A young High school girl her name is
Aiko Yamamoto, age 17. She had been suffering from a serious migraine pain, due to this she couldn't study properly at school. At high school days she dropped a class and fight against her disease and achieve her father dream and her goal. And now she a doctor and her age 18. Her father name is Touma Yamamoto age 52, he is a civil engineer a very hardworking person plus he is a best dad in the world. His wife name is Hana Ito Yamamoto age 32, unfortunately she is was died by a heart attack, she was the best mom plus a best wife. She missed her mom very much but she never showed up to her dad that she is missing her mom and her father also never showed up that he is missing his wife but her small daughter know and feel that her father is missing mom. And she has two siblings her life line ,
Hinata Yamamoto Tanaka and Asahi Yamamoto. Hinata is elder sister her age 26, she get married with a young Navy Man her husband name is Sora Tanaka age 30, she is a civil engineer too and her young brother study at high secondary school.
Aiko is most funny person plus most friendly person. she is used tell jokes and try to people laugh , At every Saturday Sunday evening is used to go old age home and play with all grandpas' and grandmas' and tell jokes. And when she get bored by study or get some time she used write love stories specially, but she never think that love stories can be happen with her life too....
And love change her life totally..