Chereads / Citrus (FF) / Chapter 38 - Chapter 38: Confrontation

Chapter 38 - Chapter 38: Confrontation

"You know Mei, I really like you like this. Maybe we should fall out more often," Yuzu hummed from her place by Mei, head resting on the taller's shoulder as they both spent a few extra moments in bed.

The look of shock and confusion on Mei's face told Yuzu that she didn't quite grasp that she was joking.

"Why would you want us arguing again? I don't understand what you gain from being miserable and fighting with m-" Mei spoke up before Yuzu could explain that she was only kidding, her voice hurt though the confusion and concern was still there.

"Mei I was kidding," Yuzu laughed as she smiled up to her girlfriend who's expression turned into a scowl.

A squeeze to Mei's hand before placing a kiss on her knuckles and Yuzu continued.

"I just mean you are just being really affectionate with me since we made up, and I guess it's just making me really happy." Yuzu gave a beeming smile to Mei before resting her head back on the girl's shoulder.

It took a moment, but Yuzu eventually got a response in a voice that came loving.

"Are you normally unsatisfied with the amount of affection I give you," Mei asked, her tone keeping some of the concern as she wondered if her lack of affection sometimes affected the blonde.

"Of course not, I love you just the way you are. I know that you really missed me even if we weren't ya know physically apart, and that is why you are being like this. And it'll probably die out and go back to normal soon, so I'm gonna make the most of it," Yuzu smiled as she spoke, not thinking that her comment would lead the conversation this way but happy none the less.

"I did miss you, but that is not the reason for my affection." Mei said casually, not realising the suspension she was keeping Yuzu waiting in, Mei began to let her thoughts wonder.

Without the continuation she wanted, Yuzu gave Mei a few moments before she squeezed her hand and was forced to ask for the real reason. After all, there couldn't be much more of a reason could there?

"Well, what's the reason then?"

Blinking at the curiousity filled words, Mei thought about her answer before she spoke.

Cheeks going slightly red Mei answered honestly to the girl beside her.

"I missed you yes, I missed not being able to wake up in the morning and talk with you, or ask how your day had been; I missed not being able to look at you, hold you and kiss you; I missed your company, but all those things could happen at any time or because of any reason. I miss you when I spend time at Grandfather's or if you spend a night at Harumi's, but this was a different type of missing." Taking a moment to steady her breath, Mei gave Yuzu a swift look but decided if she was going to get this all out she had to look elsewhere.

"I got a glimpse of what my life would be like if you left me. The fear, the loneliness, constantly feeling dead inside as if my entire being had been ripped apart and no matter what I did I couldn't find those pieces... Feeling that and knowing that my life would be like that if you weren't in it, made me see what I didn't before: How much I really love you, how much I need you. The feeling of contentment and joy I get when I'm with you, I know I would never be able to feel with any other person. And when you look at me and you smile so brightly and full of love, I see that it's all for me. How I couldn't be any luckier than I am to have someone as brilliant as you as my partner."

Yuzu was stunned at the emotional message she was recieving at the moment, Mei seemed so sure of her words that it had Yuzu stuck in silence.

"What I'm trying to say is, this past week has made me see what life would be without you and I don't like it at all. I never want to feel as far away from you as I did last week ever again. I need you, and when I see you I just want to be with you and make sure I never let go. I'm finished taking you for granted, now I want to show you that you mean more to me than anything else in this world." Finished her speech, Mei glanced down to Yuzu who had tears pouring from her eyes and was just waiting for Mei to finish so she could push her lips to Mei's.

Slow and yet a little forceful, Yuzu pushed herself up to Mei. "...I love you so much, I would never be able to leave you Mei." Yuzu finally said after a moment of looking into the glistening amethyst orbs, finding she didn't know what else she could say that could follow such a statement.

"You don't have to worry about loosing me, I'm afraid you are stuck with me for life!" Yuzu smiled as she sat upon Mei's thighs and wrapped the younger girl in a bone crushing hug.

After a few long moments and tight squeezes later Yuzu pulled back, a large grin on her face as she looked into Mei's watering eyes.

"When did you become such a little romantic?" Yuzu asked, smiling brighter as a blush spread across the raven's cheek, standing out against her pale complection.

Mei couldn't bring herself to answer, full of embarrassment she was forced to look away from the prying eyes of the blonde.

However Yuzu refused to let Mei have her way. Giving a small chuckle she cupped Mei's face in her palm and turned the pink cheeks to face her once again.

"It's not a bad thing Mei. Five years ago you wouldn't even tell me if you were upset about something, now you can say all that to me. It's amazing!" Leaning down and giving a soft peck to Mei, Yuzu thought in awe.

"Can you really believe that we've known each other for five years!" Exclaiming in an over dramatic voice, Yuzu raised her hands to the air as if it was a huge achievement.

"I've had to put up with you for that long, I very much believe it." Mei said, returning to her usual monotone voice. Not expecting the pout she got in response.

