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Chapter 1 - Aluffia

Panel full page


Full Manga script

By: Elary Jones Wakefield

Chapter 1

Intro page 1

A nice border of whatever you like more or less technology-based maybe all the items that are going to show up?

Intro: In the year of 2000 the new millennium released a horrible force upon the world. It was a digital virus that manifested itself into an inhuman form. This beast then began to destroy the small world it was birthed into. Within the time there were six priestesses, each priestess could control two guardians at a time. They fought against the beast but couldn't destroy it. Four of the six gave their lives and summoned the guardian beast to destroy the inhuman being. Thus the world was saved.

Panel full page

The same kind of border but the page is black. Intro: 70 years later...

Panel 1

Intro page 2

Page 1

Full page cityscape, the city is full of things like flying cars bubbled houses, moving sidewalks, tubes that people get from level to level with. There are lots of people in the city as well, yet none of them are walking. There are sky ports and robots all over the place. The builds are tall and almost digital in a way. There is a sign reading "Welcome to Digisa year 2070."

Page 2

Panel 1 (half the page and coming out of the panel a bit)

Full shot of a girl skating (in roller skates the four-wheeled kind) down the street, she is dressed in normal looking 2000 clothing, nothing like the people around her that look like there in spandex like space sites.

Panel 2

She gets to a small looking house that looks normal with no strange digital window or moving sidewalks. The house looks simple like a modern 2000 house. It's wedged between two huge digital buildings.

Panel 3

She kicks off the skates inside the doorway.

Page 3

Panel 1

The girl then steps inside the house, the house is full of a lot of old looking junk, all of it is some kind of digital stuff from the year 2000-2007.

Creet: Dad I'm home!! Panel 2

An old looking man, Creet's father leans back in a chair so he can see her from his workplace. Even more strange digital junk can be seen behind him. He is smiling.

Noah: Sparkplug, you're home a bit later than usual. Panel 3

Creet is opening a very old looking modern day fridge and getting some strange bottle milk out and a piece of cake.

Creet: Yeah, sorry. I stopped by Dags' place again. I really need to tell you beforehand. Panel 4

The father is back to working on an old looking boom box. His desk is full of clutter old junk parts and the like.

Noah: Oh? Still looking for what you want for your birthday then?

Page 4

Panel 1

Creet (from the angle you are outside and looking through the window) eating the cake zoning out a bit.

Creet: I finally found what I want. Panel 2

Shot of the cake and Creet's elbows on the old table

Noah: oh what is it? Nothing huge I hope, like one of the first robots.

Panel 3

Creet laughing.

Creet: Hahaha! NO! It's a CD player! Panel 4

Noah is still at work on his boombox.

Noah: oh that's good, any reason why you want that one?

Panel 5 (long/tall)

Creet is leaning on the table now the bottle of milk and plate empty.

Creet: ....

Page 5

Panel 1

A stack of game manuals along with very old headphones.

Creet: Because it looks like moms.

Panel 2

Noah pauses in his work, smiling sadly. Noah: Oh. Alright then.

Panel 3

Creet passes Noah heading upstairs.

Creet: Thanks a lot, Dad. I get it in a day!

Panel 4

Creet heading upstairs. Creet: Don't forget!!

Page 6

*Cover page*

Creet standing floating along the back of a eastern dragon, the CD player falling from her hands and she looks surprised. There are other electronically created objects falling around her. A cell phone, Hover boots, guitar, and a blander. The dragon she is riding is sparking and so are the rest of the devises. The title will be either at the top of the bottom whatever you think looks better, maybe the side or something (I suck at letter so feel free to play with what the text looks like XD).

Page 7

Panel 1

Shot of a high tech high school with strange looking trees that float out of the ground. Teens on hover boards and hover blades all over. Everyone has a laptop open or floating beside them. There is no grass in the school on cement and strange looking tables that also hover. The school also has stairs leading up to the doors.

Panel 2

A shot of Creet's roller skates coming down the sidewalk, she has on an old looking book bag that's stuffed to max.

Panel 3

a full body shot of Creet from behind coming to a stop before the school. Creet: And now for another day of hell.

Panel 4

A white panel with a word bubble in it. Olaf: GOOD MORNING CREET!!!

Page 8

Panel 1

A half body shot of Olaf hovering up to her with a laptop under his arm. Creet: Good morning Olaf.

