Chereads / Rebirth : Lizard-man party leader / Chapter 60 - 60. Monster lord

Chapter 60 - 60. Monster lord


The first to charge him were the orcs and lizardmen.

Each carrying a crude weapon covered in filth, just looking them would make you feel like you contacted a venereal disease.

No, you would kill them.

No, these are to be our mistress' army, they'd do her no good dead.

The first to reach him was a lizardman, and she was carrying a rusty ax. Darisyn twisted out of the lizardman's field of vision, grabbed the wrist carrying the ax she's wielding, and wretched it backwards while firmly grasping the back of her neck.

He then smashed her face into the ground.

Darisyn stood up from crumpled form, and used the ax to parry a strike from an orc's sword.

Then, using the knob, bashed him in the temple.

He then used a burst of air to knock back a crowd of monsters that had surrounded him.

A giant boulder was thrown at him, but a quick shield spell deflected off to the side.


A massive ogre was barreling towards him.

Darisyn funneled a shit ton of mana into the ax he was carrying, and threw at the beast.


The ax hit her head, and burst apart.

Before she hit the ground, Darisyn had already jumped into the air with his wings unfurled.

Only to come crashing back down.


Older dungeons have more control over the total area inside of themselves. So, those who own those dungeons can do some really whacky things.

Like make it so that when anyone tries to fly they get yoinked back to the ground, forcing them to fight all of the monsters head-on.

No, it just means getting past them will be a tad bit harder.

He dodged a banewolf's bite.

Banewolves are large wolflike monsters with a venomous bite that's not only neurotoxic, but also gives their prey a serious positive charge. Which attracts their metal quills, turning them into course-correcting missiles.

Darisyn took off in the direction he felt the highest concentration of mana.

Dodging and weaving, and only whooping some ass when he absolutely needed to.


He just barely got out of the way of a tongue strike from the land dragon.

This land dragon is in fact a horny death land dragon. It walks on four legs, is twenty feet long and over ten feet tall at the shoulder, has horns protruding from all over it's body, its tail ends in a spiky bone club, but its most dangerous weapon is its own tongue.

Able to shoot it out a whopping five times its body length, is coated in venom, and the tip is a solid bone blade used to puncture and reel in prey.

Darisyn used the time it took for it to pull its tongue back to reach it, jump above it, and knock it out with a laser blast to the head all in one swift motion.

After the dragon he made it into the forest.

A few minutes of running through the forest, and he heard the telltale sound of large beasts tearing through the underbrush to get to him.

He didn't even look back, instead focusing on his footing and conserving his mana.

A huge werewolf came from his left, claws already swiping.

Using his momentum, Darisyn rolled forward, and let the werewolf sail over him. The werewolf's paw hit a tree, and obliterated it.

The werewolf looked at his paw, then to the receding form of Darisyn.

He jumped back onto all fours, and started back chasing after him.

I'd rather conserve as much mana as possible to fight the monster lord.

Yes, that is true.

No need.

A werewolf bigger than the first one, dropped down from a tree in front of Darisyn.

Darisyn came to a halt as more werewolves - both male and female - appeared, including the first one.

One of the females headed towards Darisyn, only for the one that dropped from the tree to growl at her.

In the time it took for her to back the fuck up, Darisyn had sped over to lead wolf, grabbed him under his underarms, sprouted his wings, and with an explosive burst of mana shot up above the treeline.


Darisyn quickly rearranged himself, so that his feet was tucked onto the wolf's chest.

Before the wolf could react himself, they were violently yanked back to the ground.

Darisyn reinforced his body with mana so he was uninjured, the wolf wasn't so lucky.

Darisyn ran away from the wolf's... remains.

The other werewolves froze in place as he ran away.

As you mentioned, they come from wrath demons.

They form groups not on the basis of mutual respect, but only due to their leader being the strongest out of them all.

So, when you defeat their leader, they can't help but to hesitate.

Darisyn kept running, he may have defeated one pack, but there are plenty more in these woods. Not to mention the plethora of other monsters.


When he eventually got past the forest, the first thing Darisyn saw was a huge ominous castle.

Hardened stone made its base, thick studded wooden doors blocked all egress, imposing towers overlooked the land, sheer walls that taunted onlookers to try and fail to bring them down, and an impossibly wide and deep gorge surrounded it.

Though its portcullis was up, it doors open, and its drawbridge down.

The second thing he noticed was that the monsters guarding it are vampires.

Around twenty of them, but young ones at that.

Most were newly turned, evident by the adventure gear they were still using.


I agree, it is definitely a vampire. An old one at that.

"Adventurer, you made a mistake coming here."

A female vampire said. Going by how she is dressed, she is a native of Agriuz.

"The final mistake of your life."

She truly sounded full of regret for having to kill yet another trespasser.

"I'll be fine."

Darisyn shrugged.

"You should take us seriously. We aren't like the monsters you've fought before you got here."

They all brandished their weapons.

"I'll try not to kill all of you."

A Noxian vampire laughed.

"I will enjoy putting you in your place old man."

Vampires, like weres and other monsters that were made by demons, are naturally a Mid-rank monster. Vampires also have the advantage of growing exponentially stronger just with time, unlike weres who have to constantly kill.

Given enough time, and they could become nigh impossible to kill.

But these vampires are not that, at all!

Darisyn lifted his left arm, and turned his right hand into its bony clawed form.

"I'm gonna drain you dry!"

Darisyn slashed his own arm, and blood started to flow freely.

All of the vampires' eyes turned completely red.

