In previous chapter of story joey win the tournament and get heaven stone. and break through to seventh universal tier spiritual energy to eight universal tier spiritual energy after when joey break through then Xia Hu the demon king sprit appeared in front of joey and other nine legend sprits also appeared in front of joey because joey isn't break through to seventh universal tier spiritual energy to eight universal tier spiritual energy on the place joey break through seventh universal tier spiritual energy to ninth universal tier spiritual energy because last mission to get ninth universal tier spiritual energy for joey have to need demon king sprit which joey already have from the start that means joey complete his training and achieve the power of grand master.
after all nine legend sprits and demon sprit came out from joey and go inside of joey and then Joey's all dress get change and joey go through from the universe and with that joey seeing that how universe is created by god and everything what god create and after when joey watching that all stuff then a one spiritual master came in front of joey and ask him to become his disciple then joey said it to spiritual energy master he will be his disciple but in exchange he ask to spiritual energy master what will he teach him then spiritual energy master answered to joey universal knowledge which divided in five learning method. which in including only five spiritual energy's these are water, wind, earth, fire and sky these spiritual energy's will help you to create anything which you want. then joey decided to become his disciple and after he asked the name of spiritual energy master then spiritual energy master tell his name to joey that his name is hamonari from the far west land from the land of cultivation. the land of princess momori. the land of Princess momori known for the Emperor's territory that means on the land of momori under in Emperor not under in clans that means over there on just only one Emperor not like land of cultivation there are more then six Emperor which known as leader of every clan.