Grumbling under her breath Yuzu lifted herself off Mei and sat on the edge of the bed. Feeling as though she couldn't be upset because of the declaration of love the younger girl had just made, but flicking her tongue trying to get the bitter taste out of her mouth at Mei's most recent statement.

It was clear that Mei hadn't meant it as a joke, and of that Yuzu was certain. Huffing once more before she jumped from the bed and made her way to the closet.

"You don't have to be so mean Mei," Speaking in a slightly whining tone to take the sharpness from her words, Yuzu grabbed some jeans and a shirt along with fresh underwear as she headed to the door.

"I'm going for a shower, kay?" Even if it was asked as a question, Yuzu was already prepared to leave the room and begin her day; Without an argument happening.

"Yuzu wait... What did I say?" Mei's voice came quiet and tentative. Stopping at the almost scared voice, Yuzu turned around to see Mei sitting up in bed, a confused worried look in her brow.

She doesn't even know she said anything upsetting... Giving a somewhat sad smile, Yuzu made her way back over to Mei and placed a kiss to her forehead. She definitely couldn't be mad when Mei wasn't even aware she had said something that had hurt her.

Yuzu could tell that she was genuine about what she had said, however, she hadn't meant it as a bad thing. Most likely just stating her mind on the blonde's over-excitable, emotional character.

"Nothings the matter. Forget about it, we need to get ready for class." After lingering her head against Mei's for a moment more, Yuzu stood up and after letting her fingers move from cupping the soft cheek to run down her jaw, Yuzu turned to leave.

Leaving the door a crack open Yuzu made her way down the hall, footsteps quiet on the hardwood floor.

Mei, however, remained on the bed a pensive look on her face as she tried to understand what had made the flip in the blonde's attitude. She hadn't said anything mean or hurtful to her girlfriend, she had just poured her heart out to her; Something Mei found a great deal of struggle doing.

Time ticked by and soon Mei found sitting in the bed more frustrating than not being able to figure out what she had done wrong.

A stern look in her eye, Mei pulled her legs from the bed and marched out of the room after her girlfriend, who was by this point already in the shower.

Not bothering to knock on the door, Mei stepped inside and met the wave of steam as it escaped to the hall.

The soft singing voice she heard from outside the door instantly stopped as she barged in. Even in her quest to figure out what she had done wrong, Mei still found time to appreciate her girlfriend's singing.

Since Yuzu had begun playing again Mei had noticed a slight improvement in the girl's pitch. So now, even if her voice was far from perfect, Mei didn't mind listening to Yuzu sing. She rather enjoyed the soft, gentle yet wildly energetic voice of her lover.

Entering the room Mei watched as Yuzu spun around to face her, shocked but relieved to see her girlfriend standing there. Though not having time to speak as Mei looked through the foggy glass to Yuzu who was confused as ever, and trying to discreetly cover herself.

"What did I say that you are upset about? I've thought about it and I didn't say anything intentionally, and anything I did say I can't see how it would upset you." Mei stood not taking her eyes off Yuzu's.

Mei heard a sigh from the blonde before she wiped a small circle in the glass so she could see Mei properly.

"Do you really have to ask that while I'm in the shower?" Yuzu gave a weary lopsided grin but got no response from Mei. Well aside from a tight-lipped frown that told her she wasn't leaving.

"You didn't do anything wrong, Mei, okay? Now would you ya know... leave?" Embarrassed was all Yuzu was, sure they had seen each other naked dozens of times, but that didn't mean that she didn't become nervous when it happened. Because she most definitely did.

Her heart hammered against her chest harder every second longer Mei stared at her, cheeks were pink and her hands were folded over her most private parts.

The eye contact was broken and Mei pulled off her shirt that she had only just put on when she woke up, along with her shorts and underwear which were left at her feet. Sliding the glass door open all the way, Mei stepped inside and after taking a second to adjust to the burning hot water, focused on Yuzu who was now beet red.

Yuzu was captivated, Mei's body was just too much to take in all at once. Her eyes running up and down Mei's form, not aware of how close she was getting until she felt two hands push her against the tile wall and lips land on her neck.

"I asked you a question and I expect an honest answer." Mei's voice came out firm and hard, but she knew it had Yuzu quaking at the knees. After all, Yuzu was not one to deny a little domination now and again.

Her short nails scraped up the length of the blonde's thigh as teeth dragged down her neck and along her shoulder.

"Tell me the truth," Mei practically growled into the blonde's pink hot ear, her hands both now holding her hips firmly in place. Fingers pressed firmly into the soft skin.

"M-Mei..." Trying not to let herself sink into the needing growing in her abdomen, Yuzu quickly gave into Mei's question.

"It-it just hurt a little when you said 'you had to put up with me' in the bedroom. I know you didn't mean anything bad by it, but it just sorta hurt a little." Nervous as it came, Mei listened to every word and didn't make an advancement until Yuzu had finished speaking.

