"Take a break and eat," Justin instructed, jolting Emily out of the Cookie Zone. She had been on a roll and hadn't even noticed the time passing.
He handed her the cup of soup and package of spring rolls before opening his own container of Pad Thai and digging in. Justin hadn't been kidding; he did eat a lot of take out.
She wasn't paying attention to what was being said but it seemed like he actually knew the delivery guy. They must see each other a lot.
"How much take out do you eat?" she asked curiously before taking a sip of her soup.
He shrugged. "I even burn toast so it's take out or freezer meals."
"Doesn't that get expensive?"
"Have you been in the freezer section lately? A lot of them are only a dollar each. No need to worry about me."
That didΒ not seem healthy. At least some of the takeout she had seen him get included vegetables.