He was about to explain further when Samantha suddenly started convulsing, her body shook so hard that her head hit the headboard twice. He immediately grabbed her and held her down to prevent her from doing damage to her head.
"Tim," he looked helplessly at the doctor who rushed by his side.
"How long did she have the fever?" Timothy grabbed her wrist and turned her arms, he seemed to be looking for something.
"How would I know?" She stopped thrashing for a few seconds but when he was about to release his hold, she started shaking again. "I just met her this morning and then this afternoon."
"How does she look earlier?" Timothy started to call the laboratory.
"I can't recall. I was so focused on asking her to meet me today and talk about the divorce."
Timothy placed an infrared thermometer near her ear. "Her temperature is very high. I need to check the lab result."
They both looked up when they heard a knock on the door when Micheal permitted the person to enter, a man entered holding a clipboard.
"Ah, Nurse Diego." The nurse gave the doctor the clipboard and waited by the side.
"As I thought. Dengue." Micheal frowned, "You have to call her emergency contact, and we need to find out how she got it."
His frown deepened.
"Micheal?" Timothy prompted when he saw that his friend was just standing there looking agitated. "Call her relative."
"I am her only relative now." Micheal announced, "And I barely know her." He ran his fingers through his hair, "She was disowned when we got married. I think she never got in contact with any of her family. That's why she's using my last name."
"Who is she, Micheal?" Timothy wrote something on the paper and handed the board back to Nurse Diego, who immediately went out and followed the instructions written on it.
"Samantha Kersington"
"The duchess?" Micheal nodded.
Timothy was busy after that, there were times that Micheal only stood opposite the glass window of the ICU as he watched things being injected and checked around Samantha. There were times that he was tempted to call her family- but he would remember the night that they got married, where she explicitly asked not to contact her family whatever happens.
"OK, sign here." Both Micheal and Samantha took the pens and signed the documents presented by the judge.
"Micheal, sign here." Timothy pointed to the line in the document he was staring at for five minutes now as he recalled that night he got married.