The Noxian vampire dropped his weapon, and reached out a clawed hand.

"It's all min... Guh!"

The vampire who first spoke slugged him in the face.

"No! IT'S MINE!!!!"

She turned towards Darisyn, only to get an arrow in the back.


All of the vampires started fighting each other. Most used their weapons, but others forgoed that, and bite and clawed at each other.

The few that escaped from the blood frenzy came at Darisyn, but he could handle that amount with ease.

Eventually the vampires were too injured to continue, waiting to heal.

One or two got their mana-hearts destroyed and died, but there was nothing Darisyn could do for them.

He crossed the bridge, and went into the castle.

The courtyard is a killing field, surrounded by solid pillars on the ground level, and crenellations above that.

Behind those battle defenses were monsters armed to the teeth.

None moved to attack him however, instead a woman appeared from inside the main building.

Her brightly colored clothes made from leathers and cotton contrasted with her dark brown skin.

She has almond eyes, and blacker than night hair tied into a long braid running down her back.

He had just registered her coming out of the main building when she travelled three hundred yards, and was kicking a hole in the ground where he was.

Fortunately for him, he had constantly been funneling mana into his body, and had jumped when he sensed her killing intent.

While he was still in the air blood flowed out her hand and formed a macuahuitl, and she swung it at him.

Darisyn used a blast of pure mana to propel himself backwards.

He landed safely on his feet, but he still felt the sting of the fresh cut on his chest.

He barely took a breath before she was on him again.

He blocked the swing of her weapon with a shield spell, and open fisted her in the chest.

He felt bones crack, but before she flew backwards she grabbed his arm and high kicked him.

He flew into one of the pillars, it cracked but didn't break.


"Are you the lord of this..."

He had to stop his line of questioning because she had formed a blood spear, and threw it at him.

And the pillar that didn't even break when he hit it, got smashed, and an unlucky monster behind hit got impaled.

She charged him again, but this time instead of trying to push her away he pulled her, and slugged her in the face.

Blocked her incoming kick with one of his own, and punched her fifteen more times in the head in rapid succession.

She then hit his kneecap, kidney punched him, and then gave him a rap on the temple.

He elbowed her in the diaphragm, then uppercutted her.

She swung at him, he blocked it, and she head butted him.

While he fell back distracted she formed a blade and swiped at his dick, which he blocked wholeheartedly, and she used that opening to kick him on the side of the head.

He used the momentum of that kick to spin around her, grab her braid, knee her in the spin, and chop her in her exposed throat.

When he about to stomp on her, she smashed the ground making rubble, and threw it at his face.

When he recoiled, she kicked his legs out from under him.

He hit the ground, and she summoned a blade to impale him.

Her arm was caught however, and he punched her in the cooter.

He then flipped on top of her, and was about to rip out her mana-heart.

He'd wouldn't destroy it, he just had to prevent her from reconstituting.



The huge doors to the main building got forced open by thick blood tentacles.

One of the tentacles had formed a mouth to speak.

"You seek an audience, then come. Let him pass."

The tentacles retreated back indoors.

Darisyn got up and followed them in while the female vampire stared daggers at his back.

The interior design of the place was impeccable.

The tapestries were well done, the walls were painted a warm maroon color, while the rug was a dusty rose, the furniture was elegantly carved from aldus wood, and I could go on and on about the level of master design in this one room, but no one has time for that.

"So, you made it to me, you should be proud of yourself. Few have that privilege."

A tall man with pale skin, deep crimson eyes, long black hair, and a full beard sat on a very comfortable looking couch, with down stuffed pillows.

Think lazyboy to the power of ten.


"I am here to..."

The vampire lord cut him off before he could finish.

"To fight me, I know. It's the same with all the others who came here."

He stood up,... and started walking away.

"Follow me."

Darisyn started after him.

"Are we not going to just fight here?"

He looked at him like he just killed his dog.

"Are you fucking crazy?! I'm a fucking monster, do you have any idea how hard it is to get this shit?!"

He motioned around the hall.

"This is why most monster lords hate your kind! Who would want to fight were they spend most of their day? No one! Almost all of us have a special room set aside for fighting, if any of you had the damn courtesy to ask!"

That does make sense. It would be like someone deciding to fight you in your living room.

"My apologies, lead the way."

He nodded, and led Darisyn to the right to an impossibly large room.

The walls were rounded making it look like a dome.

It had thick pillars, and obtrusions coming out of the walls and floor for defensive purposes.

Not to mention the cornucopia of differing types of weapons on wooden displays.

"Please, choose your weapon of choice."

The lord said, while pointing to the weapons.

"No need."

"Are you sure? It won't matter anyway, but you should at least put up a token fight. I can assure you that they're not tampered with, they're fully functional weapons."

"I have no doubt about that, but I'm more of a mage and hand to hand combatant."

The lord nodded, and got into his stance.

"You know, I never got your name."

Darisyn matter-of-factly stated.

"What good will a name do for a dead man?"

The lord just as matter-of-factly replied.

He let mana flow off of his body in waves, causing the very room to creak and groan.

The pure amount of raw power would drive lesser beings to their knees.

"Okay, I can see your point."

Darisyn also released his mana. Which not only counteracted the vampire's mana, but started pushing it backwards.

Cracks started to appear on the rooms surfaces.

"I'll just take it, after I beat you."

"Hahahahaha! I don't know whether you're stupid, or stupidly brave. But,"

Blood spewed out of his body, and coalesced onto him. Forming a formidable armor.

"It sure as fuck will be entertaining."