Panel 2

A shot of Creet's face looking over her shoulder. Creet: ?!

Panel 3

Olaf's face, with a wide happy grin on it.

Olaf: Hahaha, hey one more day huh?

Panel 4

A shot of the strange sky with fun looking clouds. Pans: One more day till what, losers?

Panel 5

Both Creet and Olaf look up, their faces pretty close together. Creet & Olaf: ??

Page 9

Panel 1

A shot upwards at Pans like she's towering over then and more powerful. Creet: What the hell do you want Pricilla??

Panel 2

A wide shot of Pans with a group of "rich girls"

Pans: Well I was just coming over to see what in the world you have you two so excited! Did you

dad finally learn to flush the toilet? Or is that still to advance for your family?

Panel 3

Creet getting held back by Olaf.

Creet: (yelling) TAKE THAT BACK!!!

Panel 4

Profile shot of Pans almost nose to nose with Creet.

Pans: No take backs plus you learned that not too long ago our self. Creet: Why do you do this to me?

Panel 5

Pans' smile

Pans: It's enjoying to watch your little ugly face twitch.

Page 10

Panel 1

A shot of a school bell ringing.

Pans: We'll see you losers in class

Panel 2

Full body shot of Pans and her groupies walking off

Panel 1

Creet pulled away from Olaf. Creet: Let me go!!

Panel 2

Page 11

Olaf's face looking off

Olaf: you really need to control yourself around her; she does it on purpose you know.

Panel 3

Profile shot of Creet half body.

Creet: I know but... it's kind of hard. (yelling next part) Ohhhh, she's just knows how to push my

buttons really bad! I hate her!!!

Panel 4

Creet stomping down the halls full body shot.

Creet: Her and all her little rich friends think they're SO high and might! You know I bet they

wouldn't last a day without their hair-dos and money! They would be eaten alive!

Page 12

Panel 1

Olaf rubbing the back of his head with a sweat drop half bodies shot. Olaf: That's not calming down.

Panel 2

A shot of a window looking outside and another bell ringing.

Olaf: Get your butt in gear and stop ranting or we'll be late!

Panel 3

White panel only word bubbles Creet: ME? You get moving!

Olaf: I AM moving!!!

Creet: My grandma goes faster!!

Panel 1

A small sign saying 6-9 room 203 Panel 2

Page 13

A wide shot of a high tech class room, with computer black boards and several other electronic new devices. Four students (Olaf and Pans' three "friends" stuck up chicks from before) are all gathered around a laptop music and a rock concert is on the screen. Creet and Pans are the only ones away from it, both sit on opposite sides of the room.

Panel 3

The teacher enters the room.

Teacher: Alright students, turn off that laptop.

Panel 4

The four students look back over their shoulders at the teacher.

Panel 5

The four students look back at the computer.

Olaf: Come on, Teach, it's not much longer.

Page 14

Panel 1

The teacher with hands on his/her hips.

Teacher: Well then Mister Newlands perhaps you can shed some light on what's more

important than classwork?! Panel 2

Olaf's grin

Olaf: Space Age Toothpicks <3 Panel 3

The confused look on the teachers face. Teacher: ?

Panel 1

Page 15

Full shot of Olaf leaning back in his chair smiling happily.

Olaf: They're only the greatest band in the whole city! Student 1: Come on, Teach, you should listen!

Panel 2

Teacher sighing

Teacher: If I listen to one song will you guys turn it off for the rest of the school year?

Panel 3

Wide shot of the students trying to decide.

Panel 4

Pans half body shot her nose in the air.

Pans: To be honest they're not even worth watching, the lead singers is a total idiot!

Panel 5

Shot of the computer screen with Bar singing.

Pans: I mean, look at his hair and clothes! Where was he razed a barn?!

Page 16

Panel 1

A shot of three of Pans "friends"

Girl 1: Eww, he is nasty and gross!

girl 2: Yes!! Yes! Turn that horrible noise off!

Girl 3: What are you trying to do Olaf? Rot our brains?!

Panel 2

Olaf with an annoyed look on his face.

Olaf: You all are the ones that asked me to put it on...

Panel 3

A shot of Olaf closing his laptop with Creet sitting beside or behind him.

Creet (whispering) You forget she's the "queen" and the servants will always follow the queen.

