Hi...um...im fucking James?I really dont fucking know how this fucking works but ill do my fucking best you dumb fucking pice of shit.
James-Were the fuck are we
Stan-Were at the fucking asylum
James-What the fuck,i dont need a fucking shrink
Stan-No you dumb shit its a anti gay asylum,dads orders
James-Just fucking great!
I got out the fucking car and Stan fucking checked me in and then fucking left
Nurse-Here is your room sir
ahe fucking lead me to a small fucking room that was full of fucking mold abd smelled like cat shit
James-What the fuck is this
Nurse-Its your room sir,so fucking deal with it
She pushed me in and fucking lock the door,a while later the fucking nurse brought in a girl and fucking pushed her in as she did with me
James-Who the fucking fuck is this,my room matte?
Nurse-No,your girlfriend
and then she fucking locked us in...again.
James-Do fucking siriusly work for those dumb fuck,s
Minty-What,no im not even into guys,im a lesbian
James-Well im fucking gay
Minty-Im Minty by the way
Minty-My name,its Minty
James-Im fucking James
A fucking doctor walks in
Doctor-Sorry to kept you waiting this long
James-What the fuck is going on?!
Doctor-You two have been paired,wich means you guys will be partners or as we like to call it dating trough the program
Minty-What do you mean?
Doctor-You will both be going trow a delicate process that will make you much better,in fact you are starting right now
Two fucking nurses walked in and gives us a fucking needle
Doctor-We just inserted a device that will electrocute you wen ever we desire,but there is on one condition that we could remove it
Minty-And whats that
Doctor-You both leave the asylum one hundred percent straight
Minty-Im sorry
Doctor-You hurd me,but you need ti prove to us that that is the case
James-What the fuck that bull shit!
It really fucking was,the Doctor clicked a button on his remote that fucking electrocute me,my fucking body shake non fucking stop
Doctor-The more.....personal things you do you will get rewarded,like first getting food,blankets,clothes or even a bigger,cleaner room but that all depends on what you decide