Chereads / The Six Guns: The Library / Chapter 2 - Chapter Two: The Plan

Chapter 2 - Chapter Two: The Plan

The group of three, Siran, Zia and Holly agreed to leave the next morning after Holly hit Siran over the head several times with various tools that Vivi had laying around. "Oh god, why the tools!?" Siran yells. "It's always the tools! Look what you've been teaching them, Vivi!".

"Shut it!" Holly says. "You're too eager to start trouble and that's not okay! We leave tomorrow morning, got it?".

"O-ow! Okay! Geez!" Siran shouts as he rubs the top of his head, in pain.

"Huh..." Zia says in amazement. "It's not often you see Holly put in effort into actually being angry at anyone... she usually just uses sarcasm".

"It seemed like fun..." Holy says as she puts down the tools. "Now that I've finally gotten to try hitting captain over the head with metal objects, I think I would enjoy doing it again sometime".

"B-but!" Siran complains.

"Please don't kill Syr..." Zia says without much enthusiasm.

The next day, the three of them head north, to Balphor. In a town called Marco, which is where the nearest airport is located. There, they take a plane to China, and arrive there late in the afternoon. "The first time we came here..." Siran says, "basically all of China knew we were here as soon as we entered town. We've got to try to keep a low profile, and make sure we don't draw any attention".

"Mhm..." Holly agrees, barely paying attention.

"Where do we begin?" Zia asks.

"Well, first we need to know which prison she's in, right?" Holly asks.

"R-right" Siran agrees.

"Now, what kind of people do we know in China that may be able to gain access to those type of records?" Holly asks. Both Siran and Zia fell silent for a while. "Really?" Holly asks. "None of you can... guess that- you know what, let's try again. Who else do we know who was close to Ying in some way?". Once again, Siran and Zia were both silent. "Really? Ying worked under him, he's in the police force too, he was a bossy asshole when we came here to help, he had a real big stick up his ass... you guys don't remember the Chief of Police?". Both Siran and Zia shake their heads. "Zhang Wei... you don't remember Zhang Wei?". Siran and Zia shake their heads again. Holly slowly takes in a deep breath, then says "It's fine, it's cool... just... follow me then".

As the three of them walked, Zia asks "So you've got a plan then?".

"Sort of" Holly replies. "Captain".

"Yeah?" Siran responds.

"You've got a shapeshifting technique, correct?" Holly asks.

"Yeah" Siran replies.

"Can you shift into any other forms?" Holly asks. "Or do you only have the two forms?".

"A-ah... I only have the two forms so far" Siran replies. "I haven't taken the time to learn another form yet... sorry".

"Then this'll be much harder than I previously anticipated" Holly replies. "However, I can still come up with something here. Let's take a rest somewhere, so that I can explain the plan to you two. Coordination is going to be key here".

"Alright, let's get to work!" Zia cheers.

For the next day, the crew did a stake-out in front of the police department that they met Zhang Wei at. At first, they weren't sure Zhang even still worked in this building. However, eventually he showed up, as he left to go home. The crew stayed around the area overnight, to figure out what time he comes back to work. After they found out what time he comes to work and what time he leaves, the crew started working more on their plan.

The next morning, Holly walks alone in front of the police station at the same time Zhang shows up. Zia and Siran were watching while in hiding, from afar. Holly approaches Zhang, while Zhang was focused on something on his phone. "Lucky me" Holly says to herself, "this makes this job easier". Zhang kept staring down at his phone as he turns a corner and then goes into the building. Holly follows him inside, and they come into the narrow corridor with a reception booth at the end and two narrow hallways halfway through the corridor going in opposite directions. Holly pulled Zhang into one of the narrow hallways, grabbing his phone with one hand and putting her other hand over his mouth. "Shhh" Holly harshly whispers as her hand begins to glow with reactive endo. "Not a sound. Just need to have a little talk. You remember me, right?". Zhang nods his head nervously. "Good" Holly replies. Holly pushes Zhang back against the wall and lets go of him. She then points a finger at Zhang, and he flinches as a digital sound barrier spell activates. "Now we can have our little chat without anyone knowing" Holly says. "All I need is a little bit of information, nothing big or super important, and I'll be on my way. Like nothing happened". As Holly speaks, she has her laptop unfolded and Zhang's phone sitting on her laptop case, transferring files from his phone to her computer.

