I was not really surprised to see her again.
She said, "See, I'm your fairy godmother and you can do nothing but believe me. And remember? Just now, you were gone to a different place? It was all because of me."
"Ugh! Will you just leave me alone?"
"Well, I will go away soon. But one thing, you'll have to believe me, that I'm your godmother"
"Fine. I believe that you are my godmother" I said, not so trustfully, "Are you gonna leave now?"
"Oh dear, you're too silly! Not that I'm not gonna leave. I'll be leaving now. But.."
"Well, I've got a task to do with you"
"But why me?"
"See, I didn't choose it. The Nigara King chose it."
"Who the heck is that now?"
"You can't talk about him like that. He's our King"
"Now, back to the task..."
"What is it?"
"Well, I can't tell it to you. I mean, I shouldn't"
"Uh.. Well, is it dangerous--"
By the time I could finish what I was going to say, she just pointed her hand at me. A bright light just emitted out of her hand like the last time. I couldn't really open my eyes cause it was so damn bright.
After what seemed like a eternity, the light was gone. And my eyes felt really weird. And after some time I could see things clearly.
"What did you just do?!"
"Okay. Now I'll explain it to you."
"Duh! You've got to. Do you think I'll leave you like that?"
"See, when I pointed my hand at you, the light which comes out will go into you."
"Seriously? Just get to the point"
"You're so..... Ugh, never mind. So, this light has some energy."
"What does it do?"
"So, when I pointed my hand at you, the light came out and went into you. So this light has a energy which, when you sneeze, you become a boy and then you sneeze again, you become a girl and so on."