"I did not mean it in that way, I enjoy your company. I was only referring to your... outgoing personality." Mei said softly to Yuzu, dropping the sex appeal to comfort her girlfriend.

Refusing to let her embarrassment rule her, Yuzu pulled Mei into a tight embrace; Tingling as all her skin connected with Mei's.

"I know, that's why I'm not upset with you," Yuzu said, placing a kiss to the nape of Mei's neck when she was finished.

"So... Instead of moping around in here, how about we have some amazing shower s-sex?" Yuzu began so, so confident, truly believing she had the will power to get it all out smoothly. But she stumbled over the last word as Mei looked her up and down. Still acting like an immature teenager afraid to say the word aloud.

"No thank you," Mei's reply came swiftly, and after removing herself from the blonde, quickly rung the water from her hair. Mei stepped out the shower and without another word, wrapped a towel around herself, chucked her clothes into the hamper and left the room.

A few delayed seconds before Yuzu registered that she had just been left alone. "MEI THAT'S NOT FAIR!" Shouting at the top of her lungs from the shower, Yuzu could only hope that it rang down the hall and reached Mei's ears.

Mei was sitting at the table nursing a hot mug of coffee when Yuzu stomped into the room, hands on her hips as she looked over Mei. Interests piqued at the unusual entrance, Mei looked up to her girlfriend who had her lip pouted out as far as it could go.

Raising her eyebrow in question, Mei gave a look of expectation, rolling her eyes just a little at Yuzu's puffed out cheeks.

"How many time are you gonna say no? Especially after teasing me last night and then again in the shower!" Pouting, even more, Yuzu puffed out her chest.

It was safe to say Mei wasn't expecting that question as her mouth hung agape as the information settled in.

Sitting back with a small quirk to her lip, Mei motioned for Yuzu to sit down; Which she did, only she sat down on the table instead of the seat Mei was showing her to.

Rolling her eyes again at Yuzu's dramaticness, Mei spoke up.

"To tease means to provoke or make fun of someone in a playful way, that is not what happened last night. I was clear about what I wanted and there was no teasing, well not on my part anyway. In the shower, I was not aware I was being playful, I was going more for dominance. Maybe I'll have to practice that one," Giving a cocky grin Mei waited for what Yuzu's reply would be, now she was the one stunned and shy of an answer.

Cheeks burned brighter at Mei's words. "Well, that's not what I was asking..." Glancing away from Mei before looking back to her Yuzu continued, "I wouldn't mind that anyway." A blush spreading down her neck, Yuzu risked the advancement.

"I was merely playing Yuzu, why is sex all you think about?" Humming slightly as she asked the question, Mei sat back in her chair and crossed her legs, confident she had put a stop to the blonde's questions.

"Because I'm twenty-one, constantly around your sexy ass body and haven't slept with you in ageesss! Besides, it seemed to be all over your mind last night and you got to satisfy yourself." It came so boldly it took Mei a moment to try and cool the heat in her cheeks.

"Yu-Yuzu! Don't... don't, I didn't- stop it." Mei stuttered and was forced to look away and tell Yuzu off when she continued to stare at Mei expectantly.

"No. I want an answer," Yuzu stood her ground, not knowing where she was getting all her confidence from. Her tone came out a lot harsher than she had intended and mentally scolded herself for it.

Gathering herself and her usual cold demeanour, Mei straightened up in her seat, gripping her cup as she tried to keep her tongue on a tight leash.

"Do not order me around, I will not be forced into giving an answer to such an inappropriate question. If you are so desperate go and relieve yourself, don't come in here and demand something so improper." Mei lectured, dipping into her student council voice as she narrowed her eyes. Even if it was Yuzu who she loved infinitely, something was struck inside Mei when Yuzu took such a tone with her. Her entire highschool life no one would dare speak down to her like that, and even if Yuzu was a special exception in her life that didn't mean she liked being told what to do.

Mei watched as Yuzu's cheeks grew red in frustration, opening her mouth several times to speak but stopping herself every time. She didn't want to say anything she would regret over something like this.

Did she really just tell me to go and fucking masturbate? What the fuck!? Yuzu's mind ran in circles over what Mei had just said and her change in tone. Noting how her playfulness changed as soon as she became perhaps a little too demanding.

"Hmph, nevermind forget I mentioned anything at all." Tugging her arms down to her sides Yuzu removed herself from the table. Yuzu was aware she had pushed it, but that didn't mean she liked what Mei had said. Maybe she had taken the wrong approach on the subject, but Yuzu absolutely refused to have another heated argument and so gave in.

"Yuzu... Sorry I didn't mean that, I just don't like being told what to do... I'm sorry you are feeling a little... unsatisfied by me, but if you could just wait a little bit?" Mei apologised, swallowing her pride as she hoped Yuzu would forgive her sudden attitude.

