Chereads / The Golem Adventurer / Chapter 11 - Hallowed Spirit

Chapter 11 - Hallowed Spirit

I awoke again at first light as the sun started rising over the horizon. A bit later than last morning but maybe that's because Oracle was having a harder time detecting light inside indoors. I still feel strange over sleeping. I don't "need" to sleep but for [Spiritual Attunement] to improve, I need to keep on my human habits, even if it does seem redundant.

As I got dressed again, a knock echoed from my door. Hina and Tessa were waiting for me outside, ready for breakfast. We headed downstairs towards the galley as I nodded and waved towards the Innkeeper. I wanted to be a bit more friendly to her after my snapping remarks last night. She seemed to notice my intent and greeted me with a more relaxed look on her face.

Sitting at the table, we ate a meal consisting of what looks like eggs, bread and bacon. Now that I think about it, I don't remember seeing any livestock as we were reaching the city. Were they kept at a different part of the farmlands?

The random assortment of merchants and adventurer's seemed to gawk at me as I ate. I gently put the food into my intake with a spoon like a small garbage disposal. I could hear their whispers about what I was doing, some wondering if it was a product of being a combat golem. Others just staring in awe like I was pissing out in the wind.

As we finished the meal, Hina was looking outside through the window. She stood up from her seat when she saw her companion. "It's time. Let's greet her outside, shall we?"

Heading out the door, we come face to face with an older woman who looked similar to Hina. The robe she was wearing was just as ornate but the rosary beads and ivory symbols around her hands and neck along with her simple wooden staff gave her away as some sort of priest.

"Everyone, allow me to introduce High Priestess Mira of the Church of Celecia, Goddess of Light."

The high priestess bowed towards us in a graceful manner. For a friend of Hina's, she seemed to hold an air of maturity to her.

"T-The High Priestess!? S-She's the companion you mentioned, Master!?", Tessa frantically bowed deep and tried to make me do the same. I gave way to her pressure and bowed myself.

"Good morning, my child. And you as well, Arlan. To think I'd have a chance to meet you. I had scarcely heard word of you and your exploit of ridding the land of vagabonds when Lady Hina explained to me your circumstances and bid me to meet you. If we could, I'd like to continue this conversation somewhere more private. We'll need some space, as well."

We all moved towards the small park where me and Tessa trained last night. It seemed secluded enough for us to do whatever it was required, especially this early in the morning. Now that we're here, she moved in front of me. It was sudden but neither I or Oracle sensed any hostility in her actions.

"Lady Hina explained to me your circumstances. Along with your true identity. A spirit bound into a golem. It's quite unheard of. You're the first, as far as I've known. But a spirit binding into an object or a body isn't. Those that do, however... are called the Undead."

That feeling I had last night returned. Dread creeped up from within me. I was so focused on the idea I've reincarnated that the possibly that my spirit just showed up and took control of some random object didn't cross my mind. Maybe I was still actually dead, refusing to return back to the afterlife.

I then realized that I was starting to back away from the High Priestess unconsciously. Is she going to kill me? Unexpectedly, she laid her hand gently on my chest.

"Please be at ease. Lady Hina brought me here because she trusted me. And she trusts you as well. Most spirits who wander the earth after death do so because they are unable to pass on. They hold grudges against the circumstances of their death or even a person, at most times their murderer. There are some like Liches who seek eternal life or power by dabbling in forbidden magic, becoming undead in the process. But you are not like those spirits. In fact... you are not from this world, correct?"

I looked over at Hina for some explanation for her actions but she merely nodded. She said she trusts me, now she wants me to trust her.

"My skill [Sense Undead] did not activate when I first arrived at the Inn or even now. It can even detect the presence of the most powerful Undead creatures with my strength. Your unique body might be providing some protection against detection. That is probably why the city's magical wards could not detect your presence either."

I let out a relieved breath of air at her explanation. But there was something still bothering me. What was it...?

My [Status]!

"Hina, you saw my [Status], correct? You saw as one of my passive effects. That's why you're checking up on this, right?"

"Yes, exactly. One of the things I was worried about was whether you were truly reincarnated here or merely a spirit who clung onto whatever you found. You're not walking around as a corpse so you wouldn't stand out but the fact that you might be Undead still needed to be inspected thoroughly. High Priestess Mira was brought here because I know she could be trusted with this secret if the worst was to be believed. Along with a solution if one was needed."

