Chereads / Grimoire / Chapter 9 - Bitter Tea Bonus

Chapter 9 - Bitter Tea Bonus

Night draped over the room like the most luxurious silk cover. A few candles lit, casting dancing flames across the room as the door handle turned. The delicate outlines of fine furniture swam in the comforting shadows.

There was a rustle, movement under the covers when the door creaked open. A woman sat up in the bed, her long dark hair tumbling down her shoulders as she did. Her eyes still bright amongst the darkness.

A smirk flashed across the face of the man who had entered the room as he made his way towards the woman. "Stunning," He said, reaching out to take a small lock of her hair, turning it over between his fingers.

The woman was neither surprised nor moved by his actions. She leaned back against the headboard of the bed, turning her head just enough so that she could keep watch of him with tired eyes. "You're back much later than I anticipated. Did you run into trouble?" She asked him.

"Nothing I couldn't handle," He assured her, letting her hair slip from his hand as he walked towards the dresser. He pulled a few rings from his fingers and a pocket watch from his coat pocket, setting them on the small oak tray.

"And your trip?" She asked, covering her mouth as she yawned a bit.

"Fruitful," he assured her, pulling the jacket from his shoulders and setting it aside. "His interest is genuine. There's no mal intent in his search. As always, you were ever wise, giving him Rowena's book. They share the same hunger for understanding. I'm sure her words and studies sang perfectly to him," He said, pulling the silk tie loose of his neck. "He doesn't seem to have yet made use of the knowledge though. I'm sure he will soon but. . ." He trailed off a bit as he began unbuttoning his shirt.

"You sound less then certain," The woman said.

"There's a companion of his. He is very obviously aware of the knowledge inside the book, but he's about as pleased at the idea as a rich man is of a beggar," He commented.

"And he will not forsake the companion?"

"Mmm, no, I'm afraid that doesn't seem so. There's something deeper to the two than simply a Lord and his servant. I suspect that unless the boy is willing to open his eyes as well, we might as well toss aside the Lord," He said.

The woman leaned her head back and closed her eyes. "We will not," She said firmly. "He has chosen his path, and we do not turn our backs on brothers and sisters who have opened their eyes and taken their first steps. We must show the other that we are not his enemy, nor are we the enemy of his Lord," She said to him.

The man grabbed her hand. "Why do you close your eyes?" He asked, pulling her hand to his chest, forgoing the conversation. The woman huffed a bit. "Are you listening to me?" She asked. The answer was an obvious no as he pulled her hand between the folds of his shirt and against his heart. "Everything I am is thanks to you. Won't you open your eyes and enjoy what you've created?" He asked.

The woman let out a small sigh, opening her eyes and looking up at him. With the candle's too his back it was difficult to see his face. "Edwin I am tired, and you have work to do now," She said.

She couldn't see his expression, but she knew he was not going to let such a simple comment stop him. He leaned towards her, a knee on the bed as he hovered over her, supporting himself by her side with his free hand. "You're so cruel Mistress," He sang.