Novel update news

A lot of work has piled up. The presentation went well. But now you need to write a report and bring the prototype to an industrial design. So I don't have much time right now. In addition, covid fell ill for the fourth time, although it was only ill for 1 week.

I hope there will be a vacation in August and I will continue to write, update this novel 3 chapters a week.

Spoiler, I think in 20 chapters to complete the arc in another world and return to Earth, in total, 300-400 chapters were planned in the novel from the very beginning. Nothing changed. I will write. There are new interesting ideas in my opinion. I'm still working on an old laptop, so I can't connect new grammar checking systems. If I manage to buy a new laptop at the end of the year, then I will check the grammar again. There are plans to write a small new novel, however, those unfinished novels need to be completed first, so a new novel will probably already be written next year.

Thanks for your support dear readers.