The PM strode into the room with such flair, it was impossible to tell that he was struggling with a civil war under his regime.
He looked about 30, confidently wore a neon orange blazer and pants, with his hair dyed pink. His fingers were covered in gold rings, and bling-y sunglasses rested on the bridge of his nose. The older man behind him, looking worried and sleep deprived, was his chief advisor.
The poor chief advisor had an expression on his face almost as if to say that the future was non existent and humanity was a lost cause. Mei assumed this was because he had to babysit that idiot of a prime minister, that he always looked so despondent.
Lina was too shocked too even stand up and greet this striking man. His skin was tanned and his features unique. He was by no means a bad looking man, but his appearance was just way too shocking.