Mike was sitting on that bench and 15-minute later called Devid..
Devid say yes mike what's going on?
Mike says Devid comes fast to the garden . I Will talk to you.
Devid say hey I will come where you… and where urvashi and you.
Mike says I will sit on the bench you just come.
"Devid goes to Mike side"
hey! Mike what's going on? Devid asked Mike.
Mike says listen Devid I will not think about it that happens this night.
Devid suprisely say what are you talking Mike just relax and say everything to me.
Mike says Devid urvashi and me sitting on this bench together and she was like me… she talks about moon, star and sky I was think that she was poetry.
Devid ask what she said to you to tell me fast?
Mike says hey Devid urvashi says to me that she likes my personality, my style everything and she says I like you..
Devid surprise and say mile "what the fuck" are you talking does she really talk to you that way.
Mike say Devid what I can do. '' She also says "I love you" to me.
Devid smile and say mike you are very lucky.
Mike was shocked and said really your mean I am lucky.
Devid say yes Mike you know how beautiful she is, every school boy tries to make friends with him and she gives you a beautiful change.
Mike say Devid i will say that I will answer urvashi tomorrow definitely.
Devid say what the hell are you doing Mike…
Mike asks Devid to tell what I can do.
Devid says to Mike you "listen to your heart voice " what he says to you buddy.
Mike says I am confused about that why I will call you to help me buddy.
Devid say Mike I am say true that she was a really good girl and also she was topar in our school that change did not come to your life.
Mike asks Devid so finally I will say yes to him.
Devid say yes my friend I really think that you and urvashi look more cute than me and Mansi so please say I really love you urvashi.
Mike says OK I will say to urvashi tomorrow morning.
Devid say No, no mike you talk to urvashi today because today was a good day for you.
Devid say OK Mike now time to go…. Navarti was starting and my love also came into the ground.
OK Devid Mansi is your love now say by Mike.
Yes of course Devid says with a big smile.