"What are you after?" Zhang asks in an angry voice. "Money, something about the war, or is this about Ying?".

"Oh, this is definitely about Ying" Holly says, "but that's not what I'm here to ask you for".

"What does... that mean?" Zhang asks.

"Lovely weather we're having, right?" Holly asks.

"What does that mean!?" Zhang demands. "What the hell is your crew planning!?".

"Crew's disbanded" Holly says. "It has been for three years".

"Then what are you trying to figure out?" Zhang demands.

"I already asked you the question..." Holly replies.

"What damn question!?" Zhang yells.

Holly leans in really close, smiles and asks with a straight face "Lovely weather, ain't it?".

Zhang felt insulted, and even more angry. "You Six Guns..." he growls, "you're all just here to make shit harder for everybody else, aren't you!? Stop beating around the bush and tell me what you want!".

"Actually" Holly says, still smiling and leaning really close to Zhang's face, "I'm good". Holly throws Zhang's phone lightly into his chest, and Zhang catches it. "I don't think I'll need to have this little chat with you after all".

"Why you-" Zhang growls. "You come here to my place of work, interrogate me, then tell me never mind!?".

"Oh please" Holly says, "don't kid yourself... interrogate... you're not important enough to be interrogated. Go back to your desk job. I've had my fun messing with you".

"I'm placing an APB for any of The Six Guns seen within all of China" Zhang replies. "You think you can just do whatever you want?".

"Yeah... kinda" Holly replies as she begins to walk out of the door. "Oh, and one more thing". Holly turns around and says "If you honestly think I'd go out of my way to mess around with some stuck up prick working at an office job, and not take time to... research about them...".

"What are you getting at?" Zhang asks nervously.

Holly raises her phone, and shows several pictures of Zhang out with various women from Lockhart Road. The amount of pictures alone would make it irrefutable proof that Zhang has been around town in more ways than one, if the pictures were to be made public. "You're obviously a lonely man, Zhang" Holly says. "And clearly, you have poor taste... I mean... look at 'em. What exactly do you think would happen if I allow all of these to surface? I can make these public to the whole world, you know".

"H-h-how did you get these?" Zhang demands.

Holly stops for a minute, then asks "You know what's hard? Trying to do the right thing while also convincing the world that you're doing the right thing. You know what's not hard? Finding someone you hate, discovering they're a shit person, digging up a little bit of dirt on them- oh, and believe me, there's a lot on you- stealing evidence from various security systems and blackmailing them with it. In fact, it is so easy, it's my hobby. So, Zhang, do me a favor?".

"Y-Yeah?" Zhang asks as he shakes.

"This never happened" Holly says. "I never showed up here, none of The Six Guns are currently in China, and you never saw me... correct?".

Zhang nervously nods his head and says "S-sure!".

"One last thing" Holly says. "Which prison is Ying currently being held in? I would rather like to visit an old friend of ours".

"T-Tai Lam Centre for Women!" Zhang nervously spouts.

"Great! Thanks!" Holly says as she opens up the door and leaves.

As Holly meets back up with Siran and Zia, Siran asks "So how'd it go?".

"He easily fell for the fake pictures" Holly says, "so I guess he really does hang out with prostitutes after all. He honestly thought these were real pictures. I was planning on telling him that even if you didn't do it, how are you going to convince the world that you're innocent or something like that... but his reaction... he's such a fool".

"So... how about everything else?" Zia asks.

"Tai Lam Centre for Women" Holly says. "That's where they're keeping Ying. I've also got Zhang's security clearance". Holly raises her laptop and shows a digital badge and every bit of professional information on Zhang that she had taken from his phone. "Most systems run digitally now" Holly explains. "Like, for instance, a security clearance from a police officer. They of course would have a physical badge and clearance, but they also use their phones to interact with different kinds of systems. Like, inside a police department, there would be certain places a Chief of Police could enter by swiping his digital badge, from his phone, in front of a scanner. We now have that clearance, just in case".