"Wait for what Mei?" Confusion and worry taking over, Yuzu sat down across from Mei. A soft smile on her face as she reached her arm across the table to take hold of Mei's hand.

"I'm not sure..." The reply came so quietly that Yuzu had to strain to hear it. Mei's eyes focused on her cup as she gave the unclear answer to her girlfriend, feeling multiple emotions at the moment.


"I guess I'm just tired, it has been quite the week for both of us and I guess I'm still getting settled back into our routine." Mei gave a warm smile to Yuzu who returned it in full.

"You sure? If you don't want to sleep with me or aren't comfortable with it just yet because somethings are still playing on your mind that's okay. I know I hurt you pretty bad and if you need more time to come to terms with things, I don't want to push you into anything." Yuzu asked, wondering if there was more to Mei's story or not.

However, she got a shake of the head in response along with a grateful smile.

"I understand why you would think that, but do not worry as I said I am just tired at the moment. If you do need to... feel that then you can just assist yourself you know? I know some people don't approve of their partners doing that, but I don't have any objections to you doing it." Mei gave an embarrassed smile to Yuzu who flushed pink at the suggestion.

Sure, she maybe under the radar did that, but she didn't want Mei knowing about it. Especially not if Meiknew when she was doing it.

"H-how about we just get ready for class?" Stumbling slightly, the blonde got from the table.

Mei could only laugh at the olders embarrassment.

"Before you go, Mother said she has been asked to come and look at a building site this afternoon not far from here, so I offered her around for lunch. You have class from twelve until three today so you won't see her, but I thought I would let you know anyway." Mei spoke up as she remembered the conversation she had had with Ume during their visit.

"Oh, okay just make sure you say hi for me then?" Yuzu smiled, and when Mei nodded she headed back to the bedroom to get changed out of her pyjamas she had chucked back on in her rage of finding Mei.

Walking into the bedroom, Mei noticed Yuzu putting her book bag on her shoulder once she saw Mei getting her school things ready to leave.

"It's only half nine, where are you going?" Mei asked as she put her own bag over her shoulder, walking towards the door once she picked up her phone.

"Well since I'm not going to see you until tonight and even then we are going out so I won't have you all to myself, then I'll be away a lot on the weekend with work, I thought I would walk you to your class and then spend some time in the library until my class starts." Yuzu smiled to Mei and tapped her bag closed, emphasising her decision.

"As thoughtful as that is, you don't need to spend your day there just so I can see you for an extra twenty minutes. After all, I'll be able to see you in the mornings and I'll wait up at night to see you so it really is no problem." Mei stated. She wanted Yuzu to come with her and motioned for Yuzu to leave the bedroom with her, the decline was purely for show and politeness.

"You know that I am still gonna come so there is no point wasting your breath, but you already knew that right?" Giving a grin to Mei, Yuzu strutted out the bedroom and waited for Mei at the front door.

A smile grew on Mei's lips at Yuzu's accusation, closing and locking the front door she turned to Yuzu and gave her a soft kiss on the cheek. "Of course,"

Yuzu gave a dopey silly grin back to her girlfriend before running down the stairs and clasping onto her hand; One that Mei gripped tightly the moment she felt the blonde's overly hot fingers brush against the back of her hand.

"Thank you for accompanying me," Mei gave the somewhat formal thanks as they left the building.

"Any time!" Yuzu grinned as she tried and failed to swing their hands between them.

The walk to campus was relatively quiet with few words being spoken, however, it was far from unhappy. Both walked in content silence, neither felt the need to break it as it was a comfort just to feel the other's presence.

When they finally reached the doors of Mei's lecture hall, Yuzu frowned as she looked at her phone.

"Looks like we won't have any time to talk, your class is starting in less than five minutes." Giving a pout, Yuzu released her girlfriend's hand and placed a kiss on her cheek.

"So have a good lesson and I'll see you when I get home, I love you." Yuzu gave a warm smile that made butterflies appear in Mei's chest, giving a final peck to her girlfriend before she stepped away.

Mei opened her mouth to speak however nothing came out as she opted for just nodding her head. Surprising the blonde when she felt two slender arms wrap around her neck and bring her into a tight embrace. Suddenly Mei didn't care who saw her, all she wanted was to show Yuzu how much she meant.

It was brief but meaningful as Mei gave a final squeeze, letting go she placed a slow kiss to her girlfriend's lips and whispered in her ear.

"I love you too." And with those few words said, she turned towards her class and walked in. It didn't take long for Mei to notice a pair of piercing blue eyes burning into her as she made her way into the room of students.

Of course, this bitch was watching her, the powerful nearly challenging stare she was giving Mei was enough to clarify that Mei's silent war with Jasmine was far from over. But nothing, nothing, could make Mei back down, and so she glowered back all the way to her seat before she sat down with her back to the brunette.

A glance back to the door and she saw Yuzu giving her a short wave goodbye, her cheeks still slightly pink and a huge grin on her face. An automatic smile made it's way onto Mei's lips as she raised her hand and gave a discrete wave back before her professor walked in, ushering Yuzu from the door.

