Chereads / Citrus (FF) / Chapter 45 - Chapter 45: Relationship Issues

Chapter 45 - Chapter 45: Relationship Issues

"She wants to move in..." Fingers running through her hair, Harumi let out long heavy sigh. With her head currently in the blonde's lap, the brunette finally let her troubles out.

Yuzu opened her mouth to speak but was cut off as Harumi shot up to a sitting position. "I mean we haven't even been officially dating for a year yet! We're just coming up ten months and she's bringing stuff like this up!" A frustrated grunt left her lips as Harumi flopped back onto her friend's legs.

"I just don't know what to tell her... Yeah she's my girlfriend but I'm not sure we're like you and Prez..." Harumin whined, seemingly more to herself than to the blonde. Either way they were cut off by the youngest girl as she walked into the sitting room, only mildly displeased with the current seating arrangement.

"That's something we can agree on," Mei said as she placed the blonde's tea down on the coffee table.

"Hey! Don't be mean to her Mei." Yuzu defended as she gave a discrete smile to her girlfriend's comment.

"No, Mei's right. You wouldn't think it, but Matsuri is really domesticated like you guys are. I just need my space, I don't know how you guys do it. What am I supposed to do when she annoys me or if I just wanna sit by myself, or what about all her computer stuff and-" Harumi's ramblings were put to a stop as Mei's rather cold voice sounded throughout the living room.

"That's called having a relationship, you learn to live with it." Mei, after stating her fact, was just in the process of leaving the room when she was stopped by the sound of her girlfriend's voice. Turning, she was met with a cheeky grin and a raised eyebrow that she assumed was meant to be a pout.

"Learn to live with it do you?" Yuzu mimicked, trying to sound annoyed at the comment but unable to hide the humour on her face.

"But she's right you know? If you do move in together you will have to deal with all that..." Another grumble left her friends lips, clearly showing her distaste.

"You don't have to say yes you know, Matsuri's not gonna force you into anything." Trying to comfort her friend, Yuzu was slightly shocked when Harumi's eyes snapped open to look up at her.

"No she'll just make me sound like the bad guy. Do you know the grief she gave me about asking for some time to think about it? She's probably more emotional than you are sometimes Yuzucchie, if I say no then she'll either get upset with me or get mad at me. Both end up her in ignoring me for days, I'm in an impossible situation!"

It had happened yesterday when Matsuri had came around in th afternoon and stayed for dinner. The topic had been one that Harumi had purposefully been avoiding due to the hints her girlfriend had been leaving the past week or so. When initially hesitant in her answer Matsuri had provided a good argument and had almost persuaded her to say yes, but her rationality kicked in. Thank God it had or Harumi would have been cursing herself now.

Matsuri had left not long after receiving the vague answer, obviously the younger's was of stopping herself from saying anything impulsive.

Now here she was, debating the pros and cons of the situation with her best friend and having Mei jump in now and again whenever she was bringing something for the blonde. Something else the brunette was seeing today was just how hooked Mei was on the blonde. Bringing her whatever she asked for with little to no complaints.

Matsuri was much the same to her, but what about all the unknowns? What about all the arguments or the disagreements? She wouldn't be able to creep back into the corners of her room for space or to distance herself from everyone.

"You know no one else can answer this for you? Maybe it's something you need to talk to Matsuri about, but even if you did move in together, if it was as tough as you think it'll be then yous can always take a step backwards? It's not like you will be chained down to the decision forever." Yuzu smiled as she stroked her fingers through the girl's bangs.

"Yeah I suppose so..." Harumi agreed as she peeled herself from the couch. "I should head out, I've been here nearly all day. I'll text you once I've made up my mind." Placing a chaste kiss to the blonde's cheek, Harumi rolled her eyes at the glare she got from Mei, who for whatever reason, was standing in the door way to the hall.

"You act as though that's the worst we've done." Harumi grinned as she watched Mei grit her teeth together.

"And if she wants to get anything once you leave, there won't be any more of it." Mei growled, no one would be kissing her girlfriend and getting away with it. That was if Yuzu wanted to get past first base tonight.

Looking down to her friend, she was greeted with an awkward smile that told her 'Shut the fuck up!'.

"Right well guess I'll be going then," With a glance back to Mei to meet a growingly irritated expression, Harumi grabbed both her bag and her coat and left the couple in what she knew was a tense silence.

When the door clicked shut it was mere moments before Mei was standing in front of her girlfriend.

"What did she mean?" The tone was so drastically different from what it had been minutes prior, Yuzu almost didn't want to respond.

"She meant nothing by it, it was waaay back in high school and nothing happened..." Hooping her fingers around Mei's waist, Yuzu gave a slight huff when she pulled her pouting girlfriend onto her lap.

"I was too caught up on you to notice anyone else," A large sweet smile made its way over the blonde's lips as she smiled up to the younger girl.

"You only say that in hopes of taking this further. It's getting late and we haven't had dinner yet," Mei fired back as she removed herself from the blonde's lap. Harumi had been there since she woke up, waking up to see her girlfriend and her best friend sitting playing games wasn't the best wake up call. It was now a little past the pairs normal meal time, she had spend the day listening to loud giggles and fits of laughter, then sorrows and relationship problems; Mei for one, wasn't best pleased with the days course of action.