"I like it!" Siran cheer. "Good thinking, Holly!".

"Of course it's good thinking, don't insult me" Holly says. "Onto the next stage of the plan".

Zia takes out a suit, hanging by a hanger, and covered with a plastic wrap to keep it from getting dirty. "I get to see you wear a suit again!" Zia says. "Just like when you disguised yourself as a detective three years ago, when we were investigating those one places for The Ly'Lum officials!". There was a certain glow in Zia's eyes as she spoke.

"This is... uh" Siran says nervously, "it's just a suit...".

"I'm stuck with a couple of morons" Holly complains. "Siran has had too much of an impact on Zia's mental health".

"I heard that!" Siran complains.

"Good, then I won't have to repeat it" Holly says.

The next day, the crew arrives near the prison. Zia and Holly wait as Siran enters the prison alone. As Siran is escorted through the prison by a guard who believes that Siran is a Chief of Police from Hong Kong, Zia sneaks away and finds the crew a vehicle to get away in. Zia and Holly managed to commandeer a car and brought it outside of the prison, then waited. Right around that time, the guard inside had finished escorting Siran to the private cell that Ying was detained in. The guard stayed in the hallway next to Siran, staying on duty as Siran slowly approached Ying's cell. Ying was alone, in her own tiny cell, sitting on the floor. Her hair was untied and left hanging to the floor as she sat down. Ying heard a slight shuffling approaching her cell and briefly looked over her shoulder. At first, Ying didn't recognize Siran, so she looked back at the floor. Suddenly, she jumped to her feet and slowly walked up to Siran as she stared at his face. "It... can't be".

"Long time no see, Li Xiu Ying" Siran says with a smile.

"Siran! You're back!" Ying cheers. "You're still alive after all!". At that moment, the guard looked over at Siran, and began to pull out her weapon. Suddenly, the ground under the guard's feet shifted, and moved out from underneath her. She fell partly into the ground, and a digital sound barrier appeared around the guard's head. "Whoops" Ying says. "I shouldn't have said that out loud".

"It's fine" Siran says. "Shit happens". Siran covers his left hand with reactive endo, then presses his hand against the door of the cell. "Stand back" he says. The lock mechanism in the door implodes, and the door was sent flying to the back of the cell. When Ying stepped out of the cell, a siren went off. "Uh oh" Siran says. Siran looks down at the guard who was more than waist deep into the floor, and the guard still had their hands free, as well as their phone in one hand. The guard looked Siran right in the eyes, and gave him the middle finger.

"Time to move?" Ying asks.

"Indeed" Siran says as he begins to run. Siran begins to move fast, but has to slow down for Ying.

"Hold on!" Ying yells. "I can't go that fast! I can't cast any spells either because I don't have any charms!".

Siran runs back to Ying and quickly lifts her up into his arms. "Hyup!" He grunts as he lifts, "no time to lose!". Siran begins to run really fast, carrying Ying out of the prison.

Outside of the prison, Holly and Zia waited in the car. Things were quiet, until suddenly the wall of the fifth floor exploded. Siran jumps out of the newly formed hole in the wall, with Ying in his arms. "Greeaaat" Holly complains. "He's bringing more trouble".

Before Siran hit the ground, a sudden blast of wind came from his feet. The blast propelled him from the ground, suspending him in the air, reducing the impact from the fall, and kicked dust everywhere. While a lot of dust filled the air, Siran kept running to the car. Suddenly, Siran jumps into the car with Ying and shouts "Let's go!".

"On it!" Zia says as she turns on the engine and starts driving. The crew speeds away from the prison, quickly losing the police who couldn't see them drive away, due to the massive dust cloud. "We probably won't be able to use the airport in Hong Kong this time to go back home" Zia says.

"I doubt it" Ying replies. "They've probably already set an APB for Siran by now. We'll need to get out of the country to get onboard an airplane".

"How about the Philippines?" Holly asks. "If we keep heading south, we should be able to take a boat there".

"Sounds like a plan" Siran says.

"To the Philippines it is, then" Zia agrees as she speeds up the car.