Mei couldn't imagine herself feeling happier than she did at seeing Yuzu smiling so brightly at her. Nothing... No one... would come between her and Yuzu again.

Mei wouldn't let it.

Mei refused to let it happen.

And so class ended, and just as Mei had predicted she was approached by the dark-haired girl. A sour look on her face as she closed in on Mei who was still packing up her things.

"Jasmine?" Mei smiled at the girl. She had no doubt about what the girl wanted to talk to her about, but she was having such a good day she just couldn't bring herself to feel infuriated at Jasmine's persistence. After all, Yuzu had just hugged, kissed and waved her goodbye, not Jasmine. Mei had absolutely no question in her mind that this girl had a minute chance of getting anywhere with Yuzu. And that conveyed through the innocent smile she was giving the brunette as she came to a stop in front of her.

"I see everything worked out with you and Yuzu? I could only assume that something had happened when you left for the weekend, glad to see you two are on good terms again." It came as sincere as Mei's smile had, sitting on the desk next to Mei as she narrowed her eyes.

Why the fuck does she know we had a falling out and that I was away?

"It's good to see that you are still sticking your nose where it doesn't belong. Yuzu and I are better than we have been in a long time, you really don't stand a chance against me, you know that right?" Mei said as she stood up, a sting in her voice.

Mei took the moment of silence from the taller girl as a sign to continue, squaring up to the girl Mei brought herself as close as she could.

"Yuzu has made it crystal clear that she wants nothing more than a friendship with you. Your attempts at getting her attention have had no effect on her, she is mine and has no intention of leaving me for... this." Mei said the last part as she gestured up and down the girl's body, emphasising her point.

Mei watched as the girl's eyes narrowed again, though she didn't completely give in to Mei.

Stepping backwards Jasmine gave a snappy chuckle, "She just doesn't know what she's missing out on yet. Trust me when I say that once she sees what's under these clothes, and how I can make her feel..." Stepping forward, Jasmine pointed a finger against Mei's chest.

"... She'll be leaving your sorry ass faster than you ever thought possible." Flicking her finger to Mei's chin, Jasmine gave her a final smile before she walked away. Leaving Mei with puffed cheeks and a scowl that had students moving away from her as she gripped her book tightly in her hand.

Now, now she felt infuriated at the girl's persistence. Yuzu would be starting her class any minute now, but that didn't mean she couldn't still text her.

'Yuzu I apologise for messaging you while you are no doubt in class, however, I have something to tell you.

No matter what, don't make any plans for the weekend, okay?'

Mei typed the message and sent it before she even had time to check it for errors, cursing herself when she read over it for letting the girl get under her skin...again. Now she was letting it affect Yuzu as well. It was already half eleven, Mei had to get back to their house so she would be there in time for their mother arriving. She didn't have time to give in to Jasmine's taunts.

Taking several deep breaths, Mei tried to calm herself down. Everything Jasmine had said was just to make her feel inferior, no matter what she said, it all came down to Yuzu. And she had made it perfectly clear that she only wanted Mei.

A chime came through her phone taking her attention away from her thoughts.

'Don't worry about it, but I'm gonna be working all weekend so why would I make plans? xxx'

Mei sighed when she read the message, why didn't she think about that?

'Is everything alright? xx'

The second text came through and Mei could only sigh in disappointment in herself.

'Everything is fine, sorry I forgot you were going to be working. Focus on your class, I'll see you when you get home. x' Mei let her phone fall into her pocket and after placing the last book in her bag began walking out of the hall.

She got a quick response from the blonde, one that made it impossible for her not to smile.

'Okay if you say so, does this have something to do with the text I just got from Jasmine asking me out this weekend? Cuz I told her I couldn't cuz I would be spending all my free time with you, if it is, remember that I love you and only you! xxx'

It was obvious that Yuzu knew something had happened to receive both texts at the same time, but Mei was more than satisfied with the reply she got.

'It may have, thank you. I love you too. x' Mei sent her reply and made her way down the hall. Smiling all the way, but still worried about what her opponent may have been planning.

It was just after twelve when Mei finally got home, her mind cleared after Yuzu had sent her half a dozen more messages about loving her. Ume said she got off at half twelve until half one for her lunch and so Mei expected her to be here not long after she finished.

Placing her bag in their room before entering the kitchen to prepare something for lunch. She was not in a rush for time, but she wanted to cook her mother something substantial. Well, that and she needed the extra time to prepare food and take extra caution when cooking it, for she did have a bad habit of burning food to the bottom of pans. Her and the blonde had thrown out many at her expense.

Mei thought a small curry would be suitable and so for the next half an hour Mei stood in the kitchen making lunch for her and her mother, being sure to leave a little for Yuzu as well. It was not long before there was a knock at the door and she was greeted with her mother's smiling face when she opened the door.

