Lina's heart stopped looking at him covered in blood. She was so panicked, she didn't realise the blood wasn't his.
There were two other people in the room she had blatantly ignored as she ran towards him and dived into his arms.
Shen froze.
What the hell was she doing here?
She had never seen him like this...murderous.
He was holding a sharp hunting knife in one of his hands.
But she seemed to think HE was a victim!
"Lina...why aren't you in bed asleep? How did you get here?!"
He was trying to remain calm but his voice was shaking.
With her face buried in his bloody shirt, she began to cry and mumble.
"Why did you leave me...you...you promised you'd never leave me..."
As her body was wracked with sobs, Shen held her shaking, petite figure close to him.
The two other people in the room looked at each other, completely dumb founded.