she opened her eyes. last thing she knew she blacked out while she was talking to herself. when she looked in a mirror she was herself. but. something was wrong with her. her hair was cut as if a baby had cut it . her clothes was a mess and she smelled of liquor. but she didn't drink from what she could remember . she walked into to the liveing room to see herself on the couch just laying thare. and then... her daughter walked through the door. her daughter was beaten badly. the other her three a bottle at her and it hit her over the head . brakeing . once the other her realized that her daughter wasn't moving. she panicked and drug her body I another room. then after a few minutes took the now wrapped up body and put it in her car. drove to the nearest rive .and tossed her in. then drove home and got dressed up to look more like the real her. then just sat at the kitchen table . then a bright light blinded the real her and she was sudenly in a dark place