I leapt to get behind luffy while screeching "SHE'S GONNA HURT ME, I CAN SSEE IN HER EYES, DON'T LET HER DO ME LIKE THAT, PLEASE" (there was definitely sobbing in there).
"Oh calm down you coward we don't need another usopp" Nami scoffed at me replied "I won't hurt you, MUCH" and that smiles got me worried, 'I should leave again, maybe they'll give up this time'.
Even as I started to get prepared for my at best futile attempt, luffy got this look and spoke the words that reminded me why I wanted to be here and join his crew "Nami I get that you don't like him but what has he actually done that's so bad" and then he had his puppy dog eyes up and she was a goner "come on~ seriously~ why not just forgive him~, forgive him?~ For me~"
She looked conflicted but ended up sighing "I guess he wasn't wrong to run away, I may not have been having the most morally sound thoughts, but can you blame me, I mean he's pretty much a walking moneybag" and oh there's the disappointment from luffy and the appropriate guilt from Nami.
Didn't know she was capable of feeling guilt, guess that blows zoros whole cold blooded theory outta the water (ha see what I did there, I'm hilarious) "I forgive you, I guess I could of reacted better, but you had a net and I wasn't in the most sound state of mind so how about we try to forget about what just happened and try this again" I responded trying to put on my most reasonable smile
I stuck out my hand and she looked unsure for a second or two before she finally came over and put it there "yeah I can do that, guess I didn't exactly have the best intentions, sorry about that" she apologised
I smiled back "nah I get it, you seem to need money and I can't say that I wouldn't do what you did or tried to do atleast if the situation was switched" and at that she both looked worried and reassured but I powered on " so how about friends, huh"
"Sure" that was pretty fast "so with that outta the way, where are you from, I might know it considering I'm the only one on this ship who knows there way around a map, I would also be your best bet on getting home"
I panicked for a second before I realised that I realised that the answer to this one was easy "well I'm from this place near a city called Sydney, it's in Australia, yo'know" I grinned at this one "I come from the land down under" ahhh nothing like pop culture references to make you feel better about your absolutely life changing situation, although that might just be me, I'm weird like that
When I saw her look of confusion I had to get one more in "you know, 'where women glow and men plunder' " I figured I'd let her off after that one "sorry that's from a song back from where I come from, actually"
I checked my pocket and, huh, my phone was there, I pulled it out and put in my password, I then proceeded to find and play the iconic track, as it started up Nami got that look same look that had me fleeing earlier again and I proceeded to warn her "hands off, and if it goes missing I'm blaming you and I will charge you everything you have" she looked downright sick at that, but that was unimportant cause I suddenly realised something important.
'I wonder if' I opened Spotify and tried playing a song and all of a sudden music started blasting not from the phone but from the literally air around me.
I jumped and pressed the pause button before I went deaf, I mean seriously what did that bastard do to my phone. while bon jovi's 'living on a prayer' is a great song it's also not funny that it just happened to start blasting out the vocal chorus from the very air around me.
I mean seriously how do I even listen to music now without people from the other end ocean hearing it. Also, where's zoro?. I hear the gears in my mind grind to as a halt as why head swings around to face Nami as I speak the word that currently fill me with dread "you didn't let zoro walk off on his own right" she starts to look sheepish as the dread pools and hardens in the pit of my stomach.
'how the f**k are we supposed to find that idiot when he could quite possibly have managed to wander on to a different island, I mean his sense of direction is legendary' just as I'm starting to question my life choices for the umpteenth time today out of the bushes walks none other than swordsman of the straw hats zoro.
(That's what I've got for now)