"Start!!" the judges including the princess said
Rita uses a spear and then lauches straight to me she really wanna end it quick
but i dodge her attack by bending my back then punches her stomach she then fly up in the air then i jumped and attack her like a machine gun.
After a while Rita fainted due to exhaustion
"The winner is Izayoi!!"Malory announced
"Your next opponent is their swordman Mike",
"We called him Sword Dancer cause of how fast he attack!!"Malory explain my next opponent
"Round 2!!!!"
"Ok...START!!!!"they then screamed
After the countdown Mike threw a sword to me and i catch it then he prepared his stance
i used the battou jutsu/Hitten Misurugi stance of The anime called Rouruni Kenshin
(Hitten Misurugi sword style learned)System informed
"What sword stance is that!!?"spectators started to speak and ask one another
"Oh...Looks good but can you get me"Mike said then Flashed right behind me but before he could even react he saw a sword aura going directly at him "How?!..How!!!!??...How did you-!?"Mike was surprise that i can keep up with his speed
He then cough blood the fell on the ground
"Ok you lost.."i said half heartedly
"I cannot accept this!!!"Mike Exclaimed
"But you still lost.."i said to mike
"Im better than you !!!!"Mike was about to attack me but then i used the Hirameki on him
"Humph arrogant"
"So strong!!!"The judges and the princess murmured
"Woah!!!"all the knight and servants was surprise on the outcome
"Ugh...What happened"Rita said while scratching her head then she saw Mike flying in the air.
"WHAT THE-!!!"She was surprised on what she saw
"Mike!!?"she screamed in shocked
"I think i used too much strength..."i said while staring at the fainted swordsman
"So who is my next opponent?"i added
"Oh!!Right!!...Uuuhhh.."Malory was dumbfounded on what she saw she was in dazed until i told her who is my next opponent
"Your opponent is their mage Miss Maika but you need to use magic to fight her"Malory explained
"Um....Uuhhplease go easy on me!!"the girl with a Black hair said
"Hmmm...Ok i'll try"i said
"Round 3!!!"