Chereads / Tales of the First World / Chapter 83 - A Blueglass Heart

Chapter 83 - A Blueglass Heart

While Lady Inro and Lord Strum were seated in the study, a booming crack of thunder quaked on the yard.

"That son of ours is going to find himself in a great deal of trouble if any more of my home is scorched" Lord Strum exhaled, while formalizing the documents on his desk. While Lady Inro fixed him a cup of tea, the doors were swung open.

"Mother, father."

"Son, if you're looking for your brother, I believe he's with our guest."

"It's all right mother, I'm actually here to see you, father." The sound of gentle reassurance.

"Please be careful, Validus. Your father is not for his restraint." Lady Inro's concern accompanied her words after offering her son a cup.

"Your timing is impeccable, Validus. These forms need to be notarized before I can have the changes to our estate approved. And it just so happens that my son, the Guardian, happens to be a public servant."

"Do you really, father?"

"Well I wouldn't want to deal with this, in fact, you're the one that's supposed to be wading through this paperwork, as my heir."

"Then consider this the perfect timing indeed. Father!" Validus, drew out his blade from his hip and drove it through the desk, splitting in half and burying itself between themselves.

"Are you prepared for what happens once I draw this blade, son?"

"I stake my claim and that of Vauntuss on my sword."

"Both of you, stop this madness!" Lady Inro raised her voice for the first time in years for Validus.

"Honestly, how can you think of shedding blood in my home? I've let you carry on with your disagreements and even upset our guest, but as long as I am alive, father will not slay son." Her rage was punctuated by her driving the blade deep into the ground, beyond Lord Strum's reach.

"Dear, he drew his blade."

"I know…but he's our son."

"Which is why I haven't cut him down yet." A bolt of lighting appeared between them, striking the hole and drawing out the blade to Lord Strum's reach.

"He understood what this meant the moment he walked in. Validus, I will stake my claim" Handing the bolt-ridden blade to him, making proof of their accord known.

"Have you anyone to bear witness on your account?" Lord Strum made his way to the door, knocking on it and summoning Mr Wyndrest to the study. With his prompt entry, he instantly took notice of the destroyed furniture and the blade in Validus' possession before falling to his knees in a bow, asking for the Lord's forgiveness.

"The young master is bold but well meaning, certainly there is no reason it needs to come to this."

"Wyndrest, this will be done. Make preparations for today, we will cross blades within the Royal Sword Hall."

"My lord, please I implore you…"

"Old friend, I understand your concern, however once a blade is drawn, only blood may ease it into its scabbard."

"Father, you would threaten Wyndrest?"

"Of course not."

"Good, this concerns only I, you…and Vauntuss."

"Then go and find your brother. And once you do, tell him what you have done today. Then gather Vysander and Saevess, and tell them how you've sent your own dear brother to his death."

"I will seek out my siblings after I've sent you to bed, father." Validus tapped the concerned butler on the shoulder.

"Time to go." Before his father let another out a word to affirm his thoughts, they vanished in an echo of thunder that rippled through the skies, leaving a scorch mark on the wooden floor.

With a furrow of his brow, Lord Impetus took a step forward, crushing the splinters of his desk under foot when Lady Inro held him in pause with her hand on his chest.

"Let him be." She said, her intent never wavering despite feeling the electric coursing about him.

"Dear, do not impede me!"

"What will you do if I don't?"


"I will not ask you to forsake our traditions, I only wish to protect our children."

"They are our boys, but they are no longer children."

"Vauntuss is!" Finally raising her voice, an act that cracked his steely expression, as the coursing electric subsided before he slowly embraced her.

Over the courtyard of the Manor, the skies darkened with a curious rumble, until they parted, spewing out a crackling bolt of azure light, crashing atop the fountain, shattering the stone and splitting the ornamental stature that stood atop it.

With the smoldering stone falling away as Mr Wyndrest stepped out of the crater, he proceeded to dust himself off clean before calling out to his young master.

"That's never happened before." Validus groaned after stumbling away from the shattered remains.

