'The path of guilt is neither long nor short, it is based upon the sins you commit as well as how long you dwell upon them. Upon the same path heading a very different direction is the object of your guilt, either someone you have harmed or have sinned against, or someone who is in a certain situation because of you. Maybe even just someone who tries to make you feel guilty. The two directions are not judged upon a scale of good or bad, just how you feel about your actions and how those who have witnessed them do.'
Excerpt: From the Mouth of a 'Reaper'
- Head Researcher Leon
"So what does this have to do with me?"
'You... walk both, a hypocrite, you have both sinned and been harmed. Not uncommon but you are on a much larger degree then most. You pushed someone over 'that' edge, or so to say kicked the stool from under them. Whilst, at the same time someone else was doing much the same to you.'
'Now you are here with me. You have a choice to make, you can either wallow in your guilt in this void for all eternity, harness your guilt to become a being that observes those on The path of guilt, and guides or tries to lead them to do certain things and may eventually even end up with powers like mine. Alternatively enter a new world with a new chance on The Path Of Guilt.'