"Mei!" Wrapping Mei in a quick hug Ume smiled when Mei awkwardly returned the gesture before ushering her inside.

"Hello mother, how was work?" Mei asked as Ume took a seat at the dining table, looking around the small house in amazement.

"It's been great this morning. Tell me, Mei, how on earth do you manage to keep the apartment this clean and organized living with Yuzu? There is not a thing out of place here" Ume said as she glanced a second longer at the place. Though as Mei looked around the house she had a very different opinion.

There was several of Yuzu's magazines spread over the coffee table when they were supposed to be in a neat pile; A few pieces of clutter lined the kitchen worktops, of which belonged to Yuzu as well; The whole house needed hovered along with several pieces of clothes on the couch which Mei could have sworn she'd asked Yuzu to move earlier.

"I would have to disagree with your mother, Yuzu is always creating these little piles of random things over the house. I swear I don't even know where she gets half of it, and it is not an easy task trying to keep on top of them." Mei gave a small laugh as she knowingly eyed one of the many piles next to her as she stood in the kitchen. The small pile holding a pair of keys; pens; elastic bands; some loose strands of string; the odd piece if mismatching jewellery and even small sweets.

"Ah she's always done that, I don't know how she gets her hands on half of the stuff I've found over the years." Laughing for a moment at the memory, Ume then smiled softly at Mei as she saw the small warm smile she wore while looking at the small pile of mess of the countertop.

"I made a curry for lunch I hope you like it, Yuzu wasn't here to help so I can't speak for its flavour-" Mei said but she was cut off as Ume spoke up.

"I'm sure it'll be lovely Mei, thank you very much." Ume gave another smile as she stopped Mei from putting herself down, even if it did taste completely disgusting Ume would smile and eat it all.

Mei gave a nod before bringing over two plates and sitting down to eat with her mother.

It was a nice change of pace for the raven-haired girl, the small talk they shared was one that Mei found herself missing.

It wasn't long before they were both finished and Mei had made tea for them, and continued the casual conversation until Ume would soon have to leave for work again.

"Mei is everything alright, you seem a little distracted?" Ume asked as she watched Mei come back to the conversation from the daydream she had been in for the past few minutes.

"If you need to talk I'm always here," Ume reassured as she saw Mei look down at her hands in consideration.

It took a long moment for Mei to pluck up her courage, but Ume was her mother, she shouldn't feel awkward trying to ask her about what was on her mind. But then again Yuzu was her daughter and Mei didn't think Ume would want to have the talk with Mei about her daughter.

"I don't want to make you uncomfortable. It's a sensitive subject that I wouldn't feel comfortable talking to my father or grandfather about, I see you as my mother but I'm not exactly sure if I should ask you about it or not." Mei said, her cheeks gaining the tiniest blush, she couldn't even imagine asking Sho about Yuzu.

"Mei, I am your mother and you can talk to me about anything you need advice on. You don't need to be so nervous about it when you're ready you can ask me anything." Mei nodded slowly as Ume spoke.

"...Even if it's about Yuzu?" Mei asked quietly, she still wasn't sure if Ume was the right person to ask about her troubles, but then again who else would she ask?

"About Yuzu?" Ume echoed, confusion lacing her brow until she saw the blush on Mei's cheeks and it finally clicked for her.

"Ohh, that... If you need to talk to me about that then you can if you are comfortable with it Mei." Ume stuttered slightly but matured when she realised how difficult it must have been for Mei to come to her about this.

Ume had had the talk with Yuzu before, but she had never spoken about this sort of thing with Mei, and she didn't think anyone in Mei's life would have instead. Meaning any questions she had about the subject she had either answered herself or were never answered at all.

"Really?" Mei's replied, shock evident on her face as she clearly hadn't expected Ume to be so open to her about this.

"Of course, you are my daughter as much as Yuzu is and as much as I may regret this in the future if you need to talk to someone that's what I'm here for. Though I have to say I don't want any descriptive details, she is my daughter after all." Ume gave the nervous laugh, she still had to look at her biological daughter and she did not really want to know what went on in her love life.

"Very well," Mei confirmed she understood but stayed quite a moment longer as she tried to say what she was thinking about.

"I'm worried that I can't... please her... how she wants me to..." Mei said in almost a whisper, embarrassment filling her cheeks as she risked looking up to Ume.

"Mei I'm afraid I don't quite follow?" Ume said, she needed a little more detail if she was going to be of any assistance to her daughter.

"Well, it's been a while since we were... intimate... and we briefly discussed trying some things that she was into, but we haven't done anything yet..." Mei said, not feeling brave enough to say her girlfriends name in the conversation.

"... She is keen to try these things out but I'm not sure how I really feel about it. I don't want to disappoint her, but I just don't know if I would be comfortable doing it." Mei continued, she felt truly exposed with what she was saying. But she would be lying if she said she hadn't been putting off giving Yuzu what she wanted out of fear of disappointing her.