"After you left the Manor, your father…how would you say?"

"Changed the locks?"

"Precisely. The wards and seals placed on the Manor were reconfigured, allowing only the Lord and Lady of the House to freely travel within the space. Any sanctioned transportation, especially by thunderbolt can have severe consequences. Honestly, I half expected to be torn to pieces with how reinforced the seals are in your father's study."

"That is a fair point. Getting out was a lot harder than getting in." Noting how his hair tie burnt away from the electric, freeing the dark mane to obscure his face. Brushing it back behind his ears and wiping away soot from his face.

"I believe this is far more appropriate, young master." Handing him his handkerchief, before taking out his Notebook and setting a reminder to send for the masons as soon as possible.

"Do you think I'm being childish, Silvers?"

"Are you asking for affirmation or my opinion?"

"More like wanting some guidance from a more mature figure?"

"Young master. You are nothing if not your father's son and while that means more than a few troubles for me I can recognize how earnest you both are. I will make no secret that I share in Lady Inro's want to stay his hand and yours…but I know that you cannot fight a storm."

Validus wiped his face clean before his gaze was drawn to the stained crest embroidered on the fine pattern of silks. The figures depicted howled and roared, much like the depictions of the great beasts the heroes of his favorite stories would always overcome.

"I may have been selfish with my challenge to my father and unwittingly dragged Vauntuss into this." A pained look aged him with some degree of concern.

"Is it so important that the young lad be a part of this? He carries quite the chip on his shoulder already."

A marked silence was the only answer Validus could afford before he stuffed the handkerchief into his pocket and drawing out his blade, while his hand carried a mild tremor, he resolved him before handing it over, asking him to seek out Vauntuss and have him meet them at the Royal Sword Hall, as he entered the Manor.

Mr Wyndrest entered the Manor soon after, and made his way down the corridors in search of Vauntuss, before coming to the private solar, sounding more lively than it should. The butler approached a painting on the corridor, stepping into the illustration and passing clean through without a trace. 

A slight stumble followed after he emerged between the dense foliage that sectioned off the glass encompassed space. The sound of excitement echoed with a familiar tone of their guest, prompting him to peek through the greenery.

"What will you do once you return home?" The young knight wanted, as he cooled the steaming cup of tea before handing it to her.

"Oh, what's this sudden interest?"

"Are you not interested in what I will be doing?"

"I may or may not, but you seem more confident in the former." Vauntuss' eyes flicked between her eyes and the top of her head, watching the fluffy white tufts of her ears twitch excitedly.

"So what will you be doing?"

"Nothing besides remaining quiet and unseen, if my parents have anything to say about it." Vauntuss noted her ears fall into a calm as she spoke.

"That's quite curious"


"I was certain that you would be occupied with some sort of craft. Your hands are far too worked to suggest complacency."

Taken aback by the suggestion, Tersia put her drink down as she questioned him by what he meant. Their exchange with Vauntuss affirming what he said, while Tersia's annoyance only grew. What started with a misunderstanding turned into a fight. Showcasing her talent for close quarters fighting, actually forced Vauntuss to make an effort to avoid her blows.

When a strike drew too close, a blast of chilling cold blinded her for a moment but long enough for him to close the gap between them, perfect for grappling his opponent. But with the clearing cold, all she could feel was the playful contrast of cold and warm embracing her hands.

 "You see. It is quite clear that they tend to works of passion quite frequently. Much like the hands of Vaceris when we first trained together, whatever it is you task yourself with is washed with a great deal of effort." Watching her excitement return while she looked away shyly, hiding the pink tinge flush on her cheeks.

"Do you really think so?"

"I do."

"Pardon my intrusion, young master. Lady Lamiastell." Mr Wyndrest's eventual reveal tore the entranced youths' attention from one another while curiously, Tersia noticed that lingering warmth on the palm.

"Wyndrest, do you need something?"