"Okay, okay I get it!" Exaggeratedly pulling herself from the couch, Yuzu pushed a mushy kiss to Mei's cheek before skipping to the kitchen.

"I'll call you through when it's ready okay?"

A curt nod of the head later and the blonde was left alone in the front rooms, a small smile still gracing her lips as she took a moment to take in the life she had. About the life she planned to live until she say old.

Hours had passed, dinner eaten and plates washed and put away, Yuzu was now sitting in-between her girlfriend's legs, her lips stuck in a passionate kiss.

The movie night on the couch couldn't have taken a better turn if Yuzu had asked for it. Mei seemed extremely keen and Yuzu was in no mood to object. Running her hands up and along the firm thighs, Yuzu couldn't help the butterflies in her stomach when Mei released the kiss to let a moan escape.

"Do you want to go through to-" Yuzu, in the midst of taking, was cut off as the lusting eyes that had been gazing down at her blinked shut and her lips where taken hold of again. A gentle tongue parting those very lips with little hesitation a moment later.

Mei who had been holding off for as long as she could, couldn't help giving the blonde curls a slight tug as her fingers worked through them, the mixture of a groan and hiss she got from her girlfriend was so definitely worth it. She had came through looking for some satisfaction this morning, now, not only had she had to keep to herself all day, she had been teased. Going to the bedroom, as courteous it may have been of the blonde to ask, was far from on the younger girl's mind.

Chests where panting and groans where prominent in the room, this was the first time the young couple had planned to go this far in the front rooms. Mei had always been adamant that being intimate should always take place in the bedroom. It was a feeling of privacy and security the younger girl preferred, something about being openly naked on the couch had seemed uncomfortable previously.

No matter how many times the blonde had asked in the past, she was always turned down and told to take it to the bedroom. So tonight for the dark headed girl to be stripping her shirt off and tossing it to the living room floor was a surprise.

The kiss was rough dominant, after a few moments longer the lips where released and the pulsing skin of the blonde's neck and jaw were taken grasp of instead.

"These lips... They're mine." The statement came rather harshly over busy lips, Mei's words forcing a strong nod from her girlfriend.

"Always," The response came as a gasping breath when teeth sunk into her neck. Mei could never resist leaving a bite on the blonde's neck and shoulders, but who was the blonde to complain? She couldn't deny the feeling of electricity that ran through her from the pain and pleasure all at once.

"Good." It was sharp and blunt, and before the words had left the air Mei was pushing the blonde down onto her back. The prominent presence of lust in her girlfriend's purple spheres where a small tip to the older that this wasn't going to be a quick night. For that reason alone she couldn't help the grin that made its way to her lips as she pulled down on Mei's neck to connect her lips with her girlfriend's once more.

The clock was striking twelve when Yuzu felt hot slick walls clamp down on her fingers for the final time that night. Mei, who was panting mercilessly, let a moan rip from her throat that came from so deep in her chest it gave the blonde that familiar feeling of tingling in her tummy.

Several more seconds of convulsings later and Mei was slowly crawling on top of her girlfriend's uneven chest, a blanket in hand as she placed her head on the older girls shoulder. Their skin was tacky with sweat and effort, but that didn't bother the pair at all.

It was quite apart from the sound of breathing in the room and the background noise of the TV neither had thought to switch off at all. With a warm hand coming up to caress the side of her jaw, Yuzu smiled and let herself melt into the couch when soft gentle lips worked on the other side of her neck: Mei was being nice. One thing Yuzu craved after sex was sweetness, and Mei felt inclined to give it to her tonight.

"Stop or I'll get excited again," It was more of a giggle than anything, spoken as she ran her fingers up her girlfriend's nude back. Yuzu giving a soft smile when the lips on her neck ceased as if to take in the sensation on her back.

"I'm glad you managed to get this weekend off work.. I've been... seeing less and less of you lately..." It was quiet, almost like a muse Mei was saying more to herself than the blonde beneath her.

"Hey, I know I've been busy, but I've had some assignments due in recently so when I've not been at work I've been in the library or at a study group... I know you where upset that I spent the whole day with Harumin, but tonight and tomorrow I'm all yours!" Giving a squeeze as if to get her point across, Yuzu pulled the blanket up over the pale shoulders in front of her, settling down on the couch preparing for sleep.

"Tomorrow we're going to Matsuri's so I won't have you for the entire day," It was a reminder Yuzu had hoped Mei would have forgotten. But then again that was a silly thought, Mei never forgot something like that.

"Yes we'll... that's at night so I can spend all day with you." Smiling down, Yuzu accepted the silence as an agreement and reached out for the remote to switch the TV off. It being clear that Mei's eyelids where already struggling to stay open.

"Good night, I love you." Yuzu whispered in such a sweet voice Mei could only respond with a lasting kiss to the girls cheek.

"I love you too," There was a brief smile before her head dipped back beneath the blonde's line of sight and a weight was restored to the blonde's chest.

Tomorrow was either going to go one of two ways, Yuzu could only hope that it didn't escalate too far. She had an inkling that Willow was a tad more protective over her cousin that she let on, Yuzu had witnessed it several times in the few weeks they had all been together but had chosen to pay it little attention.

However, only time would tell and at the moment she was happy just to sink into the peaceful slumber that awaited her; Tomorrow Yuzu could deal with the stress.