Page 17

Panel 1

Teacher begins teaching

Panel 2

The students working, Creet is the only one having to use a book and she has a lot of them. Panel 3

Bell ringing.

Panel 4

Olaf and Creet going down the hallway inside the school.

Olaf: Well, I'll see you at lunch. I've got a shop class. Were building robots!! Again! Creet: Have fun.

Page 18

Panel 1

*setting box* Lunch

Students eating lunch outside, mostly healthy stuff and really big lunches. Creet and Olaf should be somewhere in the crowd as well as Pans with her little group of "friends"

Panel 2

Olaf and Creet sitting and eating lunch together. Creet is staring off in Pans direction. Olaf has his laptop out and music is coming out of it, music by Space Age Toothpicks (if you want to know what's on the laptop)

Panel 3

Olaf looks at Creet his mouth half full of food. Olaf: Why do you look at her like that?!

Page 19

Panel 1

Creet still looking across the patio at pans, with a concerned look on her face. Creet: She never smiles.

Panel 2

A shot of Pans eating with all the girls talking at her. She's not smiling. Olaf: So?

Panel 3

Creet resting her cheek in her hand half body shot.

Creet: I was just wondering why. She only smiles when she is tormenting me.

Panel 4

Olaf grinning as he sits beside Creet.

Olaf: Maybe she's in love with you!

Panel 1

Creet hitting Olaf with a book. Creet: That's creepy!!

Panel 2

Page 20

Shot of the sky and maybe a few trees. (if you want to just draw the trees I'll do the clouds.) Olaf: Why? I mean it might be true.

Sound effect: *WACK*

Creet: Take it back!!

Olaf: OW!! Okay! Okay! HAHHAHAHA! Panel 3

Pans looking over to where Olaf and Creet along with the three girls with her. Pans has a bit of longing in her face like maybe she envies Olaf and Creet.

Girl 1:Look at them....

Girl 2: How stupid...

Girl 3: And horribly dressed. Pans: ....

Panel 1

Creet opening the door to her house. Creet: Dad I'm home.

Panel 2

Page 21

Noah leaning over his work boxes piled in the already messy house. Creet: Oh COOL! You packed up all the museum stuff!!

Panel 3

Noah is still looking over his work. Noah: Yep.

Panel 4

Creet is crouching on her hands and knees counting the boxes.

Creet: You didn't put in any of my stuff like last time did you?

Panel 5

A side shot of Noah's face. Noah: just a few things...

Panel 1

Creet with an annoyed face. Creet: DAD!

Panel 2

Page 22

A shot of all the junk and boxes everywhere.

Noah: I'm sorry Creet I really need to ask first, but how about we get you that birthday gift


Panel 3

Creet's eyes only sparkling. Panel 4

Creet running out the door.

Creet: Let's go!!

Panel 1

An antique store called "Dags" it looks very old nothing like the building around it. Panel 2

Page 23

Creet with her nose pressed to glass counter, inside "Dags" her eyes fixed on the CD player it has the dragon rune on it somewhere it also has BIG headphones like the DJ kind.

Dag: and she's back again, are you going to buy that thing this time? (and no I didn't do any bio of dag have fun <3)

Panel 3

A shot of the whole inside of the store Creet still against the glass Noah standing behind her looking at something else and Dag behind the counter.

Creet: YES! Panel 4

Dag smiling up wards shot.

Dag: Alright then that will be 200 dollars (money)

Page 24

Panel 1

Noah digging in to his wallet.

Noah: Not too bad it should be worth it for some study work to. Creet: No Dad!

Panel 2

Dag getting the CD player out a nice close up of his hand and the CD player with the symbol. Dag: here you go, Creet enjoy it.

Panel 3

Creet hugging the CD player and headphones. Creet: Thanks a lot Dad!!

Panel 4

Noah paying Dag

Noah: Happy birthday! Use it well understand.

Panel 5

Creet's face smiling the head phones on already.

Creet: I love it!! Thanks sooo much dad!! It looks just like the one mom gave me.

Page 25

Panel 1

Creet heading to the doorway with her dad.

Noah: we'll have to find some batteries when those die, you know. Panel 2

A shot of Deefesis walking in the door and Creet almost bumping into her. Creet: ah!

Panel 3

A shot of Deefesis annoyed looking face. Deefesis: Move child!

Panel 4

Deefesis pushing past Creet and her father. Creet: sorry miss...