"I am just one high ranking priest for the Church of Celecia. There are other denominations for other churches who worship different gods. The Church of Restalia, Goddess of Judgement perform funeral rites and other services for the deceased. They are also quite arduous at the cleansing of Undead. It would be best if your information would not reach them."

"Alright, so what now? Do I just stay away from holy sites and priests just to be safe?"

"There's one last thing. I would like to try a [Turn Undead] spell on you."

"W-Wait! Hold on, I know what that spell does! I don't think that's going to be safe!", I couldn't help but be in a bit of a panic. With some truth coming into light about my body, I didn't quite feel as invincible as before now.

"Please, we must! [Sense Undead] did not work. However, we still do not know if Holy spells or blessings have an effect on you. [Turn Undead] is the lowest tier of Holy magic a priest can cast. While effective, even the lowest tier of undead would not be exorcised with just one cast. It is the safest method we have to perform a more detailed examination."

All of a sudden, Tessa stepped between me and the priestess, "High Priestess, please! I don't think it's safe, even for Arlan!"

Hina however was taking none of it, "Tessa, please! This is for Arlan's sake. You know this!"

Tessa seemed to shrink away from her master's words. She finally gave up and allowed Mira to continue but stayed a bit closer to my side.

The High Priestess held her hand towards me, a golden circle of light appeared before her. The same light emanated from her body as well. It seemed different from a mage casting a spell. Is it because she's channeling power from her patron god?

"Please relax, Arlan. Even as a golem, I do prefer the look of a man who stand stalwart against fear and uncertainty."

Her serene smile and comments were made to put me at ease. Tessa, however was giving me a cold side eye. This isn't the time to be doing this, Tessa.

The light had reached peak luminosity. It was then I heard whispered-

"[Turn Undead]."

A circle of light surrounded me. There was something, a feeling of a tug at my spirit. But that was it. Huh, it must be because of my high stats. It wasn't like i was some kind of low tier zomb-

I collapsed on the floor as if I was a puppet who's strings were cut. My body flailed and convulsed like was having a seizure. After a while, my body stopped moving entirely. My computer screen-like vision was warped and filled with static. Red warnings were filling my screen. Through my shot vision I could faintly see smoke rising from my lifeless body.

[WARNING! WARNING! [Spiritual Attunement] level t-oo low to resi-st sp-ell! All system-sss critical! Re-synchroni-zation to core is fail-ure! System is now shutting down!]

I feel as though I really am looking through a television. I feel disconnected to everything around me. Everyone's panicked shouts and cries were still reaching me but they felt far away. I could still see everyone gathered around me. Hina had started hotly arguing with the Priestess but even she had a confused look on her face. Tessa however looked devastated at my current state. Tears had started to flow from her eyes, dropping on my face. My vision blurred as they trickled down my screen. Her voice was running ragged screaming my name over and over.

[WARNING! WARNING! S-S-Shut down imminent!]

Oracle was blasting her voice inside my head. But it doesn't matter anymore now, right? I feel the apathy start to take over again. It's the same feeling I had before. The feeling of death.

[C-C-Complete shut down com-m-m-menced! C-Core is now dis-s-sabled-d-d!]

Is it over again?

[P-p-powerrrring dooo-]

If it is... if that entity that sent me here can hear me...

[C-Connection d-detectedddd.]

Can you let me rest this time? In peace?

[System Ad-Admin has c-c-connected.]

Tessa couldn't stop crying. I'm sorry for dying in front of you like this.

[Re-synchronizing connection to core.]

...But am I ok with that? She seemed excited at my new future. The new start that Arlan was going to have.

[Re-synchronization complete! System is now restarting.]

That "I" was going to have. This is was my new life. The old me died satisfied with what he accomplished. But "I" haven't done anything yet. Arlan had yet to truly live in this new world...

[Administrative Commands accepted.]

And I'm sure as hell not going to die lying the hell down like this!


A burst of light shot out from within me. The pillar of light reached the sky and levitated my body into the air. I could feel heat and power surge all over, as if I became the sun itself. Everyone around me shielded their eyes to protect themselves from it's blinding luminosity. The moment seemed to last for eternity.

And just like that, it was over. I was gently laid down on my feet by an unknown force. A bit wobbly but nothing worse for wear. Whatever damage I sustained had already healed. The group looked out at me from behind their hands in utter shock at what had transpired.

I was suddenly hit from side as Tessa jumped right into me in full speed almost knocking me down, "Arlannnnn! I.. *sniff* I thought you were dyingggg!" Her drool and mucus running from her nose were starting to create a noticeable stain on my tunic.

