Chapter 11 - Dreams...

" Hello " Tia answered with a raspy and sleepy voice.

She had decided to sleep till the end of the earth but the phone call ruined her glorious plan.

"Heyo Tia, I want some help on the new choreography and Before you ask why didn't I asked jimin and Jungkook for it, then the answer is that they are working on a song cover " The sunshine of the group J hope explained before she could ask.

Tia sighed, "Oppa don't you think it's too early. It is only 4 am and I want to sleep " She pleaded him in a puppy voice.

"You are getting the effects of staying with yoongi hyung for a long time and it's not early. Come quickly to the studio!! " Jhope ordered her with a laugh. He knew how much she hates when someone disturbs her precious sleep.

After a minute, of silence, she agreed on the basis of treating her for a good breakfast.

She started her journey to the bathroom from the bed reluctantly, After brushing her teeth and showering, she wore black jeans and a black oversized hoodie pairing it with black vans.

she strode to the kitchen with drowsy eyes to make a cup of coffee.

While drinking her phone rang again.

"Yuna Unnie, How are...Unnie what happened? Why are you crying? " she asked worriedly after hearing her endless sobbing.

"Tia, Are you home. Can I come to your house now? " She asked with her hoarse voice.

"Yeah, unnie I am home you can come anytime here. You don't have to ask." Tia said her softly.

"I am outside. Sorry for not informing you beforehand," Yuna said still crying.

"Outside!! .Wait, I am opening the door " Tia spoked before rushing to open the door.

She gasped seeing Yuna. She was a crying mess. She had a bag along with her.

Tia took her bag and her inside. she helped Yuna who was red with puffy eyes to settle on the couch.

She ran towards the kitchen to get her a glass of water.

"Unnie what happened? Tia asked with a tone of concern. She never saw her being so vulnerable. She never thought the bubbly, savage Yuna will be crying like that. She knew that she had great control over her feelings.

" I resigned from the hospital!!. I can't do this anymore. I can't put a smile a do the job if it doesn't have a heart. I can't accept my parents every decision. Why can't they realize this thing that I can't be a good doctor if I don't love my job!! "

she cried again saying the last sentence. She knew that Yuna didn't want to become a doctor. she had a passion for photography and she is very good in that but to become a good daughter and be loved by her parents like her older sister is, made her leave her dreams.

"Shhh...Its fine unnie.Don't cry anymore. You did nothing bad." She consoles her with a right hug.

Yuna stopped crying after sometimes.

"Shit!!, I look like a witch with a birds nest kind of hairstyle," Yuna said while looking her reflection in the mirror of the art piece.

Tia smiled seeing her horrified expression.

"Tia can I stay with you for some time. My parents pushed me out of there house with a warning that if I don't return to the hospital they will disown me " Yuna said with a bitter laugh.

"Unnie, you don't have to ask. I will be happy to get a housemate. I feel very boring alone here " Tia said with a smile.

"You were going somewhere?" Tina asked seeing her dressed.

"Yeah, Jhope oppa called. He wanted some help in the choreography" Tia answered giving her a cup of coffee.

"Then go. You will be late " Yuna said sipping her coffee.

"I can't leave you alone unnie," she said while texting jhope that she can't go.

"Nonsense, Are you mad. It's a dream to watch jhope dance and you are leaving the opportunity. I wish could dance. He looks hot as hell while dancing " Yuna said drooling on her God only knows kind of imagination.

"Unnie, I thought you are loyal to Yoongi oppa, " Tia asked and Yuna wiped her fake drool.

"who said I am not!! just appreciating the beautiful things, God has made," she said with a sheepish smile.

Tia knew that she was back to normal.

After telling her the place of everything in the kitchen she drove to the studio.

"Sorry I am late " Tia chimed with a grin after seeing that I hope was already warming up.

Tia was a trained contemporary dancer but over this year she learned other styles with the help of jhope.

"Just a minute, late " I hope answered before playing the song and asking her to follow his lead.

Although jhope was known for his funny and hyperactive personality, his aura totally changes when he dances.


Meanwhile, yoongi was having a hard time controlling his emotions. After the phone call, he was in a mess. He didn't know what to do. He wanted to run away from everything.

"hyung what happened, " Jungkook asked seeing him unfocused.

Namjoon and Jimin also looked at him.

"Nothing just tired " He lied.

"Hyung why don't you go back home " jimin suggested.

"Yeah, I am going back then " he informed before walking out.

He wanted to be alone for some time. It doesn't want to go back to the dorm. Seeing Tia practising with jhope he decided to crash on her home.

He drove home to get a spare key to her house.


Yuna slept for sometime before she got hungry. She wanted to be alone for some time.

She walked downstairs to cook something for her.

After entering the drawing room a scream escaped her mouth seeing an unexpected familiar face. She instantly blushed to recall what she is looking like.