Ume took a few moments to take in the information, she understood why Mei felt she needed to talk to someone about it. If this had been Yuzu, Ume would have assumed she would have asked Harumi, but it wasn't as if Mei could ask Himeko about the situation and Ume didn't think Matsuri would be of much help.

"The one thing I would say is to talk to Yuzu about this Mei, she's the one who will be doing these activities with you so you need to make sure she is aware of how you feel."

"If you aren't comfortable doing something then don't, even if you think it will disappoint her. Don't do something or put yourself in a situation you aren't comfortable with, you come first in that situation. Yuzu can get over not trying something new, but it is not always so easy to forget the feeling of discomfort you might feel." Ume advised. Mei looked slightly confused at the answer she got.

"So I shouldn't do it, even if it is for Yuzu?" Mei asked now having to courage to look her mother in the eye.

"I'm not saying that Mei, no one can tell you what you should or shouldn't do, it is a completely personal thing. You won't know until you try, but what I'm saying is that you should never do something that you don't want to do just because your partner does. Okay?" Ume asked as she raised her brow slightly to make sure her point was given across properly.

"But what if I'm not comfortable with it and then I can't please her?" Mei asked quickly, slightly regretting what she said when she heard it aloud.

"Ehh well... you did it before these topics were talked about and I'm sure Yuzu would understand if you just did that instead... Just don't let yourself be pressured into anything okay Mei?" Ume said that last part with a tat of protectiveness in her voice. She didn't want Mei to be pressured into doing something that she wasn't comfortable with. Not that Ume thought her blonde daughter would purposely do that to Mei, but sometimes it isn't done on purpose.

"Okay, thank you, mother." Mei thanked as she thought over what the woman had said.

"No problem at all, but I really do need to go going out I'll be late for work." Ume apologised as she got up from the table and was followed to the door by Mei.

"Thank you for the advice mother, I'm sorry bothered you with it but I really appreciate it." Mei bowed as she said her thanks, but was brought up as Ume have a quick hug and kiss on the cheek.

"Don't be sorry Mei, just remember what I said. I have to go so I'll see you soon, love you." Ume smiled at Mei and got a similar reply before she watched her mother walk down the stairs.

Closing the door Mei let out a big sigh as she rested against the door frame, talking about this to Yuzu was not going to be as easy as Ume had made it out to be.

Standing properly Mei walked to the kitchen to start clearing up the dishes she had used, Yuzu would be home in a few hours and Mei could think about this then.

For now she would focus on her studies, and hopefully, get a decent amount of study done before her girlfriend came bursting in through the door.

"Mei I'm home!" Yuzu's shout came through the house as Mei listened to the front door swing open and the sound of feet running into the kitchen. Only half surprised when she felt two slender arms wrap around her shoulders and a kiss on her cheek, from her seat at the table.

"Did you miss me?!"

"Miss would be an exaggeration, it's only been a few hours," Mei said back as she brought her hand to Yuzu's arms and pulled them from her neck.

"Mei!" Yuzu whined as she let herself be pried from the shoulders. Leaning against the kitchen counter, hands on her hips.

"Well, then I guess I'll leave and come back later so you miss me." Yuzu said teasingly, picking up an elastic band and began fiddling with it.

"You'd be waiting too long. I made curry for lunch it wasn't the best and I'm positive I overcooked the rice because it feels like mush, but I left you some in case you wanted something until we went out later." Mei smiled at the playful furrow of the blonde's brow, continuing when she saw Yuzu's smile broaden at her words.

"It's in the fridge," Mei said and it was seconds before Yuzu was at the fridge and pulling the cling film off the plate.

"It looks great!" Yuzu grinned as she placed the plate in the microwave and waited for her meal to be ready.

"So do you wanna tell me what happened today?" Yuzu asked as she turned her back on the microwave, hoping Mei wouldn't keep pretending nothing had happened today.

"It wasn't anything important," Mei replied as she gathered her belongings from the table, organising them in an organised pile.

"Okay, so now you're lying to me," Yuzu said, pulling herself onto the countertop, swinging her legs gently.

"I'm not lying, it was a minor inconvenience nothing more." Mei lied as she grabbed her books and stood from the table.

"Hey, do you remember how we just had this huge falling out because we were lying?" Yuzu's sarcastic voice rung sweetly through the kitchen/ dining room, stopping Mei before she could make it down the hall.

Turning around Mei's eyes narrowed in frustration. "It was only you who was lying Yuzu. But if you are insistent on it, I had a brief conversation with Jasmine where we had a disagreement about something. I only messaged you because I had a momentary lapse of jealousy, but it no longer bothers me. So I'm not lying, and please don't try and use last week against me." Turning her back on Yuzu, Mei made her way to the bedroom.

Yuzu gave a nervous laugh, as Mei walked away. Not wanting to push in case of an argument and so let the subject float away from her mind. Leaving the happy go Yuzu to munch on her curry.