"Hey, hey! Relax! I'm fine. I'm fine! See?" I gave my arms a bit of a flex to calm her down. For someone who just met me the other day, she seemed unexpectedly worried about my well being. It warms my core a bit to know that.

"Y-Y-YOUUUUUUU!", Mira was the second to snap back into reality. Her mask of serenity had cracked displaying nothing but hysteria and bewilderment. "T-That light! T-That was a blessing! I've never seen it happen before my own eyes!"

"Enough!" Hina shouted at us, directing our attention towards her, "We need to leave. Now! Back to the Inn before guards come discover us and demand an explanation!"

We all hurriedly run back out to the street and run towards the Inn doors. Even with the lack of foot traffic right now, it would only mean the patrols would have an easier time reaching the park. We don't slow down until we enter Hina's room. Closing the door, everyone collapses on the floor from the strain of previous events.

After taking a few breaths, Hina stands up again to dust herself off, "Now that we're safe for the time being at least... Mira! Explain yourself!"

The High Priestess looked shocked at the sudden accusation, "I-I did not mean any harm towards Arlan, I swear Hina! I assure you I only used [Turn Undead]! It should not have caused something as disastrous as that! Even Archbishop Rommai would not be able to banish the lowliless of undead in a single cast!"

"Mira, I still find it hard to believe that-"

"She's right, Hina.", I stepped into the conversation, "Oracle said it to me while I was dying. My [Spiritual Attunement] levels were too low to resist it and ended up losing control. It might be because I wasn't properly bonded to this unit."

Tessa hopped in as well, "But what about that pillar of light that happened afterward? It revived you, Arlan!"

"Y-yes! That light!", Mira's look was one of astonishment, "It was a blessing! A blessing from the Gods! To think I'd be able to see it with my own two eyes!"

"A blessing...?" Hina suddenly gasped, "Your guild card! Arlan, show us your [Status]!"

Shocked from her sudden demand, I quickly rummage through my bag until I pull out the small card from within. Channeling my will, my [Status] quickly appears above it for everyone to see.


Name: Arlan

Race: Golem (Spirit)

Class: None (Species Based)

Status: Normal

HP: 250/250 MP: 100/100

Level: 3(10)

STR: 100

DEX: 70

AGI: 100

MAG: 90

VIT: 120

LUK : 50

[Active Skills]

[Passive Effects]



Something's changed! became . Was I consecrated or something? And I've received a blessing from Celecia. That's the Goddess of Light, right? I even got a title, too. ? What does that even mean?

Suddenly I was grabbed by the shoulders and turned around to face Mira. Her face was serious but excitement seemed to crack through regardless, "You... You've received my Goddess' blessing and have been sanctified! The Goddess of Light and creator of Humans! She is the one god of the Pantheon who has never bestowed Her blessing onto a mortal, let alone anything! She channels Her will through us which grants us our Holy powers but never have we received Her blessing. Please! Tell me what boon She has granted you!"


"Yes! A blessing from the gods grants it's holder strength, skill or knowledge in some form. The God of Magic grants [Chantless] casting while the Goddess of Nature's blessing allows one to communicate with trees, animals and the wind. Please, as Her devout follower, tell me what the Goddess of LIght has bestowed upon you!"

Mira started to shake me in anticipation, "Alright, alright!" Oracle, you still there? Tell me what does.

[. It has no active or passive effects.]

...Come again?

[It has no active or passive effects.]

It does nothing? Are you serious, Oracle?


Well, that was underwhelming.

"I hate to break it to you, High Priestess. It does nothing."

The shaking stopped, "...Come again?"

"Yeah, I had the same reaction. Oracle says it does nothing. No active or passive effects."

Mira hung her head down low. She was so excited to see the mystery solved but was given an unsatisfactory conclusion. Hina and Tessa just sighed behind us at the dejected priestess. At the very least Mira explained now that I've become sanctified via , I was not considered Undead. Banishment type spells and prayers would have no effect on me again. Whatever happened back there completely covered any undiscovered weaknesses when it comes to me being a spirit. That takes care of that problem at least.

In the end, with her task complete, Mira gave us her farewells and left while muttering about meditating on the Goddess' will. Looks like she has a lot of soul searching to do about the whims of her chosen patron deity.

Hina and Tessa had plans for training as well. I assured them I'd be fine on my own today. I was thinking about heading over to the guild and starting a request. But first, I returned to my room. There was one last thing I didn't want to mention to any of them. At the bottom corner of my HUD flashed the familiar icon of an envelope.

I had received a message. The sender was Celecia.