Then VFG-1011 was about to go home after a hard day's work, when a woman from the village came up and told him
"My daughter is missing"
The lady was called Aurelia and her daughter was exactly the age of VFG-1011, that is 21 years old.
"How did it disappear?"
I immediately reply VFG-1011
"This morning she was at home, then she had lunch and I never saw her again"
The lady stopped talking, sobbed for a moment and continued
"I'm afraid something bad has happened to her, the world out there is very dangerous"
VFG-1011 stopped, looked straight at the lady in the eyes and said to her
"I'll look for it"
And he continued
"As soon as the sun rises tomorrow"
"Tomorrow is already too late, can't go right away"
VFG-1011 did not want to go immediately for two reasons, firstly he did not really want to leave the village, secondly at night, and the keepers knew that the dragons came out of their dens.
"Now you can't"
The keeper said and started to leave
"Wait for VFG-1011"
The mayor of the small village named Neme immediately intervened
"It is the duty of a caretaker to help those in danger, so now you are going to look for that girl"
"I can talk to you for a second in private"
He said Vfg-1011 to Neme
The mayor replied
"The truth is that you want to send me because I know perfectly well that you are afraid to leave 5 meters from your village"
The mayor was not really an example of courage, but Neme replied
"But I'm not a keeper"
Meanwhile everyone had listened to a desperate aurelia for her daughter's disappearance and a large crowd had formed around the three, the elders said
"The keeper must go"
Others replied
"If he leaves, who would protect us"
Finally the mayor said loudly
"shut up !!!!!!! Are we in a republic right? we will decide democratically by a show of hands, who wants the caretaker to immediately look for the girl "
Almost everyone raised their hands
"I'm screwed "
He thought VFG-1011
"But what Mrs. Aurelia says her daughter went to the south and I don't know those places someone who comes from there could accompany me? Like our beloved mayor, if I don't make a mistake, you used to live in a village similar to this one, but further south, it shouldn't be difficult to drive me to those lands. Also with a guide I will find the girl first and go back to the village first, isn't it? "
After hearing these words, many people in the village were right about the guardian. Neme replied
"You don't really want me to go with him"
Instead many raised their hands in favor of this couple expedition. When he saw the situation he thought
"Can not force me, there is no reason in the world that can push me to leave"
5 minutes later Neme and VFG-1011 were on their way at night together, obviously without exchanging a word.
Neither of them knew what surprises he had in store for them that night.