It's a new day, but I don't feel like getting up.
But I have to, I have gotten an opportunity to be someone, and yesterday at night I surfed around on the internet, there I discovered, you can make quite a lot with wood figures or in simple with woodcraft as long as it's handmade.
Because of that, I decided to try, but that is not the only reason.
The main reason why I decided to try wood-crafting is because of the tattoo on my hand.
I can summon an ax out from it. It would be super funny if in the bar suddenly some idiots mess with me, and I summon ax and say: Surprise motherfuckers.
Or other cool moments that can happen if you are unlucky or hang around in wrong places.
The most important thing right now is that I need to complete those penguins and sell them. Right now I am buying a selling slot from the internet at the festival.
It's simple to register and buy a selling slot, but I need to show them penguin figures or pictures.
If I send the pictures, then they will confirm before the festival officially starts what I am selling.
I am going for the pictures, but first I need to go and make some penguins. I don't want to shame myself there with ominous figures.
When I got back to carpenter house, I took wood and put it on the weird brownstone in the middle. I am not sure what it is. I first thought that it was the tree trunk, but it wasn't so because later touching and trying to use an ax on it, it always recovered as it was at the beginning.
That's why I think it's wiser to say that its a stone if someone happens to come here.
Though it's not a regular one, but a unique stone.
Then I opened the menu and clicked on the teaching guide, from there I saw the option how to make small penguin figures, and clicked on that.
A few seconds later a ghostly figure appeared and took from who knows where a wood piece and hit it with an ax eight times.
And that seems to be it, not sure how he got it polished. And those postures, like what the fuck is going on.
It took me an hour to figure it out. I watched the guide around twenty times and used the book as a reference.
When I tried my first attempt, I miraculously succeeded. I even cried from happiness, since I put so much effort into it.
The only drawback right now is that ax takes a lot of my energy. Because of this, I am dead tired. But it did remind me to go and eat lunch.
It took me three hours to recover, and I am not sure if it's even worth it.
I made a lot of different penguin figures, the most amazing one I could think of was one raiding the dragon with armor and all.
I also made soldiers, and regular ones that are imitating workers.