Mei dumped her books on her desk before meeting Yuzu in the kitchen again. Who was still sitting on the countertop now holding a plate of curry and stuffing her face.

"I need to talk to you." The change in tone had Yuzu whipping her head around to see Mei looking at her expectantly.

Shit that never means anything good, wtf did I do wrong? Is she still mad about this morning? Shit shit shit shit.

"S-Sure Mei, what about?" Slipping from the counter Yuzu placed her near-empty plate in the sink and made her way around to Mei. Searching for any sign of what was on the other's mind, but as usual, Mei gave no indication of her troubles, wearing her calm mask and in turn Yuzu in suspense.

"About sex,"

The words had Yuzu stumbling over her own feet as she watched Mei walk into the living room, unaware that Mei's heartbeat had risen just as much as her own had in the few seconds since the words had been spoken.

Fidgeting with her fingers as she made her way to sit on the armchair facing Mei, Yuzu gave a nervous smile.

"If this is about me throwing that hissy fit this morning you can totally forget about it, I didn't mean to push you or anything. So if you are gonna tell me off about that then you don't have to worry, you can take your time and I'll wait until then." Yuzu tried to give a smile, but the nervousness in her voice gave away any type of confidence she tried to show.

"It's not about this morning, but what we briefly discussed at mothers house..." Mei gave a somewhat reassuring smile to Yuzu but was only met with a confused expression as Yuzu tried to backtrack their conversations to the weekend. When more than a comfortable silence had gone by Mei spoke up, seeing as Yuzu had no recollection of what they were talking about.

"...What you wrote in your notebook, about your dream." As the words left her mouth Mei watched Yuzu's face redden.

"W-what about it?" The fidgeting of her fingers increased and Yuzu began to shift uncomfortably in her seat.

"Will you calm down? I'm not going to lecture you or anything, I''m trying to talk to you about it." Mei said, her slightly raised voice contradicting her words. Yuzu quickly nodded her head and sat up straight.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to raise my voice but it irritates me when you fidget for no reason... Anyway, what I wanted to say was..." Mei came to a slow stop as she tried to think of what she was trying to say. She didn't know what she was supposed to say, but Yuzu was waiting expectantly for her to continue.

"... I don't know if I'm ready to try that sort of thing, or if I'll be comfortable doing it." Mei said, now the one holding the nervous voice. But she didn't get the response she thought she would, well she didn't know what kind of response she thought she was going to get. Yuzu stood up and came to sit beside Mei, a large blush on her cheeks.

"Okay, that's not a problem. We won't do anything you're not comfortable with Mei, is this why you haven't wanted to ya know... do it?" Yuzu said as she came to sit next to Mei, a comforting look in her eye as Mei looked up from her hands.

"You're okay with not doing those things? But you said you wanted to?"

"I did, but I want you more than that, besides, you can make me feel good without all that stuff. We don't have to and I don't expect you to if you are worried about it." Yuzu smiled to Mei and hoped that she hadn't come across to strongly with her desires the other night, the last thing she wanted to do was pressure Mei into something like that.

"You don't need to worry about it at all, okay? If you ever want to try it out and feel ready then tell me and we can, but not until then. And if it never happens it never will and I'm completely okay with that. So you can stop worrying about it," By now Yuzu was leaned in close to Mei, her hand on the girl's cheek to stop her from looking away. Sealing her confirmation with a gentle kiss on Mei's lips, and it took a few moments but the younger returned the embrace before pulling away shortly afterwards.

"Thank you, Yuzu, for being understanding about it all." Mei gave a short bow of her head in appreciation, waiting a few moments while Yuzu searched for any lose stings of emotions before standing up.

"Well now that we have solved that, I am going to go back ot my studying for a few more hours, you should do the same. What time are we meeting Matsuri and Harumi at?" Mei asked as she brushed some crinkles from her skirt as if the conversation had never happened.

"Emm, umm... half six outside the restaurant." The sudden change in the subject had Yuzu stuck for words before she managed to retrieve the information Mei had asked for, jumping from the couch when she found it.

"We will have to leave here about quarter past to be there if we drive, so we have a couple of hours." Yuzu smiled as she followed Mei down the hall where she assumed Mei would resume her study, and so grabbed her book bag quickly.

"Very well, then we will both spend the next few hours studying," Mei said as she took her seat at the desk leaving Yuzu with the bed. The normal set up for the two.

"Sure thing, but Mei?" Yuzu said as she gently tossed her bag onto the bed and walked to stand behind her girlfriend who was already sitting in the chair, pencil in hand.

"Hmm?" Mei was still turning around when she was met with warm soft lips on hers. A hand travelled over her scalp and another her neck.

"Nothing, I just wanted to kiss you." Yuzu gave a wide grin as she pulled back to see Mei's flustered cheeks. Flopping over on the bed in happiness as Mei rolled her eyes and muttered under her breath but gave no lecture or ridicule for the act.