraction. I couldn't blame them, it was the first time for us as well. They loved it to the point where they refused to leave.

"How did you come up with such an idea?", I asked Suly. "Well, your twisters gave me inspiration. Moreover, Water Element is ever present here since we are next to the sea. I also recalled your father's water delivery channels in Apium. I mixed everything together, and came up with this", she explained. "Heh, you actually made something really cool. Look at Leran and Drak, they enjoy it a lot", I said. "Yea, I'm a bit proud of it myself", she added with a smile.

We adults had a few gos only, there rest of the time Leran and Drak use the slides and whatnot. "Alright guys, this should be enough for today. We should return for some dinner", Suly announced. Though they were reluctant, both of them were also tired.

Leran literally begged his sister for something like that back at home. Drak didn't have such a talented sister, so he could only stare at them in jealousy. "...Sister Anna, sister Anna! Can you do that for me too?", Drak asked after a bit of hesitation. "Huh? I'm not going to Sedon anytime soon though. Besides, there's no sea at Sedon. Placing something like that inside a city would annoy others", I replied.

He was disappointed, but I didn't want to leave my parents alone. I couldn't let my mother win. "You are a princess though. I mean, there shouldn't be any problems... Even when you place that inside the city. Though, doing it outside should be even more possible. Like next to the Stage or something", Dawn butted in.

'I feel a headache coming…'. I wasn't wrong. "So does that mean you can do it?", Drak asked full of hope again. 'Don't look at me like that…', "...Fine, I will go with Tara. My mother wanted me gone anyway… I guess she'll get a present. Dawn, since you were so eager to propose this, I'll ask you to pay as well", I replied. "I… I'm sure we can work something out", her dry laugh sounded in the workshop.

"You can discuss everything with Tara, she knows how to handle money better", I added. Drak on the other hand, well he celebrated like crazy. "See, see! I will get that too!", he said excitedly. "Calm down you two and eat your food", Suly reminded them about the dinner.

"By the way, they still haven't left the house. I mean, how long can you talk?", I asked my friends. "They should be done by tomorrow. Most of the people will leave as well, since they came here for business not pleasure. Besides, your father is the Emperor, what did you expect?", Suly replied. "Ah, whatever… Hehe, look", I pointed at Drak and Leran. "They fell asleep", I added. "Yea, kids are cute when they sleep. I remember when you were little and cute, Anna. Now train this, work there, do that. Kids grow up so quickly", Suly said. "Eh, shut up. You're making me blush", I replied. We spend the rest of that day chatting and laughing.