"My apologies, young master." The butler gave a well-mannered bow, before presenting Validus' blade to him. Meeting Vauntuss' gaze, he saw a hint of an azure glow shimmering deep within his eyes.

'The young master…' 

"Wyndrest, who has made the claim?"

"Young master, Validus on your behalf…against Lord Strum."

"Father!" Vauntuss covered his mouth at the thought, looking at the dull and worn steel of the blade but noting the distinct magic coursing through it, a spark of the familiar, one he couldn't doubt.

"Hey, you…do you want to tell me what's going on with that sword?" Tersia angered over them, trying to make sense of the sudden change of his attitude as the tinge of warmth she once noted became lost in the grasp of the relentless cold that flowed from him at that moment.

With a look at the icy azure glow from his eyes, she knew something was wrong.

"Mr Wyndrest, please escort Ms Lamiastell to her chamber, I shall meet my brother and father."

"Young master, allow me to fetch the car…"

"It is quite all right, I can find my way. How are the kennels?"

"All the hounds are in good health, young master."

"Then I will take Hrunting with me. Ms Lamiastell…I do hope you reach your home safely." 

"Do take care, he is much larger than the last time you saw him" As he left the solar, Tersia tried to follow after, but the greyed gentleman took a step between her and the door.

"Mr Wyndrest…"

"Please m'lady. If you would, I shall accompany you to your chambers." She reluctantly settled when she couldn't ignore the worn expression the butler tried to hide. Seeking not to add to his worries, she follows him on his way before entering her chambers after he sees her off.

But not long after he took his leave, she snuck out of her room,leaping down from the opened window and landing in the garden only to bump into Vysander who just happened to awaken so late into the day.

While he curiously asked about her behavior, teasing that he never imagined the day Vauntuss would be sneaking a woman into his room.

But noting how poorly of a mood his jest had made, he moved past it, asking if she knew where she was going.

"Was my brother not a good host, if you find yourself wandering our halls unattended?"

"I'm looking for him, actually."

"Is he not in the Manor?" But Tersia could only give him a nod, one he read with a great deal of worry.

"Where's Val?" The now annoyed knight taking the place of his previous fatigue as he marched about the Manor with Tersia fast behind him. Through the barging of many other doors, they came across a busy Saevess, working through the handful of letters addressed to her from their home of Sturmrinsel.

With her at a similar loss of both Validus and Vauntuss' whereabouts, she tried to question them on the urgency but she too was rushed along into the search. 

"I don't want to jump to conclusions but I have a bad feeling about this. After he got back, there's been a strange wind around father and even Vauntuss."

"Why assume the worst? Let us find mother and father, they might have some clue."

"Could it have anything to do with the sword Mr Wyndrest brought to him? He said that it came from his father but it also belonged to his brother…I tried to understand what he meant but Vauntuss left before he could explain."

The silence that crept upon them, Saevess shared a look devoid of any color, Vysander clenched his fist, as the hiss of rage left his mouth.

"Shit! I'll get the car, come on let's go. Are you staying behind, little lady?" Vysander and Saevess moved with frightening efficiency, only stopping to prompt Tersia, though with all that had happened, she had quickly learned to be decisive in the presence of the storm-blooded knights.

"I'm ready. Let's go." Joining them as they rushed for the courtyard, in their sprint, Vysander bound his loose mane in a warrior knot, revealing a surprising scar running down the left side of his cheek, crossing another going from his ear to his chin.

Having seen his visage so closely, she noted his strikingly similar appearance to Vauntuss if only a few years older than him.

"Come on little lady, you'll have plenty of time to stare at me after we save your boyfriend and that idiot. Saevess, you're driving." As he lifted the keys from the rack near the entrance and tossing them over to her.

"I beg your finest pardon." Saevess responded after she caught the keys. 

"We can't travel by bolt anywhere near the Royal Palace, so we need to go and we need to go fast. I'll ride ahead as a 'diplomatic escort' and you will follow."

"That is…so dumb it might actually work."

"Great, now try to keep up." He snatched another set of keys before continuing their rush.