Chereads / Haru/My Rare Treasure / Chapter 81 - Book Three: Chapter Eleven: Barachiel Recovers

Chapter 81 - Book Three: Chapter Eleven: Barachiel Recovers

Last time, Barachiel was injured from his fight previously with Azrai .

He opened his eyes.

What is going on? I'm alive. Barachiel thought. He turns over to see a tired Liliya napping in the corner.

I knock on the door.

Come in. Barachiel replied. I see you are awake. I replied. He was happy to see a familiar face. How long have I been sleeping? Barachiel asked. You have been sleeping for three days. You could thank Liliya. She brought you back from the brink of death. I replied. He looked at Liliya. So I missed her birthday again. I will never get to see her at her happiest. Barachiel replied. You can say whatever you want, but Liliya selflessly came to heal your wounds. I replied. She did. Barachiel replied. A knock on the door. Haru has Liliya woken up? Bao asked. No, not yet. Well, your least favorite person is awake instead. I replied. Bao opened the door. He sighs. Liliya sits up. Bao, give Luka a break this time. Liliya replied. How can you just give him a pass for the way your brother or my brother treated us? Bao asked. Bao, he doesn't stop thinking about you. Barachiel replied. You can sit up and talk? Megumi asked. Why am I here, Megumi? Barachiel asked. On Haru's whim. Now get the hell out before your buddies come here. Megumi replied. Hey Megumi, why are the church and friends here? Natsumi asked. We know you have him captive. Raphael replied. Stop complaining, I'm fine. The person I least expected helped me with another surprise to add. Barachiel replied. Raphael walks into the room. Why are you doing surrounding yourself with that company? Especially her, of all people. Raphael replied. I left the room. Haru. Barachiel replied. What is it you have against her? Raphael, answer me truthfully? Barachiel replied. Outside, I hear a person apologizing down the hallway. I'm so sorry Megumi for all the trouble they have caused you. Selaphiel replied. You don't have to apologize, Rian. Megumi replied. I know he's been causing you trouble. Selaphiel replied. No, not this time. You know he's here today. Megumi replied. Wait, why? Selaphiel asked. To check on Liliya, as he usually does. Megumi replied. As I walked past Selaphiel, our eyes made contact. He walked into the room. I walked upstairs. Selaphiel went to the room. What are you going on about, Raphael? Selaphiel asked. Why are you here, Selaphiel? Raphael asked. You cause so much trouble. Selaphiel replied. Are you able to stand? Selaphiel asked. Haven't tried. Barachiel replied. Try before your father comes instead. Selaphiel replied. He stands up. Look, it's a miracle from God. Barachiel replied. You really shouldn't be walking around. Your body is still weak from the strike to your back. Liliya replied. What do you know, little sinner? Raphael asked. Min-Ji walks in. Hey is anyone giving you problems, Bao and Liliya? Min-Ji asked. It's ok Min-Ji, I am not afraid anymore. Liliya replied. What changed your mind? Min-Ji asked. Listen to me, Bao and Min-Ji. We have dealt with the discrimination of the church for who we are. Something we learned in our studies at the church. We took with us. For example, I had to go back to look into my old lessons. That's how Luka is walking. That attack was meant to kill him. I came just in the nick of time. Liliya replied. What? Raphael asked. My magic is heavenly and demonic. I can channel out which one I need to use. Liliya replied. A portal opened. Liliya! Astrid yelled. Astrid, you seem frantic? Liliya asked. I'm fine. Are you ok? Astrid asked. I'm fine, stop panicking. Liliya replied. I was out on a job and I come back to hear you rushed to someone's aid. Astrid replied. Haru told me and I rushed over. Liliya replied. Today's your seventeenth birthday, Liliya. Happy birthday, Liliya. Astrid replied. Thank you, Astrid. Liliya replied. Happy birthday, Liliya. Bao replied. She smiles. Barachiel smiled. Tell her happy birthday. I replied. Haru? Barachiel asked. Liliya looked at him. Selaphiel read the room. He pulls Raphael out of the room. Astrid pulls Bao out of the room. I closed the door behind me. Liliya, I'm sorry. Barachiel replied. She hugged him. Luka, I've always known you never hated me. Dad may hate my mom and I but that wouldn't lead me to hating you. Liliya replied. The horrible things I said to you. Luka replied. I could always tell when you always lie, Luka. Liliya replied. I don't like this sarcastic version of you, Liliya. Barachiel asked. I'm just being honest, Luka. Liliya replied. She giggles. He laughs soon after. On the outside, I remember he would always talk about his little sister, Liliya. Wondering about her well-being. It has been awhile Rian. I forgot you are on duty, Selaphiel. I replied. You are carefree as ever, Haru. Selaphiel replied. Ichiko runs downstairs. Haru is Luka feeling better? Ichiko asked. He's in good spirits, Ichiko. Selaphiel looked at Ichiko. Ichiko? Selaphiel asked. Rian. Ichiko replied. They looked at each other. Hey what's this intense feeling? Bao asked. He sees Ichiko and Selaphiel. Hey Bao, did you find Liliya? Ichiko asked. I found her. Bao replied. Wait is that you Bao? Selaphiel asked. He turns around. Rian? Bao asked. What do they